Guaranteed parcel delivery process Guaranteedparceldeliveryprocess Deliverymanagementsystem Delivery management system Order placed Verify payment Payment successful? Payment unsuccessful Store completed order Order database Choose driver Load delivery details Delivery details Driver database Driver Driver Driver accepts delivery? Pick up parcel Drive to recipient Call recipient Is someone at the address? Parcel delivered Return to depot Parcel returned Customer Bank Parcel recipient Radek Václavek, 456268 Delivery management system receives a new delivery order from a customer of the parcel delivery company. The delivery management system verifies the payment for the delivery order and if successful, the completed order is stored in the system and a driver is chosen for the new pending parcel delivery. If it is unsuccessful, the process ends and the customer is notified. The driver must either accept or decline the delivery order. If he/she accepts, the driver has to pick up the parcel at his/her assigned depot. At the same time, the delivery management system also loads the delivery details into the driver’s portable computing device and notifies the recipient of upcoming delivery. If the driver declines, the system notifies a different driver in the area. The driver must drive to the delivery address. He/she then must call the recipient to confirm whether someone is there to pick up the parcel. If yes, the driver delivers the parcel. If not, the driver brings the parcel back to the depot and the recipient is notified that the parcel will be delivered later. Yes Deliveryorder Verificationrequest Verificationresponse No Yes Recipient'sresponse Informationrequest No Yes No Parcel Paymentunsuccessfulnotification Parcelreturnednotification Deliverynotification -1 here is missing user task where driver accepts/declines Total result: 7 out of 8