Unsaved diagram Rentbikewithoutreservation Customer Customer Scan QR code on bike Unlock bike Confirm bike unlock 10 minutes Mobileapplication Mobile application Verification bike availability Book the bike for the user Bike is reserved by another user Reservations logs Insert payment 5 minutes Issue sent Payment transaction failed Payment transaction verified? Show password for bike unlock Resolve issue 20 minutes Cancel a bike reservation Log If the bike is available or not The type of payment must be chosen, whether you pay by card or system credits Check credits not enough credits on customer account Payment with credits fail Payment Reservation system Payment system This diagram is an extension of the diagram from the previous task. The user wants to rent a shared bike from RentBikesBrno company that he met on the street at the moment. Every bike from this company has a unique QR code. The user scans the bike's QR code and sends it to the mobile application. The application verified if the bike is free because you have the choice to create a reservation from your home 30 minutes before the rent. If the bike is not free, customer have to find another bike and do this process again. If the bike is free, the application book the bike for the user. Then customer have to pay for rent. Customer can choose between payment by card or with system credits. If the payment transaction is not approved process will end or there is some time events in diagram. Same with credits payment. If the payment transaction is approved application shows the password for the bike lock. Every bike has a lock on a numeric password and customer have to unlock the bike before riding. Finally, customer unlocks the bike, confirm bike unlock and process is done. Customer rent the bike. Verification request Verification response Send reservation request Verification request Verification response No No Yes Yes Credits Card -1 Missing task types -0.5 messaging should be modelled in detail in L2 Not following naming conventions -0.5 Name the main outcome -1 Missing end of the process Result: 9 out of 12