Taxi Ridetaxi Taxidriver Taxi driver Drive to customer location Drive customer to destination Request payment Confirm payment Acknowledge cancellation Booking cancelled Inform about delay Customer informed Inform about problem Ride completed Flat tire... Ride ended needs car service Fix car <15 min (fix time) Acknowledge end of ride Cash payment can fix it in <15 min? Late pickup Car problem Cancellation received Orderingsystem Ordering system Taxi order received Is taxi available? Check availability Confirm booking Taxi not available Verify card transaction Bill archive Generate billTransaction verified? Card payment Customer Bank Ján Zauška 469043 Proces zachytáva objednanie taxíku pomocou systému (napr aplikácie). Po objednávke taxikár v pripade, že je dostupný, zákazníka vyzdvihne a zavezie na požadované miesto. Na konci má zákazník možnosť zaplatiť kartou alebo hotovosťou. Je ošetrené stornovanie objednávky a porucha auta. Yes Booking info Verification request Verification response Taxi order No Yes Yes No Bill No -1 Late pickup will cancel the whole process. -1 Where does these messages go? What about naming conventions? This should be modelled in detail in L2 Result: 10 out of 12