Homework2:BPMN2.0Level2 UČO:527383 Menoapriezvisko:TomášBudáč -1 Missed requirement. Not enough gateways -0.5 wrong task type This should be rather modelled as error handling. Result: 10.5 out of 12 Custom user registration Service customers can make registration to the system. Every registration request logs email address. All mandatory registration fi elds have to be fi lled correctly and the customer can revisefi elds. Email address have to be checked for duplicity. If email is already used, the registration is cancelled. If email is unique, the system saves a new user in digital or physical form. When a new user is created, customer support have to print and archive users pro fi le form. If archiving fi le exceeds 15 mins, then the manager is informed. When a user is saved, the system sends a con fi rmation email to customer.