Assignment 1 – Activity-Based Costing You have a small SW company with X employees with the following roles: • CEO/founder – 2000 czk/hour • Project manager – 1200 czk/hour • Salesperson – 500 czk/hour + 1% from the value of a closed contract • 2 team leaders – 1000 czk/hour • 8 coders – 800 czk/hour • 4 testers – 800 czk/hour You want to know how much each phase of an SW project does cost you. The cost structure of your SW company is as follows: • Office rent = 50k czk/month (including heating, electricity, etc.) • Licence for IDE = 5k czk/month • Licence for PM tools = 2k czk/month • HW costs = 20k czk/year per coder; 10 czk/year per other employees The average duration of tasks that your employees perform: • Salesperson o Contract closing = 60 hours o Customer communication during the project = 4 hours per week • Project manager o Project planning = 30 hours per project o Project management = 6 hours per project per week o General communication = 5 hours per week o Deployment of SW = 40 hours • Team leader o 30 hours of design and analysis per project o 10 hours of leader responsibilities per week o Generates 100 LOC per hour o Deployment of SW = 40 hours • Coder o Generates 80 LOC per hour • Tester o Tests 120 LOC per hour Your Salesperson secured a 3M project, that consists of 10k LOC, and your task is to say, how much each of the costs of the following phase: • Sales phase • Analysis and design • Development • Testing (every 50th LOC needs to be refactored after testing and tested again) • Deployment Assignment 2 - simulation This exercise is adapted from Dumas, M., Rosa, M.L., Mendling, J., Reijers, H., 2018. Fundamentals of Business Process Management, 2nd ed. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 283-285. The purpose is for you to experience how it is to focus on the business side of the process and try to make changes in it based on economic aspects. Your goal will be: 1. to create two simulation scenarios (week as usual; week with disaster); print screens are below as is description; a. You need to download the .bpmn file and import it into Signavio 2. to determine the average cycle time of the process for both variants for a week (week as usual; week with disaster); 3. to determine the average costs of the process for both variants for a week (week as usual; week with disaster); 4. to identify what could be done with the process when following changes in KPIs: a. Decrease the percentage of closed (paid) claims per week by 10%. b. Decrease the average cost of the process per week by 10%. c. Decrease the average cycle time of the process per week by 10%. d. Increase customer satisfaction with call center per week by 5%. e. Increase customer retention with the insurance company by 5%.