PV219, spring 2022
Bit of History
• HTML 3.0 was developed in 1995
• HTML 3.2 was completed by 1997
• HTML 4 was developed in the year 1998
• Ian "Hixie" Hickson – March 2004 (Netscape)
• HTML5 was first started by Mozilla, Apple, and Opera
under a group called the WHATWG (Web Hypertext
Application Technology Working Group). In 2006 W3C
showed an interest in HTML5 and in 2007 they created a
working group to work in HTML5 project.
• Still under development / evolving instead of reinventing
Defining what HTML5 is
• Most recent iteration of HTML
• New semantic and functional
• HTML5 combined with other technologies
like CSS3 and JavaScript/APIs create the
modern web stack
• Not that strict as HTML4 (no always lowercase tags,
closing elements, empty attributes, double quotes)
• Detailed rules for parsing, no more tag soup
Comparing HTML5 to HTML 4.01
• Added over 25 new elements
• Several other elements have been undepreciated
from HTML 4.01
• Over 38 new global attributes
• One can now define its own attributes, and
still have valid markup ...syntactically.
What’s missing
• Frames
• acronym, basefont, big, center, font, s,
strike, tt, u
• language attribute on script
• Loads of presentational attributes:
cellpadding, cellspacing, clear, size, …
Do you know some
new HTML5 elements?
HTML5 Strict 1
New semantic, behavior, and application
section, nav, article, aside, hgroup, header,
footer, address, figure, figcaption, time,
code, var, samp, kbd, output, progress,
meter, details, summary, command, menu,
HTML5 Strict 2
• video tag, API, and events
• audio tag, API, and events
• New form input types: telephone, search, url,
email, date, time, month, week, number, range,
• New form abilities: multiple file upload;
placeholder text; directing focus on initial page
load; constraint validation by input type and
HTML5 Strict 3
• New link rel types: alternate, archives,
author, bookmark, external, help, icon,
license, nofollow, noreferrer, pingback,
prefetch, search, sidebar, tag, index, up,
first, last, next, prev
• UndoManager for consistent undos
Semantic/Structural Elements - 1
Defines an article