CSS: Introduction PV219, spring 2022 Agenda 1. What is CSS? 2. CSS Syntax 3. Location of Styles 4. Selectors 5. The Cascade: How Styles Interact 6. The Box Model 7. CSS Selectors Level 3/4 – teaser 8. CSS Text Styling 7 What is CSS? What is CSS? CSS is a W3C standard for describing the presentation (or appearance) of HTML elements. With CSS, we can assign • font properties, • colors, • sizes, • borders, • background images, • even the position of elements. What is CSS? CSS is a language in that it has its own syntax rules. CSS can be added directly to any HTML element (via the style attribute), within the element, or, most commonly, in a separate text file that contains only CSS. Benefits of CSS • The degree of formatting control in CSS is significantly better than that provided in HTML. • Web sites become significantly more maintainable because all formatting can be centralized into one, or a small handful, of CSS files. • CSS-driven sites are more accessible. • A site built using a centralized set of CSS files for all presentation will also be quicker to download because each individual HTML file will contain less markup. • CSS can be used to adopt a page for different output mediums. Why using CSS is a better way of describing presentation than HTML CSS Versions • W3C published the CSS Level 1 Recommendation in 1996. • A year later, the CSS Level 2 Recommendation (also more succinctly labeled simply as CSS2) was published. • Even though work began over a decade ago, an updated version of the Level 2 Recommendation, CSS2.1, did not become an official W3C Recommendation until June 2011. • And to complicate matters even more, all through the last decade (and to the present day as well), during the same time the CSS2.1 standard was being worked on, a different group at the W3C was working on a CSS3 draft. Let’s just say there’s more than 1 Browser Adoption While Microsoft’s Internet Explorer was an early champion of CSS, its later versions (especially IE5, IE6, and IE7) for Windows had uneven support for certain parts of CSS2. In fact, all browsers have left certain parts of the CSS2 Recommendation unimplemented. CSS has a reputation for being a somewhat frustrating language. • this reputation is well deserved! CSS Syntax CSS Syntax A CSS document consists of one or more style rules. A rule consists of a selector that identifies the HTML element or elements that will be affected, followed by a series of property and value pairs (each pair is also called a declaration). Rules, properties, values, declarations selector { property: value; property2: value2; } declaration block declaration em { color: red; } p { margin: 5px 0 10px 0; font-weight: bold; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } property value selector rule syntax examples selector { property: value; property2: value2; } declaration block declaration em { color: red; } p { margin: 5px 0 10px 0; font-weight: bold; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } property value selector rule syntax examples Declaration Blocks The series of declarations is also called the declaration block. • A declaration block can be together on a single line, or spread across multiple lines. • The browser ignores white space • Each declaration is terminated with a semicolon. Selectors Every CSS rule begins with a selector. The selector identifies which element or elements in the HTML document will be affected by the declarations in the rule. Which elements selector { property: value; property2: value2; } declaration block declaration em { color: red; } p { margin: 5px 0 10px 0; font-weight: bold; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } property value selector rule syntax examples Another way of thinking of selectors is that they are a pattern which is used by the browser to select the HTML elements that will receive the style. Properties Each individual CSS declaration must contain a property. These property names are predefined by the CSS standard. The CSS2.1 Recommendation defines over a hundred different property names. Which style properties of the selected elements selector { property: value; property2: value2; } declaration block declaration em { color: red; } p { margin: 5px 0 10px 0; font-weight: bold; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } property value selector rule syntax examples Properties Property Type Property Fonts font font-family font-size font-style font-weight @font-face Text letter-spacing line-height text-align text-decoration text-indent Color and background background background-color background-image background-position background-repeat color Borders border border-color border-width border-style border-top border-top-color border-top-width etc Common CSS properties Properties Property Type Property Spacing padding padding-bottom, padding-left, padding-right, padding-top margin margin-bottom, margin-left, margin-right, margin-top Sizing height max-height max-width min-height min-width width Layout bottom, left, right, top clear display float overflow position visibility z-index Lists list-style list-style-image list-style-type Common CSS properties continued. Values Each CSS declaration also contains a value for a property. • The unit of any given value is dependent upon the property. • Some property values are from a predefined list of keywords. • Others are values such as length measurements, percentages, numbers without units, color values, and URLs. What style value for the properties Color Values CSS supports a variety of different ways of describing color Method Description Example Name Use one of 17 standard color names. CSS3 has 140 standard names. color: red; color: hotpink; /* CSS3 only */ RGB Uses three different numbers between 0 and 255 to describe the Red, Green, and Blue values for the color. color: rgb(255,0,0); color: rgb(255,105,180); Hexadecimal Uses a six-digit hexadecimal number to describe the red, green, and blue value of the color; each of the three RGB values is between 0 and FF (which is 255 in decimal). Notice that the hexadecimal number is preceded by a hash or pound symbol (#). color: #FF0000; color: #FF69B4; RGBa Allows you to add an alpha, or transparency, value. This allows a background color or image to “show through” the color. Transparency is a value between 0.0 (fully transparent) and 1.0 (fully opaque). color: rgb(255,0,0, 0.5); HSL Allows you to specify a color using Hue Saturation and Light values. This is available only in CSS3. HSLA is also available as well. color: hsl(0,100%,100%); color: hsl(330,59%,100%); Units of Measurement Some of these are relative units, in that they are based on the value of something else, such as the size of a parent element. Others are absolute units, in that they have a realworld size. Unless you are defining a style sheet for printing, it is recommended to avoid using absolute units. Pixels are perhaps the one popular exception (though as we shall see later there are also good reasons for avoiding the pixel unit). There are multiple ways of specifying a unit of measurement in CSS Relative Units Unit Description Type px Pixel. In CSS2 this is a relative measure, while in CSS3 it is absolute (1/96 of an inch). Relative (CSS2) Absolute (CSS3) em Equal to the computed value of the font-size property of the element on which it is used. When used for font sizes, the em unit is in relation to the font size of the parent. Relative % A measure that is always relative to another value. The precise meaning of % varies depending upon which property it is being used. Relative ex A rarely used relative measure that expresses size in relation to the x-height of an element’s font. Relative ch Another rarely used relative measure; this one expresses size in relation to the width of the zero ("0") character of an element’s font. Relative (CSS3 only) rem Stands for root em, which is the font size of the root element. Unlike em, which may be different for each element, the rem is constant throughout the document. Relative (CSS3 only) vw, vh Stands for viewport width and viewport height. Both are percentage values (between 0 and 100) of the viewport (browser window). This allows an item to change size when the viewport is resized. Relative (CSS3 only) Absolute Units Unit Description Type in Inches Absolute cm Centimeters Absolute mm Millimeters Absolute pt Points (equal to 1/72 of an inch) Absolute pc Pica (equal to 1/6 of an inch) Absolute Comments in CSS It is often helpful to add comments to your style sheets. Comments take the form: /* comment goes here */ Location of Styles Actually there are three … Author-created style sheets (what we are learning in this presentation). User style sheets allow the individual user to tell the browser to display pages using that individual’s own custom style sheet. This option is available in a browser usually in its accessibility options area. The browser style sheet defines the default styles the browser uses for each HTML element. Different types of style sheet Style Locations CSS style rules can be located in three different locations. • Inline • Embedded • External You can combine all 3. Author Created CSS style rules can be located in three different locations Inline Styles An inline style only affects the element it is defined within and will override any other style definitions for the properties used in the inline style. Using inline styles is generally discouraged since they increase bandwidth and decrease maintainability. Inline styles can however be handy for quickly testing out a style change. Style rules placed within an HTML element via the style attribute While better than inline styles, using embedded styles is also by and large discouraged. Since each HTML document has its own


By Ricardo on

Easy on the HDR buddy.

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I love Central Park.

.first { font-style: italic; color: brown; } Class Selectors • You can also specify that only specific HTML elements should be affected by a class. In the example below, only

elements with class="center" will be center-aligned: • HTML elements can also refer to more than one class. In the example below, the

element will be styled according to class="center" and to class="large": p.center {text-align: center;}

This paragraph refers to two classes.

Id Selectors An id selector allows you to target a specific element by its id attribute regardless of its type or position. If an HTML element has been labeled with an id attribute, then you can target it for styling by using an id selector, which takes the form: pound/hash (#) followed by the id name. Note: You should only be using an id once per page. Target a specific element by its id attribute Id Selectors Share Your Travels -- New York - Central Park


By Ricardo on

Easy on the HDR buddy.

By Susan on

I love Central Park.

#latestComment { font-style: italic; color: brown; } Id versus Class Selectors Id selectors should only be used when referencing a single HTML element since an id attribute can only be assigned to a single HTML element. Class selectors should be used when (potentially) referencing several related elements. How to decide Attribute Selectors An attribute selector provides a way to select HTML elements by either the presence of an element attribute or by the value of an attribute. This can be a very powerful technique, but because of uneven historical support by some of the browsers, not all web authors have used them. All modern browsers have full support. Attribute selectors can be a very helpful technique in the styling of hyperlinks and images. Selecting via presence of element attribute or by the value of an attribute Attribute Selectors Share Your Travels


Canada is a North American country consisting of …

[title] { cursor: help; padding-bottom: 3px; border-bottom: 2px dotted blue; text-decoration: none; } Pseudo Selectors A pseudo-element selector is a way to select something that does not exist explicitly as an element in the HTML document tree but which is still a recognizable selectable object. A pseudo-class selector does apply to an HTML element, but targets either a particular state or, in CSS3, a variety of family relationships. The most common use of this type of selectors is for targeting link states. Select something that does not exist explicitly as an element Pseudo Selectors Contextual Selectors A contextual selector (in CSS3 also called combinators) allows you to select elements based on their ancestors, descendants, or siblings. That is, it selects elements based on their context or their relation to other elements in the document tree. Select elements based on their ancestors, descendants, or siblings Contextual Selectors Selector Matches Example Descendant A specified element that is contained somewhere within another specified element div p Selects a

element that is contained somewhere within a

element. That is, the

can be any descendant, not just a child. Child A specified element that is a direct child of the specified element div > h2 Selects an

element that is a child of a
element. Adjacent Sibling A specified element that is the next sibling (i.e., comes directly after) of the specified element. h3+p Selects the first

after any

. General Sibling A specified element that shares the same parent as the specified element. h3 ~ p Selects all the

elements that share the same parent as the

. Descendant Selector While some of these contextual selectors are used relatively infrequently, almost all web authors find themselves using descendant selectors. A descendant selector matches all elements that are contained within another element. The character used to indicate descendant selection is the space character. Selects all elements that are contained within another element div p { … } context selected element Selects a

element somewhere within a

element #main div p:first-child { … } Selects the first

element somewhere within a

element that is somewhere within an element with an id="main" Contextual Selectors in Action
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Easy on the HDR buddy.

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I love Central Park.

#main time { color: red; } ul a:link { color: blue; } #main div p:first-child { color: green; } #main>time { color: purple; } The Cascade: How Styles Interact Why Conflict Happens Because • there are three different types of style sheets (authorcreated, user-defined, and the default browser style sheet), • author-created stylesheets can define multiple rules for the same HTML element, CSS has a system to help the browser determine how to display elements when different style rules conflict. In CSS that is Cascade The “Cascade” in CSS refers to how conflicting rules are handled. The visual metaphor behind the term cascade is that of a mountain stream progressing downstream over rocks. The downward movement of water down a cascade is meant to be analogous to how a given style rule will continue to take precedence with child elements. How conflicting rules are handled in CSS Cascade Principles CSS uses the following cascade principles to help it deal with conflicts: • inheritance, • specificity, • location. Inheritance Many (but not all) CSS properties affect not only themselves but their descendants as well. Font, color, list, and text properties are inheritable. Layout, sizing, border, background and spacing properties are not. Cascade Principle #1 Inheritance