LAB OF SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURES AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS FACULTY OF INFORMATICS MASARYK UNIVERSITY, BRNO Filip Svoboda, LASARIS SEMINARTOPICS AGILE–INTHEORY,ININDUSTRY,INACADEMIA Presentationagenda 1. Agile introduction 2. Agile in the industry 3. Research context definition 4. Problems 5. Case study in LabSeS 6. Aims of future research Agile – in theory, in industry, in academia, Mgr. Filip Svoboda, 24.04.2021 Agileintroduction ̶ A work organization paradigm ̶ Originated with „Manifesto forAgile Software Development“, 2001 ̶ Redefines many focal aspects of previous approaches ̶ People, value, customer, change Agile – in theory, in industry, in academia, Mgr. Filip Svoboda, 24.04.2021 • People Agileintroduction ̶ Foster collaboration, not processes ̶ Create environment, where spontaneous communication can thrive ̶ Unlock intrinsic potential of knowledge workers ̶ Motivate by autonomy, mastery, and purpose (Daniel Pink) ̶ Not by simple positive and negative stimuli, e.g. by money (Taylorist approach) Agile – in theory, in industry, in academia, Mgr. Filip Svoboda, 24.04.2021 • Change Agileintroduction ̶ Cynefin framework = problem classification pattern, based on Dave Snowden (1999) ̶ Simple = cause and effect is clear ̶ Best practice realm – e.g. BPM process ̶ Complicated = cause and effect requires analysis ̶ Good practice realm – e.g. Waterfall ̶ Complex = cause and effect visible only in retrospect ̶ Agile realm – e.g. experimentation ̶ Chaotic = cause and effect completely unpredictable ̶ Chaos realm – e.g. COVID-19 emergency Agile – in theory, in industry, in academia, Mgr. Filip Svoboda, 24.04.2021 • Paradigms and frameworks Agilein theindustry ̶ Agile = a paradigm ̶ Contains principles and practices ̶ Framework = minimal set of prescriptions ̶ Methodology = maximal set of prescriptions Agile – in theory, in industry, in academia, Mgr. Filip Svoboda, 24.04.2021 AGILE Scrum Kanban Lean Extreme Programming SAFe … • Academia Researchcontextdefinition ̶ Agile in the industry is well-known and well-tested ̶ Many new context are being explored (such as general IT, marketing, HR, sales, public management, ...) ̶ Research and academic environments are not exception ̶ Many laboratories and research groups are managed ad-hoc; research is by definition unpredictable (and thus change-based) Agile – in theory, in industry, in academia, Mgr. Filip Svoboda, 24.04.2021 • Academia Problems ̶ Ad-hoc management ̶ High stress on central figures ̶ Lack of transparency in processes, people, work products, status, ... ̶ Low teamwork and inadequate synergy finding ̶ Managing academic culture, management by KPIs, compliance ̶ Scaling Agile – in theory, in industry, in academia, Mgr. Filip Svoboda, 24.04.2021 ̶ Criteria: simplicity, motivating, decrease stress on faculty ̶ Biweekly Sync ̶ Lab news, Scrum, smaller-group discussions ̶ Technical discussions on-demand ̶ Semestral Retrospective, SemestralThesis Presentation ̶ Scrum Master role Agile – in theory, in industry, in academia, Mgr. Filip Svoboda, 24.04.2021 Casestudy–LabSeS • Achieved results Casestudy ̶ Differences between May 2020 (n=5, 70 %) and April 2021 (n=7-8, 80 %) ̶ Better median achieved in 12 out of 13 measured questions ̶ Statistically significantly better distribution in 7 out of 13 measured questions ̶ Quality of interactions with supervisor and his availability ̶ Subjective evaluation of thesis quality, productivity, motivation, and overall feeling of writing ̶ Statistically significantly more inclination to write papers about Smart Cities and to represent the laboratory Agile – in theory, in industry, in academia, Mgr. Filip Svoboda, 24.04.2021 • In the laboratory and specific process Aimsoffutureresearch ̶ Pulling customers (municipalities) into the process ̶ Uncovering synergies among laboratory members ̶ Implementing the process in another laboratory for control Agile – in theory, in industry, in academia, Mgr. Filip Svoboda, 24.04.2021 • Overall Aimsoffutureresearch ̶ Systematic literature review ̶ Focus on element enumeration ̶ Focus on framework classification ̶ Correlation studies ̶ Standardization ̶ General (parametrized / decision-tree) process design ̶ Empirical verification Agile – in theory, in industry, in academia, Mgr. Filip Svoboda, 24.04.2021 Agile – in theory, in industry, in academia, Mgr. Filip Svoboda, 24.04.2021