Application Development on Mobile Platforms symbian ciroqoo^k os 0 BlackBerry Jaroslav Skrabalek © Windows phone palm About me 1998, 2004 3 commercial mob le division* 1st academic mobile lab in Czech Editor (post) •, Mobility, • Computer Project Manager & Ovtsion leader responsible for mobile development (past) • JavaME. iOS • Sazka, Tipos • »CRM. Ptay cz Mob«4e development drvtsion as a key part of sever a* companies • Entrepreneur Modern Mobile Platforms Group leaderStaSArlS • Mobera conference chief organizer • Project manager (EU projects) • Ministry of Education/ Interior consultant • lecturer (PV20& VAMP. XV004....) • Ai projects. Face Recognition Masarykova univerzita se zaměří na smartphony cj Chcete studovat smartphony a vývoj mobilních aplikaci na vysoké škole? Brnenská Why? ■ Bil mobile phone users in 2014 • Earth population seven billion people high speed data coverage More mobile connection than desktop connection to Internet in 2011 international Telecommunication Union SMARTPHONE USERS: UP 800M Tune PornHub case study Why? Change of computers' usage • Everywhere • Everyone • Simply Why? Old way New way Why? , Mmwi weysors, so % oycohabz'v.ticrt era ccrnrntmications.aoioliccfitons cteignzc! Si? <°Cs m'l-befooc&ed after use*:htbedeiiGe leszohs f,vr:i ^marioh'enecollbhofatiyn apfflcatfaiig" Gartner, also PWC, 2010 .íw-arage. s icne spěni par way vjíwi i u a m/nuŕes 2?p 132 -1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1— 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 TV ■ Mobile devices Gartner Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies, 2019 3S f a V Tim« gart r»«n/Snva rler WrthGartncr Ihm c«t Gartner BtocKp* H Edge Analytic* Autonomous Orrvmg Level 5 Low Earth Obit Satellite System* Edge AJ^J* Explainable AJ,^ PfcracmhcejrJon Knowledge 0» aphs *__ Synthetic Data 1 Light Cargo Delivery Drone* Transfer Leer rang Hying Autonomous Veh#c*es Augmented InteUgenee Nenotcale 3D Printing I I Qajiaj alive Adversarial . \ Enxrtion Al Decentralized Autonomous Organisation DigitalOpa Adaptive ML Decentrakred Web ar Cloud Biotech • Cultured Q or Artificial Tissue > O Graph Analytic* hfcxt Generation Memory 30 Seneing Cemerea Autonomous Driving Level 4 Immeraive Workspaces Peak of Innovation Inflated Trough of Slope of Plateau of Trigger Expectations Disillusionment Enlightenment Productivity Time 7 vaaii as. ? an Swear* 5 to to waar* C\ more then >o veers al nharaaia halnra raataaii itAtinnMi Figure 1. Gartner's Hype Cycle expectations On the Rise Why At the Sliding into Peak the Trough Climbing the Slope Entering the Plateau MjQfi gfOfflh »dopfron I^Mtitarti 20lo30 per ox* of tw potential muAmncm kt$ a Juptod th« «nnovaton TN*J-g««««i*OJ* products time Why? NFC • Mobile payments instead of cards • Localization (profiles, alarm, night mode, automode) Augmented reality • navigation • health • handicapped Sources of energy • New technologies (fuel cells) • Alternative energy sources (solar energy) • "eternal" endurance Why? • 3D Displays • 3D cameras • 3D multitouch Materials • Liquid metals • biochips • parallelism - the X-core CPUs and frequency of gigahertz • miniaturization History ...larr is.ssuenuof R.I.P. • EPOC • Windows Mobile <6.5 • Palm OS • Symbian • BB10 • Meego • WebOS Milestones EPOC -> Symbian • Nokia 7650 (2002) Touch(2007) • Apple iPhone • Simplicity (!) AppStore (2008) Siri (2011) Watch (2014-2015) Approaches Full IBM/PC in your pocket vs. Simple mobile oriented solution • Pocfcet Pocket MS* PockctM» ■»tttifVi 3 4. RAM - 4 • * Sfcortcvt TMkt TMS Total Unlnttflrr Commander L. ÔConrMgr * ^ * Ô My DOQťWtS O TMS_ hi «o*> nmit »/Ol/ <0*> :: W <0K> 11/01/1 <0Ä> <0it> 02/01/t <0*> 22/01/1 <0*> 00/31' nz J >>>>> » li/oi/i ^ <0»> lire: I <0»> 22 21/01/( «0*> 01/01/! <00t> 11/01/1 <0Ä> 00/31/ H3 3 ■ fie Ad tu»t/Sod T*b» un^frctMM Tre« vi Hide M rtaiftOM • »«■ •nH 12/01/1 11/01/« 22/01/1 11/02/1 :: c: ( 01-jl < ■ • - • 08-31- fc 2:22 pm Quick Tour Calc Calendar 0 42 Contacts Card Info CMDBar Dialer Documents Expense Approaches Connectivity, Media, Content Rich yet Simple Functionality • Hundreds of functions vs. tens but well-controllable Touch Why? 3;:.5cnsss is.-chore — ir; to $2Uü!c^ reyshue in zO:d>J Apple AppStore (7/2019) • 2,2M+ apps • Revenue $50 000+ not unusual • 75 % revenue Google Android Market (12/2019) • 2,9M+ apps, -3500-4000 apps/day • Revenue ~ poor, insecure 2S&2 2017 2018' 2022' Data visualized by .;>. f obitou it.Ma 20191» TCCH 4 CHART OF THE DAY Apple users more willing to pay for apps Year-on-year growth in time spent per mobile app cat and Ut.litrt* and pfoduciivfty l.VrtjII J\fMi;f yfOWrl* ^4X box m 20K 200 Km Why? 3;:.5cftsss is.-chore — ir; to $2Uü!c^ reyshue in zO:d>J Apple AppStore (7/2019) • 2,2M+ apps • Revenue $50 000+ not unusual • 75 % revenue Google Android Market (12/2019) • 2,9M+ apps, -3500-4000 apps/day • Revenue ~ poor, insecure APP DOWNLOADS: 180B 350B 300B 250B 200B 150B 100B 50B 0 er o O kCT4 2015 BIG BRIC: DOUBLED IN 2015 BRAZIL INDIA RUSSIAN FEDERATION ; CHINA India: leading in m-commerce Brazil France India Japan Poland USA I 8 12 16 20 24 Aíbň'thÍy'.ÁvGraco Number olAi?4?.B-Used ond:řrjsťaLc ? bona User's 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 <>C KX> 110 ONE TIME-USE PERCENTAGE OF APPS ONLY USED ONCE (BY APP CATEGORY) of all mobile apps downloaded once are never used again 2&t Sports Games 2W Photography 1^6 Social Networking POPULAR APP CATEGORIES 4 • ^ - 0 o 12 UTILITIES BOOKS GAMES EDUCATION BUSINESS o TRAVEL i LIFESTYLE ENTERTAINMENT J? © MUSIC SPORTS THE APPSTORE IS STUFFED iPhone Apps for Workout Android Apps for Workout THE CONSEQUENCE: ONLY A FEW DEVELOPERS EARN WELL While Clash of Clans makes $i,221.oris/dav; T i I iVl I ii i i I I I l I i THE AVERAGE APP MAKES: 52,222 /developer $6,000 /developer $21,276 /developer 21% of Millenniais open an app 50+ times per day. 49% of people open an app 11+ times each day. 57% of all digital media usage comes from mobile apps. The average smartphone owner uses 30 apps each month. App Users Spend 77% of Their Time on Their Top 3 Apps Percentage of individuals' app usage spent on each user's personal top 10 apps NATIVE MOBILE APPS ARE ABANDONED AFTER FIRST TIME USE AVG. DAILY ACTIVE USER LOSS IN 1ST 3 DAYS OF INSTALL ■ Average Retention IJ Average Churn m 0\ —1 66% 43% 34% 29% Month *1 Month *2 Month ♦ Cost Per Loyal User Index ■ ,os & s a & äs a a a a a a & ä User first Any idea, but-Problem ► Solution Three kinds • Must-to-have • Nice-to-have • ehm, next one Feasible Ill Ensure your idea i. Is unique 2. Solves a problem or provides entertainment Inct irormAntlu ncoH innc 3. lias been ^ evaluated bv an expert for of improvement and technical limitations iSi Jil vim On average, developers make: $11&S rcvcnuc/app $.|.(HMl revenue app in the Google Store in the App|e App S|ore Ways to monetize your app include: in inc Appie App More Ways to monetize your app include i.Char*eaomMimefeeto 4 Include advertising download your app 2. Onetime fee ♦ in-app fflffl 5- Charge subscription fee purchase (i.e. for extra features) 3. Offer a free version • a paid version (\% Inch 1.^ aii.i textures) \ . ( I «limited tune. v-^/ then charge a fee However. 8()% of app developers are not generating enough revenue to support a stand alone business. ,4k . oeial Media This starts early! Why? of all apps have never been downloaded Build Buzz Through: A* V App WebSite La Featured in news stoneN Make a \ideo of how to use the app Kvent Promotion Who you'll need: A developer A de\u :.<•: 1 tt Sign Up For A Developer Account Sign Up For A Developer Account S<>l.> \ SAB !H>2T> XI ii \n; I; i i< >S Developer Google l»la\ ! lopcr Tins is so \xni can establish your business and distribute your product through these app stones. Sketch each screei of your app and the flow from start to finish. Keep in mind: Size and shape of Actions users various eicmcnts cun 1 akr ^rom each screen. Then take this sketch to your design and development team. How each screen will look To avoid having your app rejected from the app store ensure it doesn't do any ot these things: Uses the word "beta' Improperly iim's files .mil tile s\ stems links to outside p.iwnent M Ill'IIU'N Mentions supported platforms Has a long load time Misuses trademarks and lo£os Crashes for users • denies permissions localization 11T« he- lm properly uses icons or buttons Sit back, relax, and watch as people download your app. Then start working on the next. r improved version! Programming languages Java Kotlin Obj-C Swift C++ ■ ■M . ■ { loz (i - o? i < chlocksi i 4 .*> «-j»:í. f7n- Cloud Mobile device is not enough Necessity of backend • Amazon Web Services • Google AppEngine • Microsoft Azure App as a Web Write once, run many times Cross-Platform Mobile Application Development (+) fast, looks like native, all major platforms slow, energy consuming, not native user experience Webview ->.Phcrc;rdp, !itanun;./X^Tic"rin 20 04 2015. 23 01 Android ak dobodal iPhonistu. Muži sa pohádali kvôli telefónom Obyčajná hádka o tPhone u Samsungu sfeončtla príchodom ]x>[\cajnej jed?iotky. fefcárou a nasadzoi-anim pút. II APPLE fOS AN0R0I0 NOT SURE / DON'T HAVE A CELLPHONE Hunch crossed those responses with answers from dozens of other "Teach Hunch About You- questions, totaling 80 million 4 responses. Dtitvtcn 'Mm m USt«S: CORE DEMOGRAPHICS 10% moro likcty to bd me n 17M> more Mealy to live in the vuburbs mora Mfcefy to lhre w "Vvty to prefer saving thrlr money ii 18'^ more Ucty '.o be women 27% more ukery to live m • city Ucty to bo 33+ 37% mora Ukaty to novo a graduate degree 17' Lki'ly to t-epolit.cjl'i Nbcrj! 67% mora kkery to hare an annual household income of $200* of mora C0^> more likely to be Amcicon Eipr«:.5 Cerd'hC^tfef J mote likely to be optimist* 14?» more likely bo extroverts 26% more likely to prefer spending thaw 39% more l acV to soy <*>cy7c h^VmalntenarKO CORE DEMOGRAPHICS 80% mora Wkery to hava only ■ rwgn icnoot otpiome mom Lkcry o r e conservative $ 24 H mora likely to have en annuel household income benw—n S50k and Si 00k 3(7% mora likely to have a graduate t7fra more Lkcly to be politically liberal mora Hkely to have an annual household of S2O0k or mora •' C •. more I -». :y cb bo American Eiprc^* cardholders PERSONALITY LIFE IJmTIUHTl Sr-Shi:, no.'o Uely to bo pessimists IM Mtefy io oo iinivvoiia 29^b mom likely to prefer saving thc«» n.uney it 18% mora Hke*y to novo »guelry mathematical and verhel aptitude 71 re fkety lo say they tend to fortes 71% mora Ukery to have never traveled the«r native country 35'V} ntotv liken; to not ivmember their last v&rai»on 12% mora kkery to hava Slightly mora Ukely to be opum«-sts W.t more likely to bo oatroverts 26% mora likaiy to prater spending the* money 39 ^ ii.. • naaaa •... *o^*3 mora anaiy v pi via r spenoeng cnetr money 39% moro tXc?y *° «y th*/r© hi 11 % mora likely to hera 27p a' bulk/club stores 31 % mora KVcty to ba W>!er adopters 57** more likely to prefer an ugly device that's full featured 36*) mora ItXefy to havo Jy-.t one email address 47% more kkeh/ to have hrst used Oflflfl; Hi , 1— »____■ &MA. t U U U bib mněl wwr have taken *>t.e.*»il free flights this year using frequent flyer miles 50% more IlkeV to be e*»?y adopters 122% more likely to prefer a device that does Just a few ttungs 22% more likely to have three or more vřivil addresses 50% more likely to hava hrst used the Internet II UYůi/ It* ■ 12% moff likely to have pet* t1*j nvv/$ Itkefy to shop ot butk/club storo* 19% more Hkaly to have vacationed in the last vii morvm* 55s* mort f-Vcty "o have token sovvf^l fret nights this ye*/ using frequent flyer rrJot 31'?» mo«o t V»»1y to to tut«r adopters 57% mora likely to prafar an ugly device that* tua featured 35'ti more LkeJy to have |uit one tfTiel? iddress _ 47% mora Meaty to hava first used 9(1(1(1 the Intarnat after 2000 33-* more likely to never bi their computer Mora than 100% mora likely to be PC user* in i OF 50"* noro l.Veiy to use Van Sry:* moro Ukvty to bo varty •art 122% mora lately to prefer e sleek does just a few things 22^> more CKely to ha* e three cr more email addresses 50% mora likely to have first used the Internet 1! €7V: more likely to back up the* compter constant*) ** Mora than 100% mora likely to be Mac users 3£% more llkcfy to n vn enrUI domo^n associated with work, school, or their v.'cbsito Sttgrttfy more Mtely to briefly eston to the prtcn ernen re acne a oy a more ltkcly to pas* tho tirro w«jitiivj in a long Ene by testing J3 Slightly mora Meaty to immediately hang up on telemarketers .i i "o mora lifccly *n li»rrKxe likely to 6« PC umu iOvO nxx* lik«V to U50 Yehoot Mi before 1992 $7% more Itkcfy to beck up their computer constants Mor* than 100%. more kkely to be Mac uaer* 3«"-^ moro runy<>) for a rinytone TV SNOWS Lou'd How I Met Your Mother) The Working Dead Planet Earth | Poiťdodia I The Kil CABtf IV NETWORKS Comedy Central ESPN Discovery Channel Bravo BBC HBO mom iiK«fy to neve e song i rather than bMM or tones) tor a in ■ long mm oy S3^t more liko'.y^o ww«r an unknown phone ceil witl>*Hi Ihis b-T T7*-o more tkely to hove to beep-s 'rather than sor.fls) for e rl or TV SHOWS toui* 1 How 1 Met Your Mothmr | Tim Walking Dead. Ptinat Earth I Porthnd i |Tho K:.:n 3 CABLE TV NETWORKS a Comedy Central ESPN Discovery Chennei Brevo BBC HBO HB0 MOVIES ^ X-Men: First Class I The Tree of Ufa 1 Harry Potter and tie loathly Hallows: Part 7. Midnight In Paris | Beginners 1 Anothei Eurth BOOKS The Lord of the longs 19C4I The GunsJanger V. 1 A Visit from tne Goon Sowed Switch MUSIC Rjdiohca *I /one-tie Mono« ] G 1 Tjlk r; 0 At:. \ DV'o and Scb^Uan | VC*J V .J kLj*b Li. £/. skrabalek@fi. muni, cz +420 602 831830