Seminar sylabus of PV260/Java_Lasaris
[Block II] Seminar 3 - Clean Code, SOLID principles
Clean Code
- Dirty/clean examples
- Slides
- Download projects
- sample solutions to exercises will be later uploaded to the repository (packages problems and solution)
Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.
SOLID Tasks Submission
- You should submit a txt file with link to the gitlab repository containing solutions to the tasks
- OCP and LSP tasks are mandatory, DIP task is optional
- For OCP task, you should submit a text description detailing how the original code violates the OCP (i.e. which parts would you have to modify to implement a JSON serializer). Additionally, submit a changed code so that it follows OCP. The code does not need to compile and you do not have to implement the JSON serializer itself.
- For LSP task, submit the text description explaining the violations of the LSP.
- For DIP task, submit the text description detailing how the DIP is violated and submit an updated code that follows the DIP. The code does not need to be compilable.
- You should submit one solution per team
- Deadline: 30.3. 23:59
Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.