LAB OF SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURES AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS FACULTY OF INFORMATICS MASARYK UNIVERSITY, BRNO PV260 - SOFTWARE QUALITY SOFTWARE QUALITY MANAGEMENT PROCESS Bruno Rossi "Essentially, all models are wrong,"Essentially, all models are wrong, but some are useful"but some are useful" George BoxGeorge Box 3-63 ● Kitchenham gave five perspectives of software quality: 1. Transcendental view → can be recognized but difficult to define exactly 2. User view → fitness for purpose 3. Manufacturing view → conformance to specification 4. Product view → from inherent product characteristics 5. Value-based view → depends on customer’s willingness to pay Introduction B. Kitchenham and S. L. Pfleeger, “Software quality: the elusive target,” IEEE Software, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 12–21, Jan. 1996. 4-63 © 2012 Steve Easterbrook creative commons license. Introduction We deal with process quality in this lecture 5-63 Introduction ● Quality is a concept that starts with the development process, goes on with the software product and finally to the user with the results from software usage 6-63 ● “Software quality management (SQM) is the collection of all processes that ensure that software products, services, and life cycle process implementations meet organizational software quality objectives and achieve stakeholder satisfaction” (SWEBOK 3.0) ● SQM defines processes, process owners, requirements for the processes, measurements of the processes and their outputs, and feedback channels throughout the whole software life cycle. What is Software Quality Management (SQM) 7-63 The Impact of Quality 8-63 How much “Quality” is needed? If we could quantify it, should/could we have 100% quality in our software products? Thinking about some of the systems that are/have been market leaders, how was the quality of the proposed solution? The impact of Quality It was shown that even by starting with the same level of customer satisfaction what really matters is the competition with the other companies Babich, P. (1992) “Customer Satisfaction: How Good is Good Enough?” Quality Progress. A B C dissatisfied A dissatisfied C dissatisfied C dissatisfied B dissatisfied A dissatisfied B satisfied A satisfied B satisfied C This implies that you need to do better than your competitors in terms of quality 9-63 ● What makes software different – Really big economies of scale → additional physical inputs for production result in a non-proportional increase in output with a decrease in average costs – Increasing returns → “tendency for that which is ahead to get further ahead, for that which loses advantage to lose further advantage” (W.B. Arthur) – Network Externalities → the value of goods to users increases as more people adopt them – High initial costs → software is complex to design and to deliver to the market – Switching costs → switching to other software might be costly (e.g. training to re-do, change of infrastructure) The impact of Quality 10-63 Network Externalities: for some types of goods, the value of a good increases with the number other people adopting the same good ● “These effects arise both because the ability to communicate and share data with others will be greater, and because it is more likely that complementary hardware, software, and wetware (i.e., brain cells) will be available, when there is a large base of users of the software”, Katz & Shapiro Network Externalities Network Externalities Path Dependence Lock-in 11-63 ● Path Dependence: in common knowledge means 'history matters' ● But there is more.. If we consider historical paths, not only the path depends on previous events but also produces a self-reinforcing mechanism that leads to the reinforcement of the path selected. In this way, switching to another path will become at every step more costly ● In general, due to increasing returns, a phenomenon can assume contagious effects Path Dependence 12-63 ● So are we destined to keep the current status in the future (e.g. using Facebook, Google, etc..)? ● One nice answer comes from Christensen (2013) that identified two types of technologies: – Sustaining – an innovation that improves a product in either expected or unexpected way, but does not lead to a paradigm shift – Disruptive – an innovation that can potentially create a new market and constitutes a paradigm shift (e.g. facebook creating the whole social networking idea, or touch screens for the whole mobile phones industry) ● Disruptive innovations are a way to change from the status quo → can you name some companies that were market leaders before a disruptive technology appeared? Sustaining and Disruptive Innovations (1/3) Christensen, C. (2013). The innovator's dilemma: when new technologies cause great firms to fail. Harvard Business Review Press. 13-63 ● Disruptive technologies: initially the quality might be lower than current technologies, but will catch-up quickly Sustaining and Disruptive Innovations (2/3) Christensen, C. (2013). The innovator's dilemma: when new technologies cause great firms to fail. Harvard Business Review Press. (img source: 14-63 ● Gartner's Hype Cycle (GHC) for Emerging Technologies → maturity of technologies in a domain Sustaining and Disruptive Innovations (3/3) ← 2013 GHC Do you see any technology that maintained the “hype”? 15-63 Q&A 16-63 a) Can you name one disruptive innovation either in Software or in the IT world that impressed you particularly in the last few years? b) Thinking in terms of 5-10 years from now, what do you think will be a disruptive technology in the software/IT world? General Questions 17-63 SQM Categories 18-63 ● According to ISO/IEC 12207/15288:2007 What is a process? Processes require a purpose and outcome. All processes have at least one activity Activities are constructs for grouping together related tasks A task is a detailed arrangement for the implementation of a process. It can be a requirement (“shall”), a recommendation (“should”) or a permission (“may”) Notes are used to explain better the intent or mechanism of a process 19-63 SQM comprises four subcategories A. Software quality planning (SQP) which quality standards are to be used, defining specific quality goals, and estimating the effort and schedule of software quality activities B. Software quality assurance(SQA) define and assess the adequacy of software processes to provide evidence that establishes confidence that the software processes are appropriate for and produce software products of suitable quality for their intended purposes D. Software process improvement (SPI) The activities in this category seek to improve process effectiveness, efficiency, and other characteristics with the ultimate goal of improving software quality C. Software quality control (SQC) activities examine specific project artifacts (documents and executables) to determine whether they comply with standards established for the project (including requirements, constraints, designs, contracts, and plans) A → All Planning for SWQ B → Assess the adequacy of software processes C → Compliance to standards established for the project for products D → Activities to improve software processes 20-63 SQA vs SQC – What's the difference? Source: 21-63 ● A quality plan defines how an organization will reach the quality objectives ● Usually covers – Quality objectives and goals – Quality management scope – Organisation & responsibilities – Resource requirements – Cost benefit analysis – Activities and deliverables – Schedule – Risk analysis A. Software Quality Planning A. Software quality planning (SQP) which quality standards are to be used, defining specific quality goals, and estimating the effort and schedule of software quality activities B. Software quality assurance(SQA) define and assess the adequacy of software processes to provide evidence that establishes confidence that the software processes are appropriate for and produce software products of suitable quality for their intended purposes D. Software process improvement (SPI) The activities in this category seek to improve process effectiveness, efficiency, and other characteristics with the ultimate goal of improving software quality C. Software quality control (SQC) activities examine specific project artifacts (documents and executables) to determine whether they comply with standards established for the project (including requirements, constraints, designs, contracts, and plans) 22-63 ● Quality at the organization and project Levels A. Software Quality Planning Source: Project / Product development Project / Product development Quality management Group Process Group SQMS Development Process Improvement Plan Project Manager / Quality Representative Project / Product development Project Quality Plan Quality Management System standards procedures process description QA objectives & metrics Goals Resources SQMS tailoring SQMS = Software Quality Management System CompanyLevelProjectLevel 23-63 ● SQA means monitoring constantly the software engineering process to ensure that the approaches/methods/processes applied lead to quality within the project B. Software Quality Assurance A. Software quality planning (SQP) which quality standards are to be used, defining specific quality goals, and estimating the effort and schedule of software quality activities B. Software quality assurance(SQA) define and assess the adequacy of software processes to provide evidence that establishes confidence that the software processes are appropriate for and produce software products of suitable quality for their intended purposes D. Software process improvement (SPI) The activities in this category seek to improve process effectiveness, efficiency, and other characteristics with the ultimate goal of improving software quality C. Software quality control (SQC) activities examine specific project artifacts (documents and executables) to determine whether they comply with standards established for the project (including requirements, constraints, designs, contracts, and plans) 24-63 ● IEEE Std 730-2014 – Outline for software quality planning: B. Software Quality Assurance Planning Heimann, D. I. (2014). An Introduction to the New IEEE 730 Standard on Software Quality Assurance, SQP Vol 16, N.3 1. Purpose & Scope 2. Definitions & acronyms 3. Reference documents 4. SQA Plan Overview: 4.1 Organization & independence 4.2 Software Product Risk 4.3 Tools 4.4 Standards, practices and conventions 4.5 effort, resource, schedules 5. Activities, Outcomes and tasks: 5.1 Product Assurance: 5.1.1 Evaluate plans for conformance 5.1.2 Evaluate product for conformance 5.1.3 Evaluate product for acceptability 5.1.4 Evaluate product life cycle support for conformance 5.1.5 Measure products 5.2 Process assurance: 5.2.1 Evaluate life cycle support for conformance 5.2.2 Evaluate environments for conformance 5.2.3 Evaluate subcontractor processes for conformance 5.2.4 Measure processes 5.2.5 Assess staff skills & knowledge 6. Additional Considerations 6.1 Contract review 6.2 Quality Measurement 6.3 Waiver and deviations 6.4 Task repetition 6.5 Risks in performing SQA 6.6 Communication strategy 6.7 Conformance process 4. SQA Records: 7.1 Analyze, identify, collect, file, maintain, dispose 7.2 Availability of records 25-63 IEEE Std 730-2014 – how is Agile considered? ● Agile → the product backlog is the contract, the standards help in defining the role of the backlog as contract ● The SQA product part in IEEE730 can be used to defined the “done” criteria ● Non-conformances to standards are inserted in the backlog and addressed in sprints in which are scheduled ● Acceptance is a continuous process in Agile ● IEEE730 contains an appendix with details about Agile adoption of the standard B. Software Quality Assurance Planning Heimann, D. I. (2014). An Introduction to the New IEEE 730 Standard on Software Quality Assurance, SQP Vol 16, N.3 26-63 ● IEEE Std 730 format and content of a→ software quality assurance plan ● IEEE Std 1061 describes a methodology—spanning the life cycle—for→ establishing quality requirements and for identifying, implementing, and validating the corresponding measures. ● IEEE Std 1465 (withdrawn standard) describes quality requirements→ specifically suitable for software "packages". It is expected to be replaced by an IEEE adoption of ISO/IEC 25051 B. Summary of IEEE Stds related to SWQA 27-63 ● SQC means to constantly monitor the software engineering process/product to check for conformance to applied standards (e.g. CMMI) or produced artifacts ● Some examples of methods → The Goal Question Metrics Approach (seen on the measurement lecture) → The Plan-Do-Check-Act method C. Software Quality Control A. Software quality planning (SQP) which quality standards are to be used, defining specific quality goals, and estimating the effort and schedule of software quality activities B. Software quality assurance(SQA) define and assess the adequacy of software processes to provide evidence that establishes confidence that the software processes are appropriate for and produce software products of suitable quality for their intended purposes D. Software process improvement (SPI) The activities in this category seek to improve process effectiveness, efficiency, and other characteristics with the ultimate goal of improving software quality C. Software quality control (SQC) activities examine specific project artifacts (documents and executables) to determine whether they comply with standards established for the project (including requirements, constraints, designs, contracts, and plans) 28-63 ● Improve process effectiveness, efficiency and other characteristics with the aim to improve software quality ● Very often software process improvement practices are embedded within the process (e.g. capability models) ● Some methods: → Capability Maturity Model (CMM) and Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) → ISO/IEC 15504 (SPICE) → ISO 9001 Specification (seen during PA017 SEII) → Personal Software Process (PSP) and Team Software Process (TSP) D. Software Process Improvement A. Software quality planning (SQP) which quality standards are to be used, defining specific quality goals, and estimating the effort and schedule of software quality activities B. Software quality assurance(SQA) define and assess the adequacy of software processes to provide evidence that establishes confidence that the software processes are appropriate for and produce software products of suitable quality for their intended purposes D. Software process improvement (SPI) The activities in this category seek to improve process effectiveness, efficiency, and other characteristics with the ultimate goal of improving software quality C. Software quality control (SQC) activities examine specific project artifacts (documents and executables) to determine whether they comply with standards established for the project (including requirements, constraints, designs, contracts, and plans) 29-63 Some Historical Models for Software Quality Management 30-63 ● What is the name of the simplest quality process management practice in your opinion? → Actually, it involves no process Simplest Quality Management Form 31-63 ● Cowboy Coders write code according to their rules ● Some sentences you might have heard: “If possible, the customer should only see the final versions of the product. It is important to minimize the contact with the customer so time is not wasted” “The code is mine and none is allowed to touch it!” “I do not need any analysis, design nor documentation” “Even if it is broken, do not touch it! Try to hide it!” “People who need comments in order to understand my code are too dumb to be working with me “ Cowboy Coding Image: → See 32-63 ● The Personal Software Process (PSP) is a disciplined software development process that works at the individual level Personal Software Process (PSP) PSP0 Defining & using processes PSP1 Planning & Tracking PSP2 Quality Management TSP Team Development Estabilish a measured performance baseline Practice size and effort estimation Practice defect management and improve design practices Defined around 1995: Humphrey, Watts S. A discipline for software engineering. Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc., 1995. 33-63 PSP0 – First Level Process scripts PSP0 Process Planning Development Postmortem Design Code Compile Test Requirements Time & Defect Logs Plan Summary Finished Product Scripts provide the steps for all processes Templates helpful when following the process 34-63 ● Emphasizes making accurate and precise size measurements ● Incorporates measuring the size of the programs produced ● Accounts for various types of LOC in the programs produced ● Begins to look at process improvement ● The following elements are added – Estimating and reporting software size – Use of a coding standard – Recording process problems and improvement ideas PSP0.1 – Improvement 35-63 ● All is based on forms, scripts and logs PSP0.1 – Improvement W. S. Humphrey, “A Discipline for Software Engineering”, 1995 Table C3 PSP0.1 Project Plan Summary Example Student Student 11 Date 2/1/94 Program Object LOC Counter Program # 3A Instructor Humphrey Language C Program Size (LOC) Plan Actual To Date Base(B) 87 (Measured) Deleted (D) 0 (Counted) Modified (M) 6 (Counted) Added (A) 113 (T-B+D-R) Reused (R) 0 0 (Counted) Total New & Changed (N) 90 119 315 (A+M) Total LOC (T) 200 396 (Measured) Total New Reuse 0 0 Time in Phase (min.) Plan Actual To Date To Date % Planning 10 11 36 6.4 Design 25 21 63 11.2 Code 75 97 249 44.2 Compile 20 4 35 6.2 Test 45 39 105 18.7 Postmortem 20 33 75 13.3 Total 195 205 563 100.0 Defects Injected Actual To Date To Date % Planning 0 0 0 Design 1 3 11.5 Code 8 23 88.5 Compile 0 0 0 Test 0 0 0 Total Development 9 26 100.0 Defects Removed Actual To Date To Date % Planning 0 0 0 Design 0 0 0 Code 0 0 0 Compile 2 13 50.0 Test 7 13 50.0 Total Development 9 26 100.0 After Development 0 0 36-63 ● PSP1 introduces the concept of software effort estimation and the usage of historical data ● Using the PROBE (PROxy-Based Estimating) size estimating method ● Using linear regression, PROBE size estimation, regression analysis is based on historical estimated object LOC (the x data) and actual new and changed LOC (the y data) PSP1 – Second Level Estimate Objects (proxies) Nr. of methods Start with the conceptual design Object type Relative size Reuse categories Estimate new and changed LOCs Estimate development time Calculate prediction interval Planning estimates W. S. Humphrey, “A Discipline for Software Engineering”, 1995 37-63 ● PSP2 introduces design and code reviews methods for evaluating and improving the quality of your reviews ● There are three new process elements – PSP2 project plan summary – PSP2 design review checklist – PSP2 code review checklist PSP2 – Third Level 38-63 ● The idea behind PSP is that it should lead to more team-aware processes once developers have tried a self-disciplined approach Personal Software Process (PSP) PSP Skill-building Personal Plans Planning Methods Earned Value Process data Quality Measures Defined Processes TSP Team-building TSP Team-working Engineering Disciplines Team Disciplines Management Disciplines Committment Aggressive plans Quality ownership Project goals Plan ownership Plan detail Team roles Team resources Quality priority Cost of quality Follow the process Review status Review quality Communication Change management Integrated Product Teams → see hackystat 39-63 ● A measure of Software Quality developed at Motorola ● The focus of Six Sigma is on eliminating defects, that is everything that is outside from the customers specifications ● No more than +/- six times the standard deviation from the process mean → 3,4 Defects Per Million datapoints ● Data is a key to understand the underlying processes and take decisions Six Sigma Sigma Level Defects x 1M 2 308.537 3 66.807 4 6.210 5 233 6 3,4 Defined in the ‘80s in industry but only in 90’s adopted widely, later on adopted by software engineering community. σ= √∑(xi−x) n−1 40-63 Six Sigma - Process Define Measure Analyze Improve Control Who are the customers and the needs How is the process defined and how are the defects measured What are the most important causes of the defects How can the causes of the defects be eliminated What actions are needed to sustain improvement In Six Sigma, a defect is defined as “Any product, service, or process variation which prevents meeting the needs of the customer and/or which adds cost, whether or not it is detected” Key aspect: understand the relation between depend variables (Y, defects) and independent variables (X, causes) Y =f () Y =f (x1. x2, x3, ..., xn) 41-63 Six Sigma - Process Define Measure Analyze Improve Control ●Define Project scope ●Estailish formal project ●Identify needed data ●Obtain data set ●Evaluate data quality ●Summarize & baseline data ●Explore data ●Characterize process & problem ●Update improvement project scope & scale ●Identify possible solutions ●Select solution ●Implement (pilot as needed) ●Evaluate ●Define control method ●Implement ●Document 42-63 Six Sigma - Tools Define Measure Analyze Improve Control ● Benchmark ● Contract/charter ● Kano Model ● Voice of the customer ● Voice of the Business ● Quality Function Deployment (QFD) ● GQ(I)M and indicator templates ● Data collection methods ● Measurement System Evaluation ● Cause & Effect Diagram/Matrix ● Failure models & effects analysis ● Statistical inference ● Reliability Analysis ● Root Cause Analysis ● Hypothesis Test ● Design of experiments ● Modeling ● ANOVA ● Tolerancing ● Robust Design ● System Thinking ● Decision & Risk Analysis ● Performance Analysis Model ● Statistical Controls: ● Control charts ● Time series methods ● Non-Statistical controls: ● Procedural adherence ● Performance Management ● Preventive measures Basic Tools (Histogram, scatter plots, run charts, pareto charts, cause & effect diagram, Control chart, descriptive statistics), baseline process flow map, project management, management by fact, sampling techniques, survey methods, defect metrics 43-63 Software Process Maturity Models 44-63 ● As defined in ISO/IEC 15504-2 (SPICE) Process Maturity Levels → The process is not implemented or fails to achieve the purpose → The process is achieving the purpose → The process is now running in a managed way (planned, monitored, adjusted) – work products are established, controlled and maintained → The managed process is now implemented using a defined process capable of achieving process outcomes → The established process now operates within defined limits to achieve its process outcomes → The predictable process is continuously improved to meet relevant current and projected business goals Capability Level Process Capability 0 Incomplete Process 1 Performed Process 2 Managed Process 3 Established Process 4 Predictable Process 5 Optimizing Process 45-63 ● As defined in ISO/IEC 15504-2 (SPICE) Process Maturity Levels & Attributes 46-63 SPICE - Overall ENG.1 Engineering Customer- Relationship Support ManagementManagement Organisation Support ENG.1 ENG.1 CUS.1 ENG.1 MAN.1 ENG.1 ORG.1 ENG.1 SUP.1 ENG.1 ENG.1.BP1 ENG.1 CUS.1.BP1 ENG.1 MAN.1.BP1 ENG.1 ORG.1.BP1 ENG.1 SUP.1.BP1 ENG.1 ENG.1.WP1 ENG.1 CUS.1.WP1 ENG.1 MAN.1.WP1 ENG.1 ORG.1.WP1 ENG.1 SUP.1.WP1 5 Categories 24 Processes 201 Base Practices 109 Work Products 47-63 Example Process Definition (1/2) 5 Process Categories (SUP=Support) 48-63 Example Process Definition (2/2) Overall 24 processes are specified 49-63 ● SPICE is a two-dimensional level model – Processes and categories on one side (Process Dimension) includes Base practices, work products, characteristics→ → Does the process reach its goals? – Capability of processes on the other side (Capability Dimension) includes levels, process attributes,→ management practices → How well is a specific goal met? Process Maturity Levels & Attributes 50-63 Process Maturity Levels & Attributes Assessment Model Process Dimension Capability Dimension Process categories (5) Processes (24) Capability Levels (6) Process Attributes (9) Base Practices (201) Work Products (109) Management Practices (33) Resources & Infrastructure characteristics Indicators of process performance Indicators of process capability 51-63 Process Maturity Levels & Attributes Assessment Model Process Dimension Capability Dimension Process categories (5) Processes (24) Capability Levels (6) Process Attributes (9) Base Practices (201) Work Products (109) Management Practices (33) Resources & Infrastructure characteristics Indicators of process performance Indicators of process capability Assessment Scale ● up to 15% – N (Not performed/achieved) ● > 15% to 50% – P (Partial) ● > 50 to 85% - L (Large) ● > 85% - F (Full performance / achievement) PA1.1 PA2.1 PA2.2 PA3.1 PA3.2 PA4.1 PA4.2 PA5.1 PA5.2 ENG.1 ENG.2 MAN.2 ORG.1 N P L F → who performs the assessment? Process Attributes 1.1 Process performance 2.1 Performance management 2.2 Work product management 3.1 Process definition 3.2 Process deployment 4.1 Process measurement 4.2 Process control 5.1 Process innovation 5.2 Process optimization 52-63 Capability Maturity Model Integrated Upgrade from CMM appearing around year 2000 CMMI 53-63 Staged assessment of the maturity of the→ entire software process Continuous assessment of the→ capabilities of different Process Areas (PA) Sample Pas: – Requirements Development (RD) – Requirements Management (REQM) – Project Monitoring and Control (PMC) – Project Planning (PP) – Process and Product Quality Assurance (PPQA) – Quantitative Project Management (QPM) – Risk Management (RSKM) – Supplier Agreement Management (SAM) – Technical Solution (TS) – Validation (VAL) – ... CMMI 54-63 Ragaisis, S., Peldzius, S., & Simenas, J. (2010). Mapping CMMI-DEV Maturity Levels toISO/IEC 15504 Capability Profiles. Assessment, 23, 24. Mapping CMMI to ISO/IEC 15504 (SPICE) 55-63 Ragaisis, S., Peldzius, S., & Simenas, J. (2010). Mapping CMMI-DEV Maturity Levels to ISO/IEC 15504 Capability Profiles. Assessment, 23, 24. Mapping CMMI to ISO/IEC 15504 (SPICE) …........................................................................................................ This was the sample process we saw some slides ago Legenda: up to 15 % – N (Not performed/achieved), > 15 % to 50 % – P (Partial), > 50 to 85 % – L (Large), and F (Full performance / achievement) > 85 % - “ML2”- “ML5” maturity levels in CMM-i - “CL1”-“CL5” are capability levels in ISO/IEC 15504 56-63 ● Defining the measurement construct ISO/IEC 15939 - Example ISO/IEC 15939:2007 defines the measurement process for software systems engineering → was discussed in the lecture about software metrics & measurement 57-63 There are around 40 Agile Maturity models that sometimes adapt SPICE/CMMI levels/processes – each one uses different naming for levels: Agile Process Maturity T. Schweigert, D. Vohwinkel, M. Korsaa, R. Nevalainen, and M. Biro, “Agile Maturity Model: A Synopsis as a First Step to Synthesis,” in Systems, Software and Services Process Improvement, F. McCaffery, R. V. O’Connor, and R. Messnarz, Eds. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, pp. 214–227. Level1 Level2 Level3 Level4 Level5 ● Rhetorical stage ● Team level maturity ● Neutral or Chaotic ● Emergent ● Engineering Best Practices ● Introductory ● Collaborative ● Dormant ● No Agile ● Waterfall ● Non-Agile ● Core Agile Development ● Adherence to Agile Principles ● Getting Started ● Improvising ● Certified stage ● Department Level Maturity ● Collaborative ● Continuous Practices at Component Level ● Learn ● Novice ● Evolutionary ● Speed ● Early Adoption ● Forming ● Minimum ● Discipline Agile Delivery ● Repeteable Process across the organization ● Scrum at project level ● Practicing ● Plausible stage ● Business Level Maturity ● Operating (consistent exhibition of competence) ● Cross component continuous integration ● Leverage ● Intermediate ● Effective ● Reactive ● Self Service ● Agile ● Consolidated ● Agility at scale ● Scalability – SCRUM of SCRUMS ● Respectable stage ● Project Management Level Maturity ● Adaptive ● Cross Journey Continuous integration ● Advanced ● Adaptive ● Responsive ● The Lake effect ● Performing ● Items on the right ● SCRUM at Enterprise Level ● Governed ● Measured stage ● Management Level Maturity ● Innovating ● On Demand Just in Time Release ● Optimise ● Insane ● Ambient ● Scaling ● Coexistence with non-agile ● Enterprise transformation ● Matured 58-63 Some approaches suggest even to reuse SPICE Process definitions, example: Agile Process Maturity T. Schweigert, M. Ekssir-Monfared, and M. Ofner, “An Agile Management Process Group for TestSPICE®,” in Systems, Software and Services Process Improvement, F. McCaffery, R. V. O’Connor, and R. Messnarz, Eds. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, pp. 228–236. 59-63 Source: Agile Maturity Matrix Level1 – ad hoc Agile Level2 – doing agile Level3 – being agile Level4 – thinking agile Level5 – culturally agile Agile is not yet used or agile practices are used sporadically Teams start to exhibit some agile habits Lean portfolio management Communities of practice support agile habits Lean and agile are part of organizational culture Variable quality Consistency across teams is still variable Mature embodiment of essential characteristics and behaviour of agile Successful use of agile at scale Perfecting waste reduction, smooth flow of delivery Predominantly manual testing Some knowledge sharing activities under way Disciplined Agile delivery processes and practices with continual improvement and repeatable results Success even with teams in multiple geographies Sustainable pace of innovation Very little crossproject knowledge and collaboration Use of agile tools and practices become commonplace Respect for people and continuous improvement Measurement systems in place keep track of business value delivered Continuous organizational learning and optimization of the work process and the work products Success achieved primarily through heroic individual efforts Solution quality improves Appropriate agile governance Autonomation: automation with a human touch Standard work is defined 60-63 ● One of the existing models is a simplified version of CMMI taking into account the distributed nature of Open Source development ● Trustworthy elements (TWE) are micro-characteristics that allow to define maturity levels Open Source Maturity Model (OMM) Source: PDOC – Product Documentation STD – Use of Established and Widespread Standards QTP – Quality of Test Plan LCS – Licenses ENV – Technical Environment DFCT – Number of Commits and Bug Reports MST – Maintainability and Stability CM – Configuration Management PP1 – Project Planning Part 1 REQM – Requirements Management RDMP1 – Availability and Use of a (product) roadmap RDMP2 – Availability and Use of a (product) roadmap STK – Relationship between Stakeholders PP2 – Project Planning Part 2 PMC – Project Monitoring and Control TST1 – Test Part 1 DSN1 – Design Part 1 PPQA – Process and Product Quality Assurance PI – Product Integration RSKM – Risk Management TST2 – Test Part 2 DSN2 – Design 2 RASM – Results of third party assessment REP – Reputation CONT – Contribution to FLOSS Product from SW Companies 61-63 ● Each TWE is divided in goals (G) practices (TWE) checklists metrics→ → → ● Example: PDOC (Product Documentation) G1.Provide HQ documentation P1.Create Development→ → Documentation C1. is detailed architectural design documentation available? (yes/no) C2…...→ → ● The Goal Question Metric approach is used to define the elements of the current OMM based on the TWEs ● All levels of the GQM are aggregated according to following rating calculation: Open Source Maturity Model (OMM) R(Pi)= ∑ Mi count (M ) R(Gi)= ∑ Pi count (P) R(TWEi)= ∑ Gi count (G) No weighting of metrics, Maturity Level calculated by using practices (not TWEs) R(ML)= ∑ Pi max∑ Pi P=practice, G=goal, ML=Maturity Level, R=rating 62-63 For the part about increasing returns, path dependency, if you are interested :) [1] Arthur, W. Brian (1989). Competing Technologies, Increasing Returns, and Lock-In by Historical Events, 97 Economic Journal 642-65. [2] Farrell, Joseph and Garth Saloner (1985). Standardization, Compatibility, And Innovation, 16 Rand Journal 70- 83. [3] Katz, M. L., & Shapiro,C. (1985). Network Externalities, Competition, and Compatibility. The American Economic Review, 75(3), 424-440. [4] Katz, M. L., & Shapiro, C. (1986). Technology Adoption in the Presence of Network Externalities. Journal of Political Economy 822-841. [5] Liebowitz, S. J. and Stephen E. Margolis (1990). The Fable of the Keys, Journal of Law and Economics, 33:1, 1- 26. [6] Liebowitz, S. J. and Stephen E. Margolis (1994). Path Dependency, Lock-In, and History, working paper, 1994b. [7] Liebowitz, S. J. and Stephen E. Margolis (1994). Network Externality: An Uncommon Tragedy, 8 Journal of Economic Perspectives 133-50. [8] Economides, N. (1996). The Economics of Networks, International Journal of Industrial Organization, vol. 14, no. 6, pp. 673-699 [9] Paul A. David (2000), Path dependence, its critics and the quest for ‘historical economics, in P. Garrouste and S. Ioannides (eds), Evolution and Path Dependence in Economic Ideas: Past and Present, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, England. [10] Shapiro, C. e Varian, H.R. (1999). Information Rules: A Strategic Guide to the Network Economy, Harvard Business School Press. [11] Windrum, P., (2003). Unlocking a lock-in: towards a model of technological succession, in Applied Evolutionary Economics: New Empirical Methods and Simulation Techniques, P.P. Saviotti (ed.), Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. References 63-63 References mentioned in the slides, plus: ● Bourque, P., & Fairley, R. E. (2014). Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK (R)): Version 3.0. IEEE Computer Society Press. References