Preferential Attachment IV124 Josef Spurný & Eva Výtvarová Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University March 31, 2023 Models and Networks Models and Networks model (network) clusters small diameter hubs Grid yes no no Erdös-Rényi (random) no yes no Watts-Strogatz (small world) yes yes no Barabási-Albert (scale-free) no yes yes Many real-world networks contain hubs: protein-protein interaction, gene expression, metabolic networks human communication (phone calls, emails...) human interaction (science / movie cooperation, wealth distribution...) www, internet, power grids J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Preferential attachment ·March 31, 2023 2 / 30 Models and Networks Generating Random Networks with Given pk General approach: Generate a random network based on a given degree distribution pk. Allows for the creation of surrogate data for a real network. Does not reveal anything about the origin of the network’s structure itself. Three main variants: Degree-preserving randomization Generative models Configuration model Hidden variable model J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Preferential attachment ·March 31, 2023 3 / 30 Models and Networks Degree-Preserving Randomization Procedure: Input an existing network Randomly select a pair of edges and swap them Multilinks are forbidden Repeat until all links are swapped at least once (i, j), (k, l) → (i, l), (k, j) Properties: Preserves the size, density, and pk of the network. Other parameter-dependent properties are lost. J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Preferential attachment ·March 31, 2023 4 / 30 Models and Networks Degree-Preserving randomization 1 1 Barabási: Network Science Book J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Preferential attachment ·March 31, 2023 5 / 30 Models and Networks Configuration Model Procedure: Input a set of nodes with given degrees (obtained from adjacency matrix) Links are cut in a half such that they remain stubs Randomly connect pairs of stubs to get links Properties: Probability of an edge between nodes i and j: kikj 2|E|−1 =⇒ prefers connecting high-degree nodes Leads to the creation of loops and multiple edges Degree of nodes is preserved, network is random J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Preferential attachment ·March 31, 2023 6 / 30 Models and Networks Hidden variable model Procedure: start with isolated nodes assign each node a parameter value ηi from the distribution ρ(η) add edge (i, j) with probability ηiηj ⟨η⟩N e.g., for scale-free networks: ηi = c/iα, i = 1, . . . , N results in a network with pk ≈ k−(1+ 1 α ) Properties: does not create multi-edges and loops flexible regarding the desired pk J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Preferential attachment ·March 31, 2023 7 / 30 Models and Networks Hidden variable model 2 2 Barabási: Network Science Book J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Preferential attachment ·March 31, 2023 8 / 30 Models and Networks Which model to choose? 3 3 Barabási: Network Science Book J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Preferential attachment ·March 31, 2023 9 / 30 Models and Networks Growth models Motivation: we are interested in the principles behind the scale-free nature of networks shared across vastly different systems Observation: real networks often form through gradual evolution (adding nodes) citation network, WWW, ... J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Preferential attachment ·March 31, 2023 10 / 30 Models and Networks Preferential attachment Intuition: newly arriving nodes are more likely to be connected to popular nodes with high ki rich get richer effect General procedure: iteratively add a node with a given number of edges the probability of connecting to an existing node j depends on kj J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Preferential attachment ·March 31, 2023 11 / 30 Models and Networks Barabási-Albert Model Procedure each new node arrives with m edges the probability of attaching to node i is given by: Π(ki) = ki j kj Resulting degree distribution: p(k) ≈ 2m2 k−3 J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Preferential attachment ·March 31, 2023 12 / 30 Models and Networks Netlogo demo ... J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Preferential attachment ·March 31, 2023 13 / 30 Models and Networks Nonlinear preferential attachment In general, Π(k) ∼ kα Sublinear (α < 1) Not enough to create hubs: random network Linear (α ≈ 1) Scale-free network Superlinear (α > 1) The tendency of rich-get-richer dominates Winner-takes-all: star topology J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Preferential attachment ·March 31, 2023 14 / 30 Models and Networks 4 4 Barabási: Network Science Book J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Preferential attachment ·March 31, 2023 15 / 30 Models and Networks Bianconi-Barabási Model Motivation: BA model favors older nodes (rich-get-richer) However, in real-world, older nodes are not necessary the richest: Myspace vs. Facebook; Yahoo vs. Google... capable nodes can surpass existing dominant hubs – add the fitness parameter to the model J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Preferential attachment ·March 31, 2023 16 / 30 Models and Networks Bianconi-Barabási Model Procedure in each step, add a node with m edges and fitness η from a given distribution ρ(η) the probability of connecting the new incoming node to node i is given by: Πi = ηiki j ηjkj J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Preferential attachment ·March 31, 2023 17 / 30 Models and Networks Bianconi-Barabási Model Properties: Even a small difference in node fitness leads to large differences in degree If node fitness η is identical for all nodes, the model reduces to BA = For a uniform distribution of ρ(η), we get a scale-free network Node "age" is not the main determining factor for the resulting degree J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Preferential attachment ·March 31, 2023 18 / 30 Models and Networks Netlogo demo ... J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Preferential attachment ·March 31, 2023 19 / 30 Models and Networks Bose-Einstein Condensation 5 5 Barabási: Network Science Book J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Preferential attachment ·March 31, 2023 20 / 30 Models and Networks Topological Phase Transition 6 6 Csermely (2006). Weak links, pp 75. J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Preferential attachment ·March 31, 2023 21 / 30 Midterm Summary What Do We Know So Far? Summary + Going Above and Beyond J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Preferential attachment ·March 31, 2023 22 / 30 Midterm Summary Node Centralities Degree Number of links connected to the node. In directed network, we distinguish in-degree and out-degree. Eigenvector centrality Self-referential measure of centrality – node has high eigenvector centrality if it connects to other nodes that have high eigenvector centrality. J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Preferential attachment ·March 31, 2023 23 / 30 Midterm Summary Homophily Assortativity A positive assortativity coefficient indicates that nodes tend to link to other nodes with the same or similar degree. Disassortativity A negative assortativity coefficient indicates that nodes tend to link to other nodes with different degree. Rich Club Coefficient Measures the extent to which well-connected nodes also connect to each other. J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Preferential attachment ·March 31, 2023 24 / 30 Midterm Summary Communities Local Clustering How close are nodes’ neighbours to be a complete graph (clique). Community structure A subset of network that maximizes within-group links a minimizes between-group links. Modularity A statistic which denotes to what extent the network may be divided into groups. J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Preferential attachment ·March 31, 2023 25 / 30 Midterm Summary Paths Path A sequence of linked nodes that never visits a single node more than once (as opposed to walks which allow this). Betweenness centrality Fraction of all shortest paths in the network that contain a given node. High BC = many shortest paths through the node. Similarly, edge betweenness centrality may be calculated. Closeness centrality Measures how short the shortest paths are from selected node to all other nodes. J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Preferential attachment ·March 31, 2023 26 / 30 Midterm Summary Basic network characteristics Avg./min./max. degree & degree distribution Avg. path length & BC or Closeness centrality distribution Connectedness – number of components & size of giant component Modularity & modularity classes (communities) Comparison to known network models J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Preferential attachment ·March 31, 2023 27 / 30 Midterm Summary Models and Networks model class model observation static Erdös-Rényi giant component Watts-Strogatz small worlds generative configuration model loops and multilinks hidden parameter model adjustable pk growing Barabási-Albert rich-get-richer; scale-free Bianconi-Barabási winner-takes-all J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Preferential attachment ·March 31, 2023 28 / 30 Midterm Summary A ZOO of Complex Networks 7 7 Types of Networks J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Preferential attachment ·March 31, 2023 29 / 30