Network Controllability IV124 Josef Spurný & Eva Výtvarová Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University May 12, 2023 Introduction Studying complex networks 1. Understand & Describe (Quantify) 2. Predict 3. Control J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Control ·May 12, 2023 2 / 26 Introduction Research Questions Which nodes to target? How many nodes do we need to control the network? Are some networks easier to control than others? J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Control ·May 12, 2023 3 / 26 Introduction Controllability Controllability A system is controllable if it can be driven from any initial state to any desired final state. J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Control ·May 12, 2023 4 / 26 Introduction Controllability Even a simple oldtimer car can have several thousands of components. Yet you only need to manipulate three components to control the car (gas, brake, steering wheel). J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Control ·May 12, 2023 5 / 26 Introduction Controllability With real-world networks, we are facing a inverse problem: We have a network, but we do not know which components control the system We need to identify the driver nodes (ND) J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Control ·May 12, 2023 6 / 26 Introduction Case study Control of Neuronal Network in C. elegans1 body ≈ 1000 cells brain: N ≈ 300; E ≈ 2500 scale-free structure 16 % driver nodes (≈ 50 neurons) driver nodes avoid hubs 1 Badhwar R, Bagler G. 2015. Control of Neuronal Network in Caenorhabditis elegans. J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Control ·May 12, 2023 7 / 26 Control Theory Controlling simple linear system dX dt = A × X(t) + B × u(t) A ∈ RN×N: adjacency matrix X(t) ∈ RN×1: state vector u(t) ∈ RM×1: input vector (signal) B ∈ RN×M: input matrix Note: Oriented network, only incoming links count Transpose of the weighted adjacency matrix. J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Control ·May 12, 2023 8 / 26 Control Theory Kalman’s Rank Condition2 Kalman’s Rank Condition: A system is controllable if its controllability matrix has full rank. rank C = N C = [B, A × B, A2 × B, · · · , AN−1 × B] Informally, every row (column) is linearly independent of one another. 2 Kalman, R.E. 1963. Mathematical description of linear dynamical systems J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Control ·May 12, 2023 9 / 26 Control Theory Example 1: Controllable J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Control ·May 12, 2023 10 / 26 Control Theory Example 2: Uncontrollable J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Control ·May 12, 2023 11 / 26 Control Theory Example 2: How to control it? We cannot change the topology, so we need to send a signal to an additional node. J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Control ·May 12, 2023 12 / 26 Driver Nodes Driver Nodes – ND What’s the minimum number of ND? How to efficiently identify them? Which network characteristics determine ND? J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Control ·May 12, 2023 13 / 26 Driver Nodes Challenges with identification of ND Link weights of real-world networks are usually unknown Brute-force search is not feasible, as there are 2N − 1 combinations Kalman’s rank condition is hard to check for large systems, as it has a dimension of N × NM J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Control ·May 12, 2023 14 / 26 Driver Nodes Solution: Graph Matching theory Matching M ⊆ E is a set of links that don’t have common nodes Maximal matching – a matching with the highest link count (more than one can be identified) Perfect matching – a matching that covers all nodes (there are no unmatched nodes) J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Control ·May 12, 2023 15 / 26 Driver Nodes Matching in Directed Network3 The bipartite graph is built by splitting the node set N into two node sets Nin and Nout 3 Zhang, Han & Zhang. 2015. An efficient algorithm for finding all possible input nodes for controlling complex networks J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Control ·May 12, 2023 16 / 26 Driver Nodes Matching in Directed Network4 4 Zhang, Han & Zhang. 2015. An efficient algorithm for finding all possible input nodes for controlling complex networks J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Control ·May 12, 2023 17 / 26 Driver Nodes Time Complexity Issue Brute force O(2N) ≈ 1030 for N = 100 not feasible Hopcroft-Karp Algorithm O( √ NL) in worst case O(logNL) in sparse graphs Fast enough even for N ≈ 106 J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Control ·May 12, 2023 18 / 26 Driver Nodes ND in real networks there is no observable trend across different networks regulatory networks have high ND ≈ 0.8 social networks display lowest ND J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Control ·May 12, 2023 19 / 26 Hub controversy Hub controversy Are hubs ND or not? Liu, Slotine, Barabási. Controllability of complex networks. 2011 ND tend to avoid hubs amount of ND depends on degree distribution sparse and heterogeneous networks are harder to control than dense and homogeneous Cowan et al. Nodal Dynamics, Not Degree Distributions, Determine the Structural Controllability of Complex Networks. 2012 Signal to power dominating set is enough to control most complex networks J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Control ·May 12, 2023 20 / 26 Control Centrality Control Centrality Measure5 Control Centrality Control centrality of node i captures the controllable subspace’s dimension or the controllable subsystem’s size when we control node i only. Reminder: System dynamics: dX dt = A × X(t) + B × u(t) Kalman Controllability Matrix: rankC = [B, A × B, A2 × B, · · · , AN−1 × B] When we control node i only, B reduces to single non-zero value vector b(i), and C becomes C(i) 5 Liu, Slotine, Barabási. 2012. Control Centrality and Hierarchical Structure in Complex Networks J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Control ·May 12, 2023 21 / 26 Control Centrality Control Centrality Measure rankC(i) can be used as a measure indicating the ability of the node to control the system. C(i) = N means that node i may control the whole system C(i) < N indicates a fraction of network that node i may control Hence, control centrality measure Cc may be defined as Cc ≡ rankg(C(i)) J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Control ·May 12, 2023 22 / 26 Control Centrality Control Centrality: Application6 A targeted attack on a malicious network aiming to damage their controllability. Challenge: To target an attack, we need to know the network’s adjacency matrix, which is often not known in real systems. Solution: Random upstream attack Randomly choose a fraction of nodes P For each of chosen nodes, remove one of the incoming (upstream) neighbors If there are no incoming neighbors, remove the chosen node A random upstream attack is almost as good as a targeted attack (Cc) 6 Liu, Slotine, Barabási. 2012. Control Centrality and Hierarchical Structure in Complex Networks J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Control ·May 12, 2023 23 / 26 Case study Synthetic Ablation7 Synthetic lethality Simultaneous knockout of two otherwise nonessential genes (or neurons) is lethal to the organism. 7 Towson, Barabási. 2020. Synthetic ablations in the C. elegans nervous system J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Control ·May 12, 2023 24 / 26 Case study Synthetic Ablation J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Control ·May 12, 2023 25 / 26