Dynamics in Networks IV124 Josef Spurný & Eva Výtvarová Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University May 12, 2023 Outline Dynamics in Networks dynamic processes on a static network time-evolving network static network in sliding window temporal network – measures temporal network – events in bursts null models network states change points J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Dynamics in Networks ·May 12, 2023 2 / 29 Time-Evolving Networks Time-Evolving Networks Motivation real networks are based on links that are subject to change in time static network does not represent information about the sequence of steps and distance in time communication networks, face-to-face interaction, neuronal networks, ecological networks, interaction between species ... J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Dynamics in Networks ·May 12, 2023 3 / 29 Time-Evolving Networks Time-evolving Networks – Motivation1 T = 240 min, a) ∆t = 60 min, b) ∆t = 30 min 1 Nicosia V., 2013 J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Dynamics in Networks ·May 12, 2023 4 / 29 Time-Evolving Networks 2 network structure = riverbed dynamic network = change of riverbed (friendship network) temporal network = river flow (network of meetings and communication) 2 Saramäki, 2014 J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Dynamics in Networks ·May 12, 2023 5 / 29 Time-Evolving Networks 3 network structure = aggregation in time dynamic network = existing links are active all the time temporal network = existing links are switched on and off 3 Saramäki, 2014 J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Dynamics in Networks ·May 12, 2023 6 / 29 Time-Evolving Networks Temporal, Time-Varying Networks G[0,T] ≡ G = {G1, G2, . . . , GM}, Gm – network snapshot Commonly equidistant snapshots tm+1 = tm + ∆t, m = 1, . . . , M. G fully described by adjacency matrix A(tm) list of contacts (contact c = (i, j, t, δt) between nodes i, j, initial contact 0 ≤ t ≤ T and its duration δt) J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Dynamics in Networks ·May 12, 2023 7 / 29 Time-Evolving Networks Temporal Scale Temporal window of size ∆t ∆t = T ...static network ∆t → 0 ...infinite sequence of instantaneous networks Recommended: maximum possible temporal resolution ? Multiscale systems → Utilization of knowledge from signal processing, information theory, time series analysis, granularity of the model, time series segmentation, ... J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Dynamics in Networks ·May 12, 2023 8 / 29 Time-Evolving Networks Temporal Scale – Interactions in a Class4 4 Bender-deMoll S., 2006, Sulo Caceres R., 2013 J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Dynamics in Networks ·May 12, 2023 9 / 29 Sliding Window Representing the temporal component analyzing static networks in sliding window 5 temporal network analysis 5 Kondor D., 2014 J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Dynamics in Networks ·May 12, 2023 10 / 29 Sliding Window Topology Evaluation – Connectivity temporally strongly connected component of node i: In a directed graph, node i is temporally reachable from other nodes of the component in the time interval [0, T], and all nodes of the component are temporally reachable from i. temporally weakly connected component of node i: Node i is temporally reachable from other component nodes and vice versa in the corresponding undirected temporal network. J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Dynamics in Networks ·May 12, 2023 11 / 29 Sliding Window Metrics – temporal paths I. Pij = {eik(t1), ekl(t2), . . . , exj(tL) | t1 ≤ t2 ≤ · · · ≤ tL} topological/temporal path length = number of contacts/time between i and j temporal distance (latency) dij = temporal length of the shortest temporal path temporal diameter of the network D = maxijdij no reciprocity: a path i → j doesn’t guarantee an existence of path j → i no transitivity: a path i → j and a path j → k don’t guarantee an existence of path i → j → k temporal dependence: a path i → j in a time t doesn’t guarantee the same path in the time t′ > t J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Dynamics in Networks ·May 12, 2023 12 / 29 Sliding Window Metrics – temporal paths II. 6 Nodes are often temporally unreachable from each other, i.e., dij = ∞, hence temporal (global) efficiency E = 1 N(N−1) ij 1 dij 6 Tang J., 2009. J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Dynamics in Networks ·May 12, 2023 13 / 29 Sliding Window Metrics – clustering coefficient = ability of events to persist across frames - Ci(tm, tm+1) topological overlap of the node’s neighborhood local clustering coefficient Ci = 1 M − 1 M−1 m=1 Ci(tm, tm+1) global clustering coefficient C = 1 N i Ci J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Dynamics in Networks ·May 12, 2023 14 / 29 Sliding Window Metrics – centrality7 betweenness: CB i = j∈V k∈V,k̸=j σjk(i) σjk Useful to take into account the interval during which information waits at the node before being sent on closeness: CC i = N−1 j dij broadcast, receive centrality: not everything is spread via shortest paths based on static Katz centrality (a version of eigenvector centrality for directed graphs) identification of spreaders and main recipients of information 7 Nicosia V., 2013, Holme & Saramäki, 2013, Newman, 2010, Grindrod & Parsons, 2011 J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Dynamics in Networks ·May 12, 2023 15 / 29 Sliding Window Static vs. temporal centrality ENRON8 static ... corporate role in the organisation temporal ... information dissemination and the role of information mediators 8 Tang J., 2010. Analysing Information Flows and Key Mediators through Temporal Centrality Metrics J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Dynamics in Networks ·May 12, 2023 16 / 29 Sliding Window Metrics – community structure rearrangement of cohesive groups formation of new groups fragmentation of existing ones 9 maximization of optimization function, parameters of spatial and temporal resolution 9 Bassett D., 2013 J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Dynamics in Networks ·May 12, 2023 17 / 29 Bursts Burstiness10 temporal inhomogeneity events cluster in time B = στ −mτ στ +mτ mτ ...mean time between events στ ...std of times B = −1: periodic B = 0: Poisson B = 1: maximally bursty An uncorrelated burstiness increases the latency of temporal paths. 10 Saramäki, 2014, Goh K.-L., 2008 J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Dynamics in Networks ·May 12, 2023 18 / 29 Models of Temporal Networks Models of Temporal Networks Randomized null or reference models used to interpret significance, to understand the effects of diverse temporal and structural characteristics A randomize a network in one way; the rest is kept as is B normalized metrics C z-scores of unnormalized metrics against normalized counterpart there is no ’THE ONE’ null model (compared to static networks with the configuration model) Generative, mechanistic and predictive models generative model to capture structure mechanistic models that explain the evolution of large-scale structures (temporal extensions to WS small-world, BA scale-free) predictive models to forecast a graph behavior in the near future J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Dynamics in Networks ·May 12, 2023 19 / 29 Models of Temporal Networks Reference (Null) Models I. randomly permuted times (DCW): disturbs all temporal correlations, keeps static topology and numbers of contacts between node-pairs random swaps of whole sequences (DCB): disturbs correlations between neighboring events while preserving a sequence character and weights J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Dynamics in Networks ·May 12, 2023 20 / 29 Models of Temporal Networks Small but slow world: how network topology and burstiness slow down spreading11 11 Karsai et al., 2011; D: configuration model – null model from a static network; DCWB: as DCB but shuffles only sequences with the same number of events J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Dynamics in Networks ·May 12, 2023 21 / 29 Models of Temporal Networks Reference (Null) Models II. randomly shifted times in a sequence: disturbs correlations between neighboring events, leaves nodes sequences random times in a sequence: disturbs other correlations in a sequence and between sequences J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Dynamics in Networks ·May 12, 2023 22 / 29 Temporal Networks – Summary Temporal Networks Summary describes network topology and properties with respect to time defined as a set of network slices tracking the flow of time can use a fast temporal scale ... which is comparable with the temporal scale of dynamic processes on a network defines time-respecting paths real-world systems exhibit small-world characteristics and bursty timing of events J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Dynamics in Networks ·May 12, 2023 23 / 29 Change Points Change-Point Detection J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Dynamics in Networks ·May 12, 2023 24 / 29 Change Points Change-Point Detection II.12 12 Zhu, 2018 J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Dynamics in Networks ·May 12, 2023 25 / 29 Network States Network States 13 identification of stable states of a network dwell-time, the fraction of total time spent in each state, transition matrix 13 Husic, 2018 J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Dynamics in Networks ·May 12, 2023 26 / 29 Network States Sliding Window Approaches for Correlation Networks sliding window approach (SW) Pearson’s correlation tapered sliding window approach (TSW) weighted Pearson’s correlation weights distributed according to Gaussian distribution centered at t dynamic conditional correlations (DCC) Engle 200014 , Lindquist 2014 model-based multivariate method from GARCH family estimates conditional variances and correlations uses past values 14 https://escholarship.org/uc/item/56j4143f J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Dynamics in Networks ·May 12, 2023 27 / 29 Summary Summary An aggregated static network leads to overestimating the number of paths and walks underestimating the effective distances BUT is essential for topological (rather than temporal) analysis. Studying network dynamics allows us to capture network topology evolving in time identify network states detect exact change points asses temporal network properties and identify key nodes in processes on a network reveal real-life behavior of complex systems. J. Spurný, E. Výtvarová ·Dynamics in Networks ·May 12, 2023 28 / 29