Taggers PA154 Language Modeling (6.2) Pavel Rychlý pary@fi.muni.cz Pavel Rychlý ·Taggers · 1 / 9 Statistical Tagger using Viterbi algorithm to find the most probable sequence of tags sometimes even greedy search works the hard part is to find probabilities Pavel Rychlý ·Taggers · 2 / 9 TreeTagger Helmut Schmid, Stuttgart 1994 originally developed and evaluated on English, later also German disambiguation of proper nouns (named entities) and regular words smoothing with Equivalence Classes words with the same set of possible tags tag is atomic, no attributes or categories probabilities: decision trees Vitterbi algorithm Pavel Rychlý ·Taggers · 3 / 9 TreeTagger - decision tree house in “The big house” is NN with probability 0.7 ADJ with probability 0.1 ## TreeTagger - suffix lexicon Pavel Rychlý ·Taggers · 4 / 9 TreeTagger – results Pavel Rychlý ·Taggers · 5 / 9 TreeTagger – results Pavel Rychlý ·Taggers · 6 / 9 RFTagger Helmut Schmid, Florian Laws, Stuttgart 2008 non-atomic tags Pavel Rychlý ·Taggers · 7 / 9 RFTagger – decision tree Pavel Rychlý ·Taggers · 8 / 9 RFTagger – results Pavel Rychlý ·Taggers · 9 / 9