MUNI FI MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters PA154 Language Modeling (7.3) Pavel Rychlý March 30, 2023 Source: Jeff Dean, Sanjay Ghemawat Google, Inc. December, 2004 Pavel Rychlý • MapReduce • March 30, 2023 1 /32 Motivation: Large Scale Data Processing Many tasks: Process lots of data to produce other data Want to use hundreds or thousands of CPUs ■ ... but this needs to be easy MapReduce provides: ■ Automatic parallelization and distribution ■ Fault-tolerance ■ I/O scheduling ■ Status and monitoring Pavel Rychlý • MapReduce • March 30, 2023 2/32 Programming model Input & Output: each a set of key/value pairs Programmer specifies two functions: map (in_key, in_value) -> I i st (out-key , intermediate_value ) ■ Processes input key/value pair ■ Produces set of intermediate pairs reduce (out-key, list (intermediate-value )) -> I ist ( out.value ) ■ Combines all intermediate values for a particular key ■ Produces a set of merged output values (usually just one) Inspired by similar primitives in LISP and other languages Pavel Rychlý • MapReduce • March 30, 2023 3 / 32 Example: Count word occurrences map(String input-key, String input-value): // input_key: document name // input_value: document contents for each word w in input-value: Emitlntermediate (w, "1"); reduce( String output-key , Iterator interimediate_values): // output-key: a word // output-values : a list of counts int result = 0; for each v in intermediate-values : result += Parselnt(v); Emit (As St ring (result )); Pseudocode: See appendix in paper for real code Pavel Rychly • MapReduce • March 30, 2023 4/32 Model is Widely Applicable MapReduce Programs In Google Source Tree 1000 -I Mar May Jul Sep Nov Jan Mar May Jul Sep 2003 2004 Example uses: distributed grep distributed sort web link-graph reversal term-vector per host web access log stats inverted index construction document clustering machine learning statistical machine translation Pavel Rychly • MapReduce • March 30, 2023 5/32 Implementation Overview Typical cluster: ■ 100s/1000s of 2-CPU x86 machines, 2-4 GB of memory ■ Limited bisection bandwidth ■ Storage is on local IDE disks ■ GFS: distributed file system manages data (SOSP'03) ■ Job scheduling system: jobs made up of tasks, scheduler assigns tasks to machines Implementation is a C++ library linked into user programs Pavel Rychly • MapReduce • March 30, 2023 6/32 Execution Input t 7 Intermediate Group by Key 0 Grouped kl :v,v,v,v k2:v k3:v,v k4:v,v,v k5:v R)(R) 0 0 Output M kl:vkl:vk2:v kl :v k3:vk4:v k4:vk5:v k4:v kl:vk3:v Pavel Rychly • MapReduce • March 30, 2023 7/32 Parallel Execution Map Task 1 "i r Sort and Group k2:v k4:v,vlv k5:v Reduce Task 1 Map Task 2 Sort and Group kl iv.v.v.v k3 :v,v Reduce Task 2 1 1 ' 1 (i) (i) (i) k 1 :v kl :v k2:v kl:v I | k3 :v k4 :v k4 :v k5 :v 1 | k4:v kl:v k3:v Partitioning Function 1 1 Partitioning ^ Function 1 1 Partitioning Function Map Task 3 Pavel Rychly • MapReduce • March 30, 2023 8/32 Task Granularity And Pipelining Fine granularity tasks: many more map tasks than machines ■ Minimizes time for fault recovery ■ Can pipeline shuffling with map execution ■ Better dynamic load balancing Often use 200,000 map/5000 reduce tasks/ 2000 machines Process Time---------- > User Program MapRednce() ... wait... Master Assign tasks to worker machines... Worker 1 Map 1 Map 3 Worker 2 Map 2 Worker 3 Read 1.1 Read 1.3 Read 1.2 Reduce 1 Worker 4 Read 2.1 Read 2.2 Read 2.3 Reduce 2 Pavel Rychly • MapReduce • March 30, 2023 9/32 MapReduce status: MR Indexer-beta6-large-2003 10 28 00 03 Started: Fn Nov7 09:51:07 2003 -- up 0 hr 00 rain 18 sec 323 workers; 0 deaths Type Shards Done Active Input(MB) Dene (ME) Oiitput(MB) Map 13853 0 323 878934.6 1314.4 717.0 Shuffle 500 0 323 717.0 0.0 0.0 Reduce 500 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100 90 8" "S 70 B v "a 60 E O Li C u u 1- ti 0- Fi.j 4') 30 2" 10 Counters Reduce Shard Variable Mimite Mapped (MB/s) 72,5 Shuffle (MB/s) 0.0 Output (MB/s) 0,0 doc-index-hits 145825686 decs-indexed 506631 dups-in-index- 0 raerge mr-operator-calis 508192 mr-operator- 506631 Pavel Rychly • MapReduce • March 30, 2023 10/32 MapReduce status: MR_Indexer-beta6-large-2003_10_28_00_03 Started: FnNov7 09:51:07 2003 - up 0 hr 05 min 07 sec 1707 workers: 1 deaths Type Shards Done Active Input(ME) Done(MB) Output(MB) Map 13853 1857 1707 878934.6 191995.S 113936.6 Shuffle 500 0 500 113936.6 57113.7 57113.7 Reduce 500 0 0 57113.7 0.0 0.0 100 90 80 3 70 4) ^ SO Counters Reduce Shard Variable Minute Mapped (MB/s) 699.1 Shuffle (MB/s) 349.5 Output (MB/s) 0.0 doc-index-hits 5004411944 docs-indexed 17290135 dups-in-mdex-merge 0 mr-operator-calls 17331371 mr-operator-outouts 17290135 Pavel Rychly • MapReduce • March 30, 2023 11/32 MapReduce status: MR Indexer-beta6-laige-2003 10 28 00 03 Started: Fn Nov 7 09:51:07 2003 - up 0 hr 10 min 18 sec 1707 workers, 1 deaths 100 90 30 5 70 *> v "a 60 E O *J C -ft u 40 Ü L B -vi a. -'- Type Shards Done Active InputfMB) Done(MB) Output(MB) Map 13853 5354 1707 873934 6 406020.1 241058.2 Shuffle 500 0 500 241058.2 196362.5 196362.5 Reduce 500 0 0 196362.5 0.0 0.0 : j ■Z-■Z> .-■-I ■I- -3" Counters ■z ur. Reduce Shard Variable - Minute Mapped (MB/s) 704.4 Shuffle (MB/3) 371.9 I Output (MB/s) 0.0 doc-lnd ex-hits 5000364228 docs-indexed 17300709 dups-in-md ex- 0 merge mi-operator-calls ■ 17342493 mr-operator-outputs 17300709 Pavel Rychly • MapReduce • March 30, 2023 12/32 8989999623^1^^58588888 MapReduce status: MR_Indexer-beta6-laxge-2003_10_28_00_03 Started: FriNov7 09:51:07 2003 --up 0 hr 15 min 31 sec 1707 workers; 1 deaths Type Shards Done Active InputCMB) Done (MB) Output(MB) Map 13353 3841 1707 878934.6 621608.5 3694?9.8 Shuffle 500 0 500 369459.8 326986 8 326986.8 Reduce 500 0 i] 326986.8 0.0 0.0 iw - u: 80 U 70 u 60 c u 50 -> = 40 'J - L 0- 30 20 10 o Counters LT Reduce Shard Variable Minute Mapped (MB/s) 706.5 Shuffle (MB/s) 419.2 Output (MB/s) 0.0 doc-index-hits 4982870667 docs-lndexed 17229926 dups-in-indeH- 0 merge mr-operator-calls 17272056 mr-operator-OUtDUtS 17229926 Pavel Rychly • MapReduce • March 30, 2023 13/32 92^^8680 MapReduce status: MR_Indexer-beta6-large-2003_10_28_00_03 up 0 hr 29 nun 45 sec Started: Fri Nov 7 09:51:07 2003 1707 workers; 1 deaths Type Shards Done Active Input(MB) Done (ME) Output(ME) Map 13853 13853 0 878934,6 673934.6 523499.2 Shuffle 500 195 305 523499 2 523389.6 523389.6 Reduce 500 0 195 523389,6 2685.2 2742 6 Counters i: j tn Reduce Shard Variable Minute Mapped (MB/s) 0.3 Shuffle (MB/s) 0,5 Output (MB/s) 457 doc-index-hits 2313178 docs-indexed 7936 dups-in-index-rnerge 0 mr-rnerge-calls 1954105 mr-merge-outputs 1954105 Pavel Rychly • MapReduce • March 30, 2023 14/32 MapReduce status: MR_Indexer-betaó4arge-2003_10_28_00_03 Started: FriNov7 09:51:07 2003 up 0 hr 31 min 34 sec 1707 workers: 1 deaths Type Shards Done Active Input(MB) D(mp(TVrR> - Output(MB) Map 13353 13353 0 878934.6 878934.6 523499 2 Shuffle 500 500 Ü 523499.2 523499.5 523499.5 Reduce 500 li 500 523499.5 133837.8 136929.6 Reduce Shard Counters Variable Minute Mapped (MB/s) Shuffle (MB/s) Output (MB/s) doc- index-hits docs-indexed dups-in- index- merge inr- merge-c alls c mr-merge -outputs 0.0 0.1 1238.3 0 51738599 51738599 Pavel Rychlý • MapReduce • March 30, 2023 15/32 Map Reduce status: MR_Indexer-beta6-large-2003_10_28_00_03 Started: Fn Nov 7 09:51:07 2003 -- up 0 hr 33 mm 22 sec 1707 Workers: 1 deaths Type Shards Done Active LiputflVlB) Dime (ME) Output(MB) Map 13353 13853 0 378934.6 373934 fi 523499 2 Shuffle 500 500 0 523499.2 523499 5 523499.5 Re duce 500 0 500 523499.5 263283.3 269351.2 D ■U 0 (J 5C r .. U 4C u L 1 (L - ■ O o Reduce Shard Counters Variable Mapped (MB/s) Shuffle (MB/s) Output (MB/s) doc- index-hits docs-indexed dups-in- index- merge rnr- merge- calls ^ merge-I outputs IV'Uiiute 0 0 0.0 1225.1 0 51842100 51842100 Pavel Rychly • MapReduce • March 30, 2023 16/32 4849^524 ^^0^56568887 MapReduce status: MR_Indexer-beta6-large-2003_10_28_00_03 Started: Fn Nov 7 09:51:07 2003 - up 0 hr 35 min 08 sec 1707 workers; 1 deaths 1 Type Shards Done Active Input(ME) Done(MB) Output(MB) Map 13853 13853 0 873934.6 878934.6 523499.2 Shuffle 500 500 0 523499.2 523499.5 523499.5 Reduce 500 0 500 523499.5 390447.6 399457.2 V u (J = u 'J - o o o o Reduce Shard Counters Variable Mapped (MB/s) Shuffle (MB/s) Output (MB/s) doc- mdex-hits döcs-indexed dups-in-index-rnerge mr- merge-calls merge-outouts Minute 0.0 0 0 1222.0 0 51640600 51640600 Pavel Rychly • MapReduce • March 30, 2023 17/32 ^099999869^^45114 Map Reduce status: MR_Indexer-beta6-large-2003_10_28_00_03 Started: Fn Nov 7 09:51:07 2003 - up 0 hr 37 imn 01 sec 1707 workers; 1 deaths Type Shards Done Active Input(MB) Done (MB) Output(MB) Map 13S53 13853 0 878934.6 873934 6 523499.2 Shuttle 500 500 0 523499.2 520468.6 520468.6 Reduce 500 406 94 520468.6 512265.2 514373.3 Reduce Shard Counters Variable Mapped (MB/s) Shuffle (MB/s) Output (MB/s) doc- index-hits docs-mdexed dups-in- index- merge mr-calls rnr- merge- outouts Minute 0.0 0.0 849.5 0 350S3350 35033350 Pavel Rychly • MapReduce • March 30, 2023 18/32 MapReduce status: MR_Indexer-beta6-large-2003_10_28_00_03 Started: Fri Nov 7 09:51:07 2003 - up 0 hr 33 ruin 56 sec 1707 workers: 1 deaths Type Shards Done Active Input(MB) Done (MB) Output(ME) Map 1335 3 1335? 0 373934.6 373934.6 523499.2 Shuffle 500 500 0 523499.2 519731.3 519731.8 Reduce 500 498 2 519781.8 519394 7 5194407 '.■J o Counters G L. Reduce Shard Variable Minute Mapped (MB/s) 0.0 Shuffle (MB/s) 0.0 Output (MB/s) 9.4 doc-index-hits 0 105< docs-lndexed 0 ■ dups-in-index-merge 0 mr-rnerge-calls 394792 * mr-rnerge-outputs 394792 - Pavel Rychly • MapReduce • March 30, 2023 19/32 MapReduce status: MR_Indexer-beta6-large-2003_10_28_00_03 Started: FnNov7 09:51:07 2003 - up 0 hr 40 rnin43 sec 1707 workers; 1 deaths 1 Type Shards Done Active Input(ME) Done(MB) Output(MB) Map 13853 13853 0 878934.6 878934.6 523499.2 Shuffle 500 500 0 523499.2 519774.3 519774.3 Reduce 500 499 1 519774.3 519735.2 519764.0 100 Counters Reduce Shard Variable Minute Mapped (MB/s) 0.0 Shuffle (MB/s) 0.0 Output (MB/s) 1.9 doc-mdex-hits 0 1051 döcs-indexed 0 ■ dups-in-index-rnerge 0 mr-merge-calls 73442 mr-merge-outouts 73442 - Pavel Rychly • MapReduce • March 30, 2023 20/32 Fault tolerance: Handled via re-execution ■ On worker failure: ■ Detect failure via periodic heartbeats ■ Re-execute completed and in-progress map tasks ■ Re-execute in progress reduce tasks ■ Task completion committed through master ■ Master failure: ■ Could handle, but don't yet (master failure unlikely) Robust: lost 1600 of 1800 machines once, but finished fine Semantics in presence of failures: see paper Pavel Rychlý • MapReduce • March 30, 2023 21 /32 Refinement: Redundant Execution Slow workers significantly lengthen completion time ■ Other jobs consuming resources on machine ■ Bad disks with soft errors transfer data very slowly ■ Weird things: processor caches disabled (!!) Solution: Near end of phase, spawn backup copies of tasks ■ Whichever one finishes first "wins" Effect: Dramatically shortens job completion time Pavel Rychly • MapReduce • March 30, 2023 22/32 Refinement: Locality Optimization Master scheduling policy: ■ Asks GFS for locations of replicas of input file blocks ■ Map tasks typically split into 64MB (== GFS block size) ■ Map tasks scheduled so GFS input block replica are on same machine or same rack Effect: Thousands of machines read input at local disk speed ■ Without this, rack switches limit read rate Pavel Rychly • MapReduce • March 30, 2023 23/32 Refinement: Skipping Bad Records Map/Reduce functions sometimes fail for particular inputs ■ Best solution is to debug & fix, but not always possible ■ On seg fault: ■ Send UDP packet to master from signal handler ■ Include sequence number of record being processed ■ If master sees two failures for same record: ■ Next worker is told to skip the record Effect: Can work around bugs in third-party libraries Pavel Rychly • MapReduce • March 30, 2023 24/32 Other Refinements (see paper) ■ Sorting guarantees within each reduce partition ■ Compression of intermediate data ■ Combiner: useful for saving network bandwidth ■ Local execution for debugging/testing ■ User-defined counters Pavel Rychly • MapReduce • March 30, 2023 25/32 Performance Tests run on cluster of 1800 machines: ■ 4 GB of memory ■ Dual-processor 2 GHz Xeons with Hyperthreading ■ Dual 160 GB IDE disks ■ Gigabit Ethernet per machine ■ Bisection bandwidth approximately 100 Gbps Two benchmarks: MFLGrep Scan 1010 100-byte records to extract records matching a rare pattern (92K matching records) MFLSort Sort 1010 100-byte records (modeled after TeraSort benchmark) Pavel Rychly • MapReduce • March 30, 2023 26/32 MR Grep Locality optimization helps: ■ 1800 machines read 1 TB of data at peak of « 31 GB/s ■ Without this, rack switches would limit to 10 GB/s Startup overhead is significant for short jobs Pavel Rychly • MapReduce • March 30, 2023 27/32 MRSort Backup tasks reduce job completion time significantly System deals well with failures Normal No backup tasks 200 processes killed 20000 -I 10000 - c Done: 839 s ■n—i—i 0 200 400 600 80) — 20000 -i (ft 10000 - <4- 3 IJJ 'S. GÜ 0 ~ r 0 200 400 600 80 20000 -, 10000 - ä o ~ I r —i-r 10001200 ~i r ) 10001200 T 0 200 400 600 800 10001200 Seconds 20000 -I 10000 Done: 1235 s 1-1—I-1-1-r 0 200 400 600 800 1000 12(0 20000 -, 10000 - 20000 t i r 0 200 400 600 800 1000 12(0 10000 - _1—r 0 200 400 600 800 10001200 Seconds 20000 -1 10000 Done: 886 s 4 im—i-r 0 200 400 600 800 20000 -, 10000 - 20000 i i r 0 200 400 600 800 10000 - —i-r 10001200 ~~i r 10001200 i I i I i r 0 200 400 600 800 10001200 Seconds Pavel Rychly • MapReduce • March 30, 2023 28/32 Experience: Rewrite of Production Indexing System Rewrote Google's production indexing system using MapReduce ■ Set of +9, 44, 47, 24, 24 MapReduce operations ■ New code is simpler, easier to understand ■ MapReduce takes care of failures, slow machines ■ Easy to make indexing faster by adding more machines Pavel Rychly • MapReduce • March 30, 2023 29/32 Usage: MapReduce jobs run in August 2004 Number of jobs 29,423 Average job completion time 634 sees Machine days used 79,186 days Input data read 3,288 TB Intermediate data produced 758 TB Output data written 193 TB Average worker machines per job 157 Average worker deaths per job 1.2 Average map tasks per job 3,351 Average reduce tasks per job 55 Unique map implementations 395 Unique reduce implementations 269 Unique map/reduce combinations 426 Pavel Rychly • MapReduce • March 30, 2023 30/32 Related Work ■ Programming model inspired by functional language primitives ■ Partitioning/shuffling similar to many large-scale sorting systems ■ NOW-Sort ['97] ■ Re-execution for fault tolerance ■ BAD-FS ['04] and TACC ['97] ■ Locality optimization has parallels with Active Disks/Diamond work ■ Active Disks ['01], Diamond ['04] ■ Backup tasks similar to Eager Scheduling in Charlotte system ■ Charlotte ['96] ■ Dynamic load balancing solves similar problem as River's distributed queues ■ River ['99] Pavel Rychlý • MapReduce • March 30, 2023 31 /32 Conclusions ■ MapReduce has proven to be a useful abstraction ■ Greatly simplifies large-scale computations at Google ■ Fun to use: focus on problem, let library deal w/ messy details Thanks to Josh Levenberg, who has made many significant improvements and to everyone else at Google who has used and helped to improve MapReduce. Pavel Rychly • MapReduce • March 30, 2023 32/32