Dialogue Systems Dialogue Systems SIP Luděk Bártek Laboratory of Searching and Dialogue, Fakulty of Informatics, Masary University, Brno spring 2023 Dialogue systems User - Dialogue System Communication Methods Dialogue Systems Luděk Bártek Voice: ■ mostly communicate using telephone network PSTN, VoIP). ■ Voice digitization is performed: ■ On the user side - VoIP communication. ■ On the side of PBX - DS uses VoIP, user PSTN. ■ On the DS side - As well as user and the DS uses PSTN. ■ Speech recognition is mostly performed on the DS side. ■ When to use speech recognition on the client side? ■ What can be advantages of speech recognition on the client side? User - Dialogue System Communication Methods Dialogue Systems Luděk Bártek Text: ■ User communicates either using a specialized client or using some of the common TCP/IP protocols. ■ There is no need of speech recognition ■ Used mostly at development and debugging. Voice+Text ■ communication to DS ■ VoIP - text using a DTMF (like writing SMS). ■ special client. VoIP Available Protocols Dialogue Systems Luděk Bártek VoIP - family of protocols to control voice communication over Internet (IP based network). Used in VoIP. Used protocols: ■ UDP (ISO/OSI transport layer): ■ Transmits packets over network between two end points. ■ Does not guarantee neither packet delivery nor ordering. ■ Advantages - low data transfer costs. ■ Disadvantages - possible data lost and packet deliver speed jitter. ■ RTP (ISO/OSI session Layer): ■ Used to transmit multimedia data.. ■ Guarantee data delivery.. ■ Allows to define transmission parameters - guarantee the packet delivery speed. IP Telephony Used Protocols Dialogue Systems Luděk Bártek VoIP - many implementations. Differs in: ■ used standards ■ H.323 (not commonly used, standard ITU, complex, relatively complicated) ■ SIP (simpler H.323 replacement, commonly used in present time) ■ proprietary - Skinny (Cisco), HFA (Siemens), ... ■ offered services - telephony, TV (DVB), fax, message transmission, ... ■ signalization - depends on selected standard and used protocols. Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Dialogue Systems Luděk Bártek VoIP signalization control protocol on application ISO/OSI layer. Client-server text protocol offering: ■ call forwarding ■ participant identification ■ personal mobility both parties authentication ■ conference call support using multicast. SIP Dialogue Systems Luděk Bártek Participant identification - URI in the form sip:callerJd@server-address ■ callerJd - ID assigned to the user by his PBX ■ server address - PBX address (FQDN/IP), where is the user registered. SIP session may be: ■ direct - formed by communicating parties directly ■ using SIP proxy server(s) - serves as participants registrators. Participant localization - using his SIP ID Checking participant state - ready to receive call vs. busy/forwarded Checking participant communication possibilities -available codecs, bitrates, audio/video support, ... Connection establishing - uses the SDP protocol. ■ describes formed connection, ■ references RTP/UDP data flow used to participants communication. SIP Session Control Dialogue Systems Luděk Bártek telefon Alice SIP proxy Atlanta SIP proxy Biloxi telefon Boba t i h j i *—Í80HÍngí^9 AC K *--2ÓÓOK *--2ÓÓOK - multimediální relace -* RYE ---- 100 OK "--► Zvoní Zvednul Zavěsil Obrázek: See Wikipedia □