Dialogue systems Luděk Bártek Standards for Dialogue Interfaces Development Dialogue systems W3C Voice Browser Activity SRGS SRGS XML Form ABNF form SISR Luděk Bártek Laboratory of Searching and Dialogue, Fakulty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno spring 2023 Standards for Dialogue Interfaces Development Dialogue systems Luděk Bártek SRGS XML Form ABNF form Objective - allow a dialogue interface transfer from a platform to another. Standards for Dialogue Interface Development: ■ W3C Voice Browser Activity Standards, ■ AIML, ■ implementation platforms de-facto standards. World Wide Web Dialogue systems Luděk Bártek SRGS XML Form ABNF form 1876 - The patent for the phone granted to A. G. Bell WWW ■ 1989 - The article " HyperText and CERN"(Tim Burnes Lee) circulates around the CERN. ■ Christmas 1990 - command line web browser and editor has been demonstrated. ■ 1991 - WWW general availability on computers in CERN ■ 1994 - The W3 Consortium first meting. W3C Voice Browser Activity Dialogue systems Luděk Bártek SRGS XML Form ABNF form 1999 - the W3C Voice Browser Working Group formed. Objective - proposal of standards allowing web browsing and access using a voice and phone. Members: ■ HP ■ Nuance Communications ■ Lucent Technologies ■ Motorola ■ ScanSoft ■ IBM ■ Tel I me Networks ■ Vocalocity W3C Voice Browser Activity Standards Dialogue systems Luděk Bártek SRGS XML Form ABNF form VoiceXML - a dialogue strategy description language. Speech Recognition Grammar Specification - the language for description of speech recognition grammars. Semantic Interpretation for Speech Recognition - language for semantic interpretation support. Speech Synthesis Mark-up Language - language for description of the sentence prosody factors for speech synthesis. Standardy W3C Voice Browser Activity Cont. Dialogue systems Luděk Bártek SRGS XML Form ABNF form Pronunciation Lexicon Specification - the pronunciation lexicon for a speech recognition and synthesis Call Control XML - mark-up language used to control user - dialogue system connection. State Chart XML - general use state machine description language. Standardy W3C Voice Browser Activity Processing Dialogue systems Luděk Bártek SRGS XML Form ABNF form The standards are mark-up languages - must be interpreted. There is a lot of implementation platforms: ■ Free available desktop platforms - JVoiceXML, PublicVoiceXML, ... ■ Commercial desktop - Optimtalk - there was a free available version for development and testing; LSD lab has a licence for computers in the lab. ■ Free available on-line platforms - Asterisk+VoiceGlue or OpenVXI, JVoiceXML... ■ Commercial on-line - Aspect Prophecy, Bevocal Cafe -can be used freely for development and testing purposes (2 parallels calls max) Speech Recognition Grammar Specification Dialogue systems Luděk Bártek SRGS XML Form ABNF form W3C specification of a language for description of context free grammars supporting the speech recognition. Current version 1.0. The JSGF replacement. There are 2 two different notations: ■ XML ■ Augmented Backus-Naur Form (ABNF). The only difference is the notation not the power of expression. Support of the notations is platform depended. ■ Commonly used is the XML form. Context Free Grammars The Formal Languages Theory Dialogue systems Luděk Bártek SRGS XML Form ABNF form Grammar G — (A/, Z, P, S) ■ N - finite set of non-terminal symbols ■ Y. - finite set of terminal symbols (the language alphabet) ■ P - a set of rules ■ S - grammar root non-terminal symbol Context Free Grammar: ■ grammar G = (A/, Z, P, S) ■ where the rules are in the form N —>► {N U Z}* SRGS grammar XML form Dialogue systems Luděk Bártek SRGS XML Form ABNF form Starts with an XML prologue ■ . Root element - grammar, contains the set of rules (rule elements). Attributes ■ version - used SRGS version (current 1.0). ■ xmhlang- grammar language code. ■ root - rule id corresponding the the root non-terminal symbol. ■ mode - the communication mode of the grammar: ■ dtmf - using the DTMF codes ■ voice - voice grammar; the implicit value. Rule Notation Dialogue systems Luděk Bártek SRGS XML Form ABNF form Element rule: ■ attributes: ■ id - the rule id (corresponds to the rule left-side non-terminal symbol). ■ Content - right side of the rule: ■ textual content - a sequence of terminal symbols. ■ element ruleref- non-terminal symbol; referenced by uri attribute. ■ element one-of- right side variants (operator |). ■ element item - logical division of the sequence; allows to specify the the count of repeating of particular part of the speech for example. Sequence of Terminal and Non-terminal Symbols. SAMPLE^ I like KIND SRGS form. I like SRGS form. Right side of the rule can be divided into the logical parts: dot Rule Variants Dialogue systems Luděk Bártek SRGS XML Form ABNF form Element one-of. It allows to specify different variants of expected inputs. The variants are enclosed in element item. Example: red green/item> blue Repeating Dialogue systems Luděk Bártek SRGS XML Form ABNF form It allows to specify: ■ the optional parts of the speech ■ the recurrent parts of the speech Notation - using the the attribute repeat of the element item. Repeating count possible specification: ■ n times- n\ repeating ■ < m. n > times- m-n I'd like to ■ < a?, oo) times- m- Hi Special Rule Dialogue ■ Can be used to input: systems ■ the unspecified utterance - GARBAGE Luděk Bártek ■ the unspeakable rule (prohibition of particular utterance) - Standards for VOID Dialogue Interfaces ■ ever valid rule (even empty) - NULL Development ■ They are used as special non-terminal symbols: W3C Voice Browser Activity SRGS XML Form ABNF form ■ Usage example: SISR from to using The SRGS ABNF Form Dialogue systems Luděk Bártek SRGS XML Form ABNF form Pure plain-text grammar form based on the BNF form. : := I want to go from to 11.11 ::=