Traview Application Scenario Imagine you would like to relax, hike or explore during your vacation and you want to leave the planning to a travel agency. Vacation is the time for rest, not for dealing with problems. Therefore, you expect the travel agency to take care of your needs and resolve any unexpected issues for you. But choosing the right travel agency for you might be a challenge. Of course, you choose mainly based on the offer but currently, there is no independent and complex review system to help you make sure you can rely on the agency of your choice. At the moment you can only ask your friends and family for their recommendations and do your online research but there should be a better way! Independent review pages for other types of services already exist e.g., for hotels, restaurants and many other businesses, but not for travel agencies. Traview portal offers this useful service for travel agencies. It provides up-to-date information on the insurance status of the agency and, more importantly, independent reviews. Travel agencies are reviewed based on different aspects of the overall service. Except the overall satisfaction, customers review the holiday representative, vacation seller, transport to and from accommodation and destination, overall communication and trips offer. The platform is easy to use by anyone as it doesn’t require any registration, so anyone can share their either good or bad experience. In order to attract the user’s attention, we would like to collaborate with travel agencies so that they motivate their customers to write a review on our website after they travel with the agency. The advantage for the agencies is that they receive feedback (what they should work on) and they will be seen (provided they have good reviews) as trustworthy agencies, which should lead to an increase in the number of their clients against those who don’t have this advantage. Another special benefit can be placing travel agency advertisements, so while clients check reviews on the agency, its offers are displayed to the clients at the same time. Application demo The application is available on It consists of a home page with a list of all the travel agencies registered in the Czech republic with their insurance status and their overall rating. For each agency there is also a detailed view available, displaying its average rating in every evaluated category, its address and the reviews written by other users. From here, the user can also add their own review and thus help the community make a more informed pick of a travel agency. The UI of the application can be seen on the last page of the report in a dedicated chapter. The visible frontend application is developed in ReactJS and deployed in the IBM Cloud. It makes use of the following IBM Cloud services: ● Cloud Foundry ● SDK for Node.js The backend application is developed using Django and hosted on Heroku: It provides frontend with required data utilizing RESTful APIs. The open data containing the basic info about the travel agencies is taken directly from the site of the Czech Ministry of Regional Development: ich-kancelari?fbclid=IwAR3IVvjpIewK1EDKF90NAbxKrHoUUYuZzJk71Ff3N_sdt2EtnPY7q13Jc 00. It is persisted in a PostgreSQL which is deployed on AWS: Using the current prototype, page visitors can 1. view a list of travel agencies 2. search travel agencies by name 3. check travel agency detail with rating and reviews 4. write a new travel agency review 5. filter reviews by destination / travel type / rating Future Possibilities ● Review rating (useful / not useful) ● More complex filters ● Authorized section for travel agency representatives with the possibility to comment on the reviews or update contact details etc. Our Team ● Ondřej Dacer – Backend Boy ● Michael Koudela – Frontend Fanatic ● Peter Šípoš – Cloud Champion Special thanks to Zdena Faragulová Business Model – Lean Canvas Smart Service Canvas Snapshots Main page Agencies with invalid insurance are reported Agency detail with reviews Review detail New review form .