14 | The Last Game Design Lecture
RALPH KOSTER - Practical Creativity - GDC 2014
Ralph Koster, the author of Theory of Fun had a great talk (2014) that you can relate to because you have the experience from GDI. It is great in its general nature yet holds a lot of useful wisdom in tiny little day to day details - mostly decisions and how to manage the elusive creative juice / processes.
JEFF VOGEL - Failing to Fail: The Spiderweb Software Way - GDC 2018
Jeff Vogel is the ever enduring indie game developer that can describe harsh yet joyful realities of small team indie game development. The unicorns that are indie game developers are often viewed as the romantic authors and creative geniuses, yet the success is every time bought with low peaks of frustration and desperation. Hear how one developer endured through low valleys of game dev.
Reading tip!
A magazine with advices how to get into game industry, including descriptions for different game dev positions. Check especially the pages 4-9 (CV, portfolio) and 32-37 (game design). The information and advices are also generally valid in Czech game industry.