- Why should we combine movement and pathfinding?
- What is a search problem? What types of search problems do you know?
- Define the base terminology related to pathfinding graphs.
- Describe graph representation using adjacency lists.
- Describe graph representation using the adjacency matrix.
- How would you represent a tile-based map? What is the waypoint graph?
- How is the graph explored by the breadth-first search algorithm? Describe the implementation of the breadth-first search algorithm.
- How is the graph explored by the depth-first search algorithm? Describe the implementation of the depth-first search algorithm.
- Compare the breadth-first search algorithm and depth-first search algorithm.
- Describe the implementation of the Dijkstra algorithm.
- How would you implement the Dijkstra algorithm to compute the shortest path for all nodes?
- Discuss the exploration of the graph on slide 23 using the Dijkstra algorithm.
- Compare the differences between BFS, Dijkstra, greedy, and A* algorithms.
- Describe the implementation of the A* algorithm.
- What is admissible heuristics? Why is it important? What would happen if the heuristic overestimated the length of the path to the goal?
- What data structures are needed by the A* algorithm?
- What is the priority heap? Discuss the complexity of operations.
- What are the bucketed priority queues?
Artificial Intelligence for Computer Games
Pathfiding: search algorithms.
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