Week 03 - HTML5 Tomáš Pitner March 2, 2023 PB138 - Mo de rn Markup Language s and The ir Applicatio ns Outline Introduction: HTML5 as the foundation of WWW Commonly used elements WAI ARIA Regular DOM, Virtual DOM, Shadow DOM & AOM Browser rendering Minification, Compression Introduction to HTML5 Part of basic web standards, currently on version HTML 5.2 HTML 5.3 under preparation as living standard, see https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/ HTML5 is used on websites and mobile and desktop devices/apps Previous popular versions: XHTML and HTML 4 still in use XHTML was the only HTML being a strict XML markup On the other hand, HTML is based on the old Structured Generalized Markup Language (SGML, see e.g. http://webserver.ics.muni.cz/bulletin/articles/106.html) HTML5 needs CSS for styling JavaScript (ECMAScript) for scripting - interactivity What is HTML5 HyperText Markup Language (HTML) 5 HTML5 is not XML in the strict sense (some syntax rules are omitted) HTML5 is similar to original (SGML-based) versions of HTML Extends previous versions by many new elements and API multimedia (