HW2 Developer onboarding process Developeronboarding Versioncontrolsystem Version control system Create developer account Add to project Send invitation email HRsystem HR system Employees database Verify bank account Log error Validity response received 60 seconds Verification failed Send bank account verification request 3rd error Verification completed Mean response time is 5 seconds. Bank account valid? Verification failed Create employee record Save employee record to backup database "Issue saving record" signal sent Employees backup database This signal is used by other processes. Database is down HRemployee HR employee New developer hired Enter developer personal details Onboarding completedRequest correct bank account from developer via SMS Verify account manually Developer prefers SMS? Request correct bank account from developer via email New bank account number received ITemloyee IT emloyee Prepare Windows PC C# developer? Prepare MacBook Give computer to developer Bank Developer Author: Petr Janík, 485122 Description: This BPMN diagram describes the process of onboarding a new developer to a company. It's concerned with entering the employee into an HR system and creating a developer account so they can access code repositories. Throughout the process, the equipment is prepared too. Yes No No Validity response Yes Computer No Correct bank account number request Project invitation email Yes Account number Correct bank account number request Bank account number This probably should be user task. I assume it can affect data in the process. Result: 12