Badminton Court Bookings L2 BadmintonCourtBookings Booking Booking Booking request received Prompt to book additional court time slot In case of availability it also pre-books it for the duration of the order Court time slot available? 5 minutes Mark court time slot as booked Booking denied Bookings archive Booking cancelled Cancel pre-booked court time slot Prompt denied Prompt accepted Automatic continuation Check court time slot availability Until there are pre-booked court time slots Until there are pre-booked court time slots Select court time slot Customer account session expired Booking confirmed Accounting Accounting Cancel payment Payment successful? Payment account Select payment option Automatic cancellation Issue sent Validate payment 10 minutes10 minutes Bank Customer Patrik Mažári, UČO 492762 This process displays Badminton Court Bookings. Briefly, the process starts with a customer requesting a badminton court booking. In case their session (in the browser) is expired, it is handled using an exception. Next, the customer selects one or more time slots and continues to choose payment options. Upon selection, the payment is proceeded. In case of an failure or timeout, the payment and booking are cancelled. If everything goes well, the booking is confirmed, and the customer is informed about it accordingly. Yes No YesNo Notification Emailandnotification Selectedslot Requestforpaymentoption Selectedpaymentoption Requestforslot Requestforpayment Paymentresult Notification Userprompt Promptresponse Promptresponse Email This I do not understand. If prompt is denied the process continues? -0.5 Result: 11.5 These loops are probably unnecessary