540701_Awais_nn Customer Company Sales Sales Place Order Validate Order Sales Team Generate Invoice Archive Order Boundary event is used to catch an exception that might occur during the "Archive Order" task WareHouse Ware House Check Inventory Prepare Shipment waiting time Ship Goods Update Inventory Customer shipping Records it allows the process to continue even if some items are not available in the inventory "Order Delivering Process." This process involves receiving customer orders, processing them, and delivering the ordered goods to the customer. The process involves various activities, decision points, and events. Valid Order Invalid Order All Items are available AllItemsarenotavailable Cancell Order Missing task types -1 Events are missing descriptions -1 Bad layout of process (not readable from the left to the right, even though the process is not overly complex) -1 Insufficient amount of gateways -1 Missing message flow -1 What is this waiting time for? It should be rather message type event. -1 Missing regular out-coming sequence flow -1 Result: 5