Process management }System of Corporate Ideas }Strategic Continuum ◦OSI, FDSI, SDSI, TDSI ◦to enable to seek for and define new step changes ◦to prevent confusing the presence and the future strategies }Living strategic Frame }Change vector }Balanced Scorecard ◦ } PV215 - 8 2 }Processes and projects ◦defined sets of procedures, activities or actions transforming inputs to outputs }Processes ◦repeatable, easy to monitor, subject of continual improvement ◦deterministic, predictable ◦focused on outputs }Projects ◦unique, have to be attentively planned and executed, continuously monitored and managed ◦uncertain ◦focused on impact, benefits and goals of its outputs PV215 - 9 3 Processes and Projects project management is the most expensive management approach }How can projects benefit from process management? ◦projects may involve processes; for partial design of project the process design techniques may be utilized }How can processes benefit from project management? ◦process definition may be extended to define desired impact of process outputs; then performance indicators may be defined more appropriately PV215 - 9 4 Processes and Projects PV215 - 9 5 Processes and Projects PV215 - 11b 6 stimuli processing feeling need behavior rational procedures intuitive procedures processing processing pleasant/ unpleasant to preserve/ to change passive/ active (C) J. Plamínek Where do our motives come from? PV215 - 11b 7 Motivation Motives and incentives are the forces that helps us to take action. PV215 - 11b 8 Stimulation Motivation Motivation }Motivation is about reaching harmony in ◦what does one person feels as their inner needs ◦what this person is assigned to do for company }Making person and task to be assigned to fit each other ◦adjust person to the task ◦adjust task or its submission to person }Golden rule ◦“Do not adjust people to their task, but adjust tasks to people and their needs!” }Manager skilled in motivating is able to ◦reach desired result and ◦make people happy and satisfied with their work ◦ ◦ PV215 - 11b 9 Motivation TABULE 32 PV215 - 11b 10 (C) J. Plamínek Motivation PV215 - 11b 11 reflection of outer short term impulses reflection of current inner state degree of fulfillment of life needs social role and order may overlap the other factors in short term may mask and hide the personality influence in long term (C) J. Plamínek Motivation Personality – remember MBTI PV215 - 11b 12 (C) J. Plamínek Motivation Personality TABLE 34 Personality Explorer Guide Harmonizer Refiner Typical need Inner self-assertion: overcoming challenges Outer self-assertion: influencing people Outer anchor: favorable environment Inner anchor: perfection Response to praise “I know. Of course it works.” “It was not easy. I’ll show what I did.” “Praise also the others.” “Thanks. I did what I could.” Response to criticism “I know. It has already happened.” (Belittlement) “Who the hell you are, ...” (Acceptance) “I see. Maybe I disappointed you” Fair criticism: (Regret) Unfair criticism: (Diplomatic) “If you think so” Cope with stress Kick. Higher performance Delegating to others Unresponsive Big stress, collapse. Motivating formulations This will be hard. Nobody done it before. Do it in your way. We depend on you. You are great organizer. You will be a part of the team. You will help if they struggle. Here are the instructions. I will advise when it is not clear. PV215 - 11b 13 (C) J. Plamínek Motivation PV215 - 11b 14 Bearable working conditions Sufficient financial income Securing the future Good interpersonal relationships Image of the company Bonuses and career Appreciation and respect Space for personal development Useful work (C) J. Plamínek Motivation Environ TABLE 35 V praci museji byt splneni alespon 2 ze 3 veci: penize, lide, prace PV215 - 12 15 Person (human resources bearer) Qualities (the way we are) Attitudes (what we want, what we believe in) Abilities (what we know and can do) (C) J. Plamínek (C) J. Plamínek PV215 - 12 16 general view (models) specific issues (reality) practice (skills) theory (knowledge) (C) J. Plamínek Habilitation telefonista_black.png cre( ) PV215 - 12 17 sportsman.png + =E cre ... relationship efficiency coefficient cre < 1 ... conflict cre = 1 ... neutral cre > 1 ... synergy Synergetization PV215 - 12 18 altruism oppression egoism self-destruction Me=0 You=0 Cooperation Me>0, You>0 value co-creation Competition Me>0, You<0 value claiming Destruction Me<0, You<0 value destruction Yielding Me<0, You>0 value offering Passivity Me=0, You=0 (C) J. Plamínek Synergetization PV215 - 12 19 Competition Me>0, You<0 (C) J. Plamínek Synergetization * absecnce spolecnzch cilu vede k prosazovani cilu individualnich •soutezeni je dlouhodobe udrzitelnou taktikou mezilidskych vztahu, jeji nositele nezapominaji na sve zajmy – vztahy vsak byvaji napjate; prima soutez vylucuje synergicky efekt • dlouhodoba taktika vnejsich vztahu s konkutenty, kratkodoba taktika vnitrnich vztahu, kdy skupine chybi vnitrni dynamika PV215 - 12 20 Cooperation Me>0, You>0 (C) J. Plamínek Synergetization * egoisticka slozka zpusobuje, ze spolupracujeme, jen kdyz je to pro nas vyhodné, nekdy mame pocit, ze soutezi ziskame vice a tak soutezime a to bud dokud nezvitezime, nebo radeji nezacneme spolupracovat •vliv egoisticke slozky zpusobuje, ze pri spolupraci nezapominame na vlastni zajmy => udrzitelnost • zadouci dlouhodoba taktika vnitrnich vztahu a vhodna dlouhodoba taktika vnejsich vztahu s nekonkurencnimi subjekty PV215 - 12 21 Yielding Me<0, You>0 (C) J. Plamínek Synergetization •rozlišujeme ústup (přizpůsobení pod tlakem) a obětavost (přizpůsobení v tahu) •pricinou ustupu je vnejsi tlak, taktikou v dlouhodobe soutezi •predevsim ocenenim, vlastnim prikladem •patra hierarchie potreb, nizsi nic moc, vyssi ok •spolecne cile, pro ktere ma smysl se obetovat, zvysovani podilu na rozhodovani •dlouhodobe nezdrava taktika – jde o zalohu pro krizove situace PV215 - 12 22 Destruction Me<0, You<0 (C) J. Plamínek Synergetization } PV215 - 12 23 Passivity Me=0, You=0 (C) J. Plamínek Synergetization PV215 - 12 24 Synergetization }Strategically important are cooperation and competition }Competition is sustainable if clear rules are defined }Cooperation is sustainable if it is symmetric ◦more stable cooperation is based on foregoing competition – partners know strengths of each other and show due respect }The most successful strategy designed by Anatol Rapoport: Tit-for-Tat PV215 - 12 25 Synergetization }Start with cooperation, then react symmetrically PV215 - 12 26 Synergetization Vstřícnost – odškodnění – shovívavost – usnadnění – adaptace - ovlivnění PV215 - 12 27 Profit Get know Subdue Neglect knife gun kido (C) J. Plamínek Synergetization Neglect = zanedbání Subdue = podmanění PV215 - 12 28 (C) J. Plamínek Synergetization principle of evolution principle of prevention PV215 - 12 29 (C) J. Plamínek Synergetization principle of depersonalization principle of mediation PV215 - 12 30 iceberg.jpg attitudes interests Why? interests interests Why? Why? (C) J. Plamínek Synergetization principle of rationalization princinple of many dimensions PV215 - 12 31 iceberg.jpg Synergetization }Cooperation cannot be ordered or learnt ◦set up appropriate conditions so that cooperation pays off }Conflicts are natural and essential to avoid stagnation, however they have to be treated well ◦conflicts between interests of group members and group itself ◦conflicts coming from diversity of group members }When conditions for cooperation are set up AND conflicts are managed the ordinary group can change itself to the team PV215 - 12 32 Synergetization PV215 - 12 33 Who? What? How? Who? (C) J. Plamínek Synergetization 1. Gaining confidence and order 2. Waking of Activity 3. Synergy development Managing force Person (manager) Members (including manager) Ideas Focus Operational task, manager Processes and rules Relations and goals Managerial style Directive management Open management Synergistic management Typical kind of communication Monolog Dialog Facilitation Decision making Authoritative Consultative Delegative or participative Effective incentives Stimulation Motivation Self-motivation Relationships development Passivity retreat, onset of competition Development of competition, onset of cooperation Development of team work PV215 - 12 34 (C) J. Plamínek Synergetization goa_div_yy.png PV215 - 12 35 (C) J. Plamínek Synergetization 1)What bothers me specifically? 2)Is the problem on my side? 3)Is the problem in the system? 4)Does he or she cause the problems intentionally? 5)Why does he or she cause the problems? } } PV215 - 12 36 Integration 1) describe problem in the terms of consequences 2) it is easier change myself than another person 3 work for two people simultaneously, he works for me, but I can not evaluate him PV215 - 12 37 Integration PV215 - 12 38 (C) J. Plamínek Integration dependence – napodobování ostatních, neschopnost tvořit nové reakce, latitude – nezávislé chování, přehlížení odpovědnosti, nevnímají sebe sama v širších souvislostech – freedom - rozvíjení citlivosti k potřebám okolí, schopnost vidět se očima ostatních, uvšědomovat si důsledky svých činů }Process management }Theory of motivation }Personal development }Synergy }Cooperation } PV215 - 9 39