Public April 24th, 2023 Richard Všianský, SAP ReactJS and Web Development 2Public - Senior Frontend Developer at SAP Signavio - 4+ years of experience with React - 7+ years of experience with Web Development - Master‘s Degree from Mendel University in Brno - Maintainer of Data Driven Forms library Presenter: Richard Všianský 3Public D E V E L OP ME N T L OC A L IZ A T ION S OF T WA R E MA IN T E N A N C E SAP Labs Czech Republic 4Public 1) Introduction to React 2) Model View Controller Pattern and React 3) Advanced usage of React Agenda 5Public - An open-source JavaScript library for building user interfaces - Declarative - Component-based - First public release in 2013, released by Meta (Facebook) - Most used front-end framework - Web and mobile applications React 6Public - Components = functions / class components - Components consists of elements (HTML, components) - State - “internal“ attributes of component - Props - “external“ attributes of component - parameters of function Component is re-rendered only when state or props are changed / or when parent component is re-rendered React – Component-based 7Public 8Public - Template (HTML) and logic (JavaScript) in one file - Not required, React can be used without it (not recommended) JSX 9Public - Passing properties to components - Can use propTypes for typing Props 10Public Conditions, Children and Default Props 11Public Loops in JSX 12Public Event Handling 13Public - Used to manage component states, trigger side-effects - Lifecycle methods - Used in Class components only - Can be replaced by Hooks (only ComponentDidCatch cannot be) - High-order components - A component that returns component - To share functionality - Hooks (recommended) - Used in Function components only - Introduced in React 16.8.0 (February 2019) - Shared functionality across components Hooks and Lifecycles Methods 14Public - constructor() - Binds methods, sets props - render() - componentDidMount() - Called after component is inserted into the DOM tree - Usually used to load data from network - componentWillUnmnout() - Called before component is destroyed - Usually used to clean subscriptions, cancel network requests - Check other methods Lifecycle Methods (obsolete) 15Public Stateful Class Component Example 16Public - useState, useReducer - To initialize and store inner variables (state) - useRef - To create an object that persists for the fulltime of the component - useEffect - Triggers side-effects according to changes of dependencies - Replaces componentDidMount, componentDidUnmount, componentDidUpdate - useContext - Accessing outside context - Check other hooks, comparison with LifeCycle methods Hooks 17Public Stateful Function Component Example 18Public - A function calling other hooks - To share functionality across components - The name of a custom hook has to start with `use` (e.g. useLoadData) Custom Hooks 19Public Link to code 20Public - A virtual DOM – a representation of React components tree - Changes are first done in ReactDOM and after their comparison, they are rendered in DOM ReactDOM Model-View-Controller and React 22Public - A software architectural pattern used for developing GUI applications - Separation of concerns Model-View-Controller 23Public - Manages data and logic – validation, saving, updating - e.g. a table in database, ORM model, … - Object-relational Mappers - A class in code represents table in the DB Model 24Public - Receives input from View, updates Model and returns data to View - Does not know how to handle data - Sometimes called Presenter Controller 25Public - Displays data to users - UI application (frontend) - HTML, JavaScript, CSS => REACT View 26Public - Model/Controller is usually one application - “Model” sometimes refers to a database - e.g. In Rails Models and Controllers are different classes Model vs Controller 27Public - MVC frameworks - One application handled data, logic and presenting them to users (Monolith application) - HTML templating (ERB, Haml) - Ruby On Rails (2004) – Ruby - Django – Python - Laravel, Nette – PHP - .NET – C# - Spring - Java MVC in Past 28Public - Backend contains presenters + models - Handle users input and updates data - Usually one backend application (Java, PHP, Python, …) - Frontend (UI) displays data to users - Usually one (React) application - Frontend communicates with backend via API - Sends data - Receives data - No HTML templating - REST API / GraphQl / RPC MVC Today 29Public - Usually one client, multiple backends (up to 100+) - Each backend has own database, handles specific functionality - Microservices interact with each other - Each MS follows MVC pattern Microservices Recommended movies Streaming Subscriptions 30Public Twitter 31Public - An approach to bring Microservices architecture to Frontend side - One client consists of several UI applications - Teams can use different frameworks, not blocked by others, code is separated - Mostly used for code separations… - Using different frameworks is not scalable (sharing components, knowledge, programmers) - Frontend parts usually interact a lot with each other - Serving different applications can increase application size Microfrontends 32Public - Example - Movie database web application - API REST connection - Custom local server with in-memory database - Create and update movies - Includes pagination, filtering MVC Example Using React and NodeJS Common and Advanced Usage of React 34Public - Inline styling - CSS/PostCSS/SASS - Using className prop - JSS (CSS-in-JavaScript) - Multiple libraries React and CSS 35Public - Only reloads data, page is not refreshed Routing – Single Page Application 36Public - Package management - Using open source / private packages - Contains scripts, configuration of the project - NPM, YARN, PNPM, Bower (obsolete) - Dependency tree - Bundlers - Bundle JS, HTML, CSS and other resources altogether - Webpack, Snowpack, Vite, Rollup, Parcel - Uses Compilers to enhance JavaScript language (Babel) - Allows to use new features not supported by all browsers - Minifiers to make code/resources smallers - It is possible to use React without a bundler (not recommend) Packages Management and Bundlers 37Public - To share data across components - Allows to pass data from bottom to top - React Context - Simple, not optimized - React Redux - The most used library - Optimized - Old, needs a lot of boilerplate - Recoil - Developed by Meta, atomic approach - Hook based libraries - Zustand Global State Management 38Public Zustand Global State Example 39Public - Similar to global state, only on form level - Performance optimization - Form state: values, dirty, validation, conditions, … - Handles event - Based on field configuration libraries - Formik, react-hook-form, reactfinal-form, Unform, @shopify/reactform, felte, … - Based on schema defined forms - Data-driven-forms, uniforms, React Json Schema Form, Winterfell Form State Management 40Public - Unify using of API across UI application - Cache, validation, global store management - Apollo GraphQl - For GraphQl requests - Axios - Enhancement of the default window.fetch API - SWR - Pagination, polling, cache, optimistic UI, … API Management 41Public - Already implemented and designed components - Rapid development, prototyping, production development - MaterialUI, React Bootstrap, Ant Design, BlueprintJS, … Design System Libraries Material UI Ant Design BlueprintJS 42Public - Browser tools for debugging React application - ReactDOM overview and Components inspector - Can check and change props, state - Profiler - To track performance, rendering times React DevTools 43Public - React can be also rendered on server - Faster performance for users (only receive HTML), frontend directly accesses database and backend, better for SEO - Components can still stay dynamic – in that case JavaScript is still sent - NextJS, Remix - React Server Components - Experimental - Streamed to browser, not just HTML, all the functionality is kept on server Server-side React Frameworks 44Public - Use React Testing Library for Unit testing - To test functionality, not styling - Runs in Node, not in a browser - Quick and cheap - Use when developing - Jest runs tests, RTL renders them - Enzyme is no longer supported! - Cypress component testing - Runs in browser without backend - Slower - E2E tests (Cypress, Playwright, …) - Runs in browsers with backend connected - The slowest approach - Use when approving code/changes Testing React 45Public - React can be slooooooow - Optimize: - Rendering - Memoization (components are not rendered when props are not changed) - Subscription rendering (components are rendered only if their subscribed state is changed) - Debouncing (when typing, state/functionality is not triggered on each key stroke) - Bundle size - Tree shaking (not used components are not bundled in the code) - Code splitting (components are loaded only when needed) - Computation - Memo values (computed values are re-calculated only when a dependency is changed) - Cache values (do not recompute functions for the same values) React Optimization 46Public - React can be also used to develop native iOS and Android applications - Instead of HTML elements it uses native elements of each system - Slower than truly native applications, but codebase can be shared across platforms React Native – Mobile Applications Same component, different look Not using HTML elements 47Public - Pipelines to automatically build, test and deploy applications - CircleCI, Jenkins, Travis CI, GitHub Actions, … CI – Continuous Delivery 48Public - React and Typescript can be used together - Providing typing to components React and TypeScript 49Public - MVC and templating frameworks - Obsolete, but still used - See MVC frameworks - Other JavaScript frameworks - Vue – more developer friendly - Angular – includes more features, enterprise ready - Svelte – small community, similar to vanilla JS - SolidJS – similar to React, still early - WebAssembly - Native code compiled to WebAssembly - Fast performance, still early to use - Blazor (.NET framework) Alternatives 50Public - Official documentation:, - YouTube - - - Books - - Eloquent JavaScript - Open source projects More Resources Thank you. 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