Introduction to Academic Writing

Course Policy and Class Conduct


-          Be familiar with course assessment and all the deadlines.

-          Plan ahead regarding the course assignments and deadlines

-          Actively participating in the class (this includes taking notes!)

-          If handouts are provided in advance, you must have them either as a print out or on a laptop/tablet; phones are NOT allowed as a tool for viewing class handouts

-          Late submission policy:

  • Late submissions are accepted and should be uploaded into the folder dedicated for Late Submissions (found in the Course Objectives section).
  • One late submission per semester is allowed if announced before the deadline of the given submission. This submission will not be penalized and it is expected to be completed within a few days after the deadline. If you have multiple late submissions, contact me ASAP.
  • Each class assignment must be submitted; those not submitting all the relevant assignments will automatically receive an “incomplete” grade (either “X” or “-“).


1)      Am I allowed not to write down the answers to exercises we do in class?

2)      Can I use my phone to look at the handout during class?

3)      Can I remain passive during class?

4)      Can I submit assignments in a different format than .docx or .pdf?

5)      Can I submit assignments by email?

6)      Can I submit assignments after the deadline by email?

7)      When submitting assignments into the LATE SUBMISSION folder, can I use a generic file name (e.g. assignment.docx)?
NO. Make sure to label the file so that I know which assignment you are submitting.

8)      Can I miss more than two classes even though I have a doctor’s note for both absences?
NO. Contact me immediately.