3D Character Modeling

Week 2 - Head Expressions, Shape keys

2nd part of Head assignment - FACIAL EXPRESSIONS

This week we will talk more about the anatomy of the head - just basics - and we will look at the facial expression which can communicate a lot of emotions of course. Working with the head which already has eyes from the last week will be the one you will remodel into the expression of your choice.

There are six basic facial expressions (as you who attended Intro to Visual Communication already know) defined by the anthropologist Paul Ekman who studied behaviour and expressions around the world  (in the seventies) to make sure this can be applied universally.  FACS - Facial Action Coding System - is the system that describes these expressions from the anatomical point of view. His research is still valid and used in CG.

Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.
Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.
Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.


  • If your head appears to be faceted and Shade Smooth does not work: 
    • Go to Edit Mode
    • Select all the edges (should appear blue)
    • Select menu for Edges or press A
    • In the menu select Clear Sharp.
  • If your head has it's center (the pivot) off:
    • Go to Object Mode
    • Select Object menu 
    • Set the Origin - Origin to the Center of Mass (Surface)
  • If you want to see edges on the surface of the model while you edit or sculpt:
    • Go to viewport Overlay (icon with two overlapping spheres on the right upper corner of the viewport)
    • in "Geometry" group, tick "Wireframe" - also you can set the Opacity of the displayed wireframe on the surface