Introduction to Propositional Satisfiability IA085: Satisfiability and Automated Reasoning Martin Jonáš FI MUNI, Spring 2024 Contents Propositional satisfiability (SAT) • (A ∨ ¬B) ∧ (¬A ∨ C) • is it satisfiable? Satisfiability modulo theories (SMT) • x = 1 ∧ x = y + y ∧ y > 0 • is it satisfiable over reals? • is it satisfiable over integers? Automated theorem proving (ATP) • axioms: ∀x (x + x = 0), ∀x∀y (x + y = y + x) • do they imply ∀x∀y ((x + y) + (y + x) = 0)? 1 / 38 Contents For each of the problems (SAT/SMT/ATP) • necessary definitions and theoretical results • algorithms to solve the problem • usage in practice and practical considerations 2 / 38 Organization of the Course Schedule and Requirements During semester • lecture every week (except April 10, May 1, May 8) • seminar every other week • project (write your own small SAT solver) -- mandatory Exam • oral exam • you will have access to the lecture slides 3 / 38 Project Implement your own SAT solver • you can use any reasonable programming language (C, C++, C#, Go, Java, Python, Rust, . . .) • you are encouraged to work in pairs (but you do not have to) • technical requirements are specified in the information system • more advanced features → bonus points for the exam • the scores will be evaluated periodically through the semester, you will see the ranking 4 / 38 Who am I? • author of SMT solver Q3B for quantified formulas over bit-vector theory • for 3 years post-doctoral researcher in Fondazione Bruno Kessler: research focused on SMT-based verification of software and SAT-based verification of hardware • PhD thesis about satisfiability of quantified formulas over bit-vector theory • author of several research papers about solving SMT and using it in practice • co-organizer of SMT-COMP 2024 5 / 38 Propositional Logic Propositional logic Propositional logic deals with propositions, their relationships, and arguments based on them. Does not deal objects and their properties, just with separate atomic claims. ``Martin has brown hair'' ``Martin does not have hair'' No relationship as far as propositional logic is concerned. . 6 / 38 Propositional logic Propositional logic deals with propositions, their relationships, and arguments based on them. Does not deal objects and their properties, just with separate atomic claims. ``Martin has brown hair'' (A) ``Martin does not have hair'' (B) No relationship as far as propositional logic is concerned. . 6 / 38 Propositional logic Propositional logic deals with propositions, their relationships, and arguments based on them. Does not deal objects and their properties, just with separate atomic claims. ``Martin has brown hair'' (A) ``Martin does not have hair'' (B) No relationship as far as propositional logic is concerned. ``Martin has brown hair'' if ``Martin has brown hair`` then ``Martin does have hair'' Implies ``Martin does have hair'' . 6 / 38 Propositional logic Propositional logic deals with propositions, their relationships, and arguments based on them. Does not deal objects and their properties, just with separate atomic claims. ``Martin has brown hair'' (A) ``Martin does not have hair'' (B) No relationship as far as propositional logic is concerned. ``Martin has brown hair'' (A) if ``Martin has brown hair`` then ``Martin does have hair'' (A → B) Implies ``Martin does have hair'' (B). 6 / 38 Syntax Let V = {A, B, C, . . .} be a countable set of propositional variables. The set of propositional formulas is defined inductively as • ⊤ and ⊥ are propositional formulas, • v is a propositional formula for each v ∈ V (called propositional atom), • if φ is a propositional formula, ¬φ is a propositional formula, • if φ and ψ are propositional formulas, φ ∧ ψ, φ ∨ ψ, φ → ψ, and φ ↔ ψ are propositional formulas. Example • A ∧ B • (A ∨ B) ↔ ¬C Formulas of form v or ¬v are called literals. 7 / 38 Semantics: Truth Assignments Atoms(φ) = the set of all atoms of formula φ. (Total) truth assignment for formula φ • assigns true (⊤) or false (⊥) to each propositional variable in φ • a function µ: V′ → {⊤, ⊥} where Atoms(φ) ⊆ V′ • can be written as a set of non-contradictory literals containing all variables of φ Example • formula φ = A ∨ B, • total assignment µ(A) = ⊤, µ(B) = ⊥, • written as µ = {A, ¬B}. 8 / 38 Semantics: Satisfaction Define when a truth assignment µ satisfies the formula φ, written µ |= φ: • µ |= ⊤, • µ |= v if µ(v) = ⊤, • µ |= ¬ψ if not µ |= ψ, • µ |= ψ1 ∧ ψ2 if µ |= ψ1 and µ |= ψ2, • µ |= ψ1 ∨ ψ2 if µ |= ψ1 or µ |= ψ2, • µ |= ψ1 → ψ2 if not µ |= ψ1 or µ |= ψ2, • µ |= ψ1 ↔ ψ2 if µ |= ψ1 if and only if µ |= ψ2, 9 / 38 Semantics: Model If µ |= φ, we say that µ is a model of φ. Example {A, ¬B, C} is a model of A ∧ (B ↔ ¬C) An assignment µ is a partial model of φ if each extension of µ that is a truth assignment to φ is a model of φ. Example {A, B} is a partial model of (A ∧ B) ∨ (A ∧ C) 10 / 38 Propositional Entailment Formula φ propositionally entails formula ψ (written φ |= ψ) if every µ that is a truth assignment for both φ and ψ satisfies if µ |= φ then also µ |= ψ Example • A |= A ∨ B • (A → B) ∧ A |= B • (A ∨ B) ∧ (¬A ∨ C) |= (B ∨ C) • A ̸|= A ∧ B 11 / 38 Propositional Equivalence Formulas φ and ψ are propositionally equivalent (written φ ≡ ψ) if φ |= ψ and ψ |= φ Example • A ∧ (B ∨ C) ≡ (A ∧ B) ∨ (A ∧ C) • A ∧ (A ∨ B) ≡ A • ¬(A ∧ B) ≡ ¬A ∨ ¬B 12 / 38 Negation Normal Form Negation Normal Form (NNF) • negations are applied only to propositional atoms • the formula does not contain implication (→) and equivalence (↔) Transformation to NNF 1. rewrite all φ ↔ ψ to (φ → ψ) ∧ (φ ← ψ) 2. rewrite all φ → ψ to ¬φ ∨ ψ 3. apply De Morgan rules until fixed point – rewrite ¬(φ ∧ ψ) to (¬φ) ∨ (¬ψ) – rewrite ¬(φ ∨ ψ) to (¬φ) ∧ (¬ψ) 13 / 38 Conversion to NNF: Complexity What is the complexity of conversion to NNF? φ ↔ ψ (¬φ ∨ ψ) ∧ (φ ∨ ¬ψ) Each equivalence doubles the size of the formula → translation can be exponential! 14 / 38 Conversion to NNF: Complexity What is the complexity of conversion to NNF? φ ↔ ψ (¬φ ∨ ψ) ∧ (φ ∨ ¬ψ) Each equivalence doubles the size of the formula → translation can be exponential! Or is it? It depends on the representation of the formulas. 14 / 38 Representation of Formulas (¬φ ∨ ψ) ∧ (φ ∨ ¬ψ) Tree φ ψ φ ψ ¬ ¬ ∨ ∨ ∧ Directed acyclic graph (DAG) φ ψ ¬ ¬ ∨ ∨ ∧ In practice, we represent formulas as DAGs. 15 / 38 Conversion to NNF: Complexity Theorem When representing formulas as DAGs, the transformation to NNF is linear. Proof idea. The DAG contains two nodes for each subformula φ: one for φ, one for ¬φ. 16 / 38 Conversion to NNF: Complexity Theorem When representing formulas as DAGs, the transformation to NNF is linear. Proof idea. The DAG contains two nodes for each subformula φ: one for φ, one for ¬φ. Proof details (bonus). Recursively define function NNF(φ) = (φ+, φ−). Given NNF(ψ) = (ψ+, ψ−) and NNF(ρ) = (ρ+, ρ−): NNF(ψ ∧ ρ) = (ψ+ ∧ ρ+ , ψ− ∨ ρ− ) NNF(¬ψ) = (ψ− , ψ+ ) NNF(ψ ↔ ρ) = ((ψ− ∨ ρ+ ) ∧ (ψ+ ∨ ρ− ) positive , (ψ+ ∧ ρ− ) ∨ (ψ− ∧ ρ+ ) negative ). For more details, see Property 1 in Gabriele Masina, Giuseppe Spallitta, Roberto Sebastiani: On CNF Conversion for SAT Enumeration. 16 / 38 Conjunctive Normal Form Clause • disjunction of literals • A ∨ ¬B ∨ C • written as {A, ¬B, C} thanks to idempotence, commutativity, and associativity • what is {}? Formula in Conjunctive Normal Form (CNF) • conjunction of clauses • (A ∨ ¬B ∨ C) ∧ (B ∨ ¬C) ∧ C • written as {{A, ¬B, C}, {B, ¬C}, {C}} thanks to idempotence, commutativity, and associativity • what is {}? • what is {∅}? 17 / 38 Conjunctive Normal Form • Easy to represent (clause = list[int], formula = list[clause]). • Easy to write algorithms, do not have to deal with the structure of the formula. • Most of modern SAT solvers have input in CNF. 18 / 38 Conjunctive Normal Form Transformation to CNF (naive) 1. transform to NNF 2. apply distributivity until fixed point – rewrite φ ∨ (ψ ∧ ρ) to (φ ∨ ψ) ∧ (φ ∨ ρ) – rewrite (ψ ∧ ρ) ∨ φ to (ψ ∨ φ) ∧ (ρ ∨ φ) This is again exponential, try with 1≤i≤n(Ai ∧ Bi). Can we do better? What if the DAG representation is used? What if we use a different algorithm? 19 / 38 Conversion to CNF: Naive Theorem There exists an infinite family of formulas Φ = {φi | i ∈ N} such that for each equivalent family of formulas with φCNF i ≡ φi, the size |φCNF i | grows exponentially with respect to |φi| (even for DAG representation). 20 / 38 Conversion to CNF: Naive Theorem There exists an infinite family of formulas Φ = {φi | i ∈ N} such that for each equivalent family of formulas with φCNF i ≡ φi, the size |φCNF i | grows exponentially with respect to |φi| (even for DAG representation). Proof. Let parityi(A1, A2, . . . , Ai) = A1 ⊕ A2 ⊕ . . . ⊕ Ai. We can show that • parityi can be defined by a formula φi of size O(i), • each formula φCNF i in CNF that defines parityi has 2i−1 clauses. 20 / 38 Conversion to CNF: Naive Theorem There exists an infinite family of formulas Φ = {φi | i ∈ N} such that for each equivalent family of formulas with φCNF i ≡ φi, the size |φCNF i | grows exponentially with respect to |φi| (even for DAG representation). Proof. Let parityi(A1, A2, . . . , Ai) = A1 ⊕ A2 ⊕ . . . ⊕ Ai. We can show that • parityi can be defined by a formula φi of size O(i), • each formula φCNF i in CNF that defines parityi has 2i−1 clauses. We cannot do better than exponential. 20 / 38 Conversion to CNF: Naive Theorem There exists an infinite family of formulas Φ = {φi | i ∈ N} such that for each equivalent family of formulas with φCNF i ≡ φi, the size |φCNF i | grows exponentially with respect to |φi| (even for DAG representation). Proof. Let parityi(A1, A2, . . . , Ai) = A1 ⊕ A2 ⊕ . . . ⊕ Ai. We can show that • parityi can be defined by a formula φi of size O(i), • each formula φCNF i in CNF that defines parityi has 2i−1 clauses. We cannot do better than exponential. Or can we? Yes, we can! Later today. 20 / 38 Disjunctive Normal Form Cube • conjunction of literals • A ∧ ¬B ∧ C Formula in Disjunctive Normal Form (DNF) • disjunction of cubes • (A ∧ ¬B ∧ C) ∨ (B ∧ ¬C) ∨ C We will not be dealing with DNF often in this course. 21 / 38 Propositional Satisfiability (SAT) Satisfiability Problem Problem (SAT) Given a propositional formula, decide whether it is satisfiable. Problem (CNF-SAT) Given a propositional formula in CNF, decide whether it is satisfiable. Problem (3-SAT) Given a propositional formula in CNF with each clause of size 3, decide whether it is satisfiable. 22 / 38 Satisfiability Problem Problem (SAT) Given a propositional formula, decide whether it is satisfiable. Problem (CNF-SAT) Given a propositional formula in CNF, decide whether it is satisfiable. Problem (3-SAT) Given a propositional formula in CNF with each clause of size 3, decide whether it is satisfiable. 22 / 38 Hardness of Propositional Satisfiability: Theory Theorem SAT, CNF-SAT, and 3-SAT are NP-complete. Proof ideas. • Whether an assignment is a model can be checked in polynomial time. • A computation of Turing machine of polynomial length can be encoded by a CNF formula of polynomial size. There are no known polynomial algorithms for propositional satisfiability. 23 / 38 Hardness of Propositional Satisfiability: Practice Modern SAT solvers can decide satisfiability of formulas with thousands of variables and millions of clauses thanks to • clever algorithms (worst case exponential) • clever data structures • clever heuristics Give it a try: • MiniSAT ( • CaDiCaL ( • Kissat ( 24 / 38 Applications: Other Logical Problems Other logical problems can be reduced1 to satisfiability Entailment • φ |= ψ ⇔ φ ∧ ¬ψ is not satisfiable Validity • a φ is valid if every total assignment for φ is its model • φ is valid ⇔ ¬φ is not satisfiable 1 in the sense of Turing reductions 25 / 38 Applications: Hardware Design [Example from: resources/Equivalence_Checking_11_30_08.pdf] Are circuits C1 and C2 equivalent? Is ¬(formula(C1) ↔ formula(C2)) UNSAT? (called a miter formula) Works only for reasonably small circuits. For larger circuits (millions of gates), more involved techniques are necessary, e.g., SAT-sweeping. 26 / 38 Applications: Package Dependency • package P has n versions: xP 1 , xP 2 , . . ., xP n • only one can be installed at a time: ¬xP i ∨ ¬xP j for all packages P and versions i ̸= j • packages have dependencies: xP 3 → (xQ 1 ∨ xQ 2 ) ∧ xR 8 • I have version 1 of package Q and want to install version 3 of package P: xP 3 ∧ xQ 8 • what dependencies I need to install: Is the formula SAT? What is its model? Used for example by package manager Cabal for Haskell. 27 / 38 Applications: Open Problems in Mathematics Definition A triple (a, b, c) ∈ N is called Pythagorean if a2 + b2 = c2. Question Can every set of numbers N = {1, 2, . . . , n} be colored by two colors such that there is no monochromatic Pythagorean triple? 2 28 / 38 Applications: Open Problems in Mathematics Definition A triple (a, b, c) ∈ N is called Pythagorean if a2 + b2 = c2. Question Can every set of numbers N = {1, 2, . . . , n} be colored by two colors such that there is no monochromatic Pythagorean triple? The answer is no (n = 7825) and was found by a SAT solver in 20162. Previous lower bound was that n = 7664 can be colored. 2 28 / 38 Applications: Open Problems in Mathematics 1. Define a formula Fi whose models are two-colorings of {1, 2, . . . , i} with no monochromatic Pythagorean triples. Fi = (a,b,c) is a Pythagorean triple (xa ∨ xb ∨ xc) ∧ (¬xa ∨ ¬xb ∨ ¬xc) 2. F7824: 6492 variables and 18930 clauses; F7825: 6494 variables and 18944 clauses. 3. Preprocessing: reduce this to 3740 variables and 14652 clauses; and 3745 variables and 14672 clauses. 4. Use parallel SAT solver and tweak some of its heuristics. 5. Use a parallel machine with 800 cores for 2 days. 6. Find that F7824 is satisfiable and F7825 is unsatisfiable. 7. Get a largest unsatisfiability proof ever (200 terabytes). 29 / 38 Thinking with Clauses Clauses = Implications Important view during this course: clauses = implications. {A, B} (i.e., A ∨ B) • ¬A → B • ¬B → A {A, B, C} (i.e., A ∨ B ∨ C) • (¬A ∧ ¬B) → C • (¬A ∧ ¬C) → B • . . . 30 / 38 2-SAT 2-CNF = formula in CNF with clauses of size 2 2-SAT = decide satisfiability of formula in 2-CNF Example Is the following 2-CNF formula satisfiable? {A, B}, {¬B, C}, {¬C, A} {¬A, ¬B}, {B, ¬A}, {C, ¬D} 31 / 38 2-SAT 2-CNF = formula in CNF with clauses of size 2 2-SAT = decide satisfiability of formula in 2-CNF Example Is the following 2-CNF formula satisfiable? {A, B}, {¬B, C}, {¬C, A} {¬A, ¬B}, {B, ¬A}, {C, ¬D} Theorem 2-SAT can be solved in linear time. 31 / 38 2-SAT Theorem 2-SAT can be solved in linear time. 32 / 38 2-SAT Theorem 2-SAT can be solved in linear time. Proof. Let φ be in 2-CNF. Construct a graph G = (V, E) with • V = {v | v ∈ Atoms(φ)} ∪ {¬v | v ∈ Atoms(φ)} • E = {(¬a, b) | {a, b} ∈ φ} φ is satisfiable ⇔ G has no cycle that contains both v and ¬v for some v 32 / 38 Encoding Graph Coloring Given an undirected graph G = (V, E), can it be colored by three colors (red, green, blue) so that no edge has endpoints of the same color? Encoding • variables vr, vg, vb for each v ∈ V 33 / 38 Encoding Graph Coloring Given an undirected graph G = (V, E), can it be colored by three colors (red, green, blue) so that no edge has endpoints of the same color? Encoding • variables vr, vg, vb for each v ∈ V • at least one color constraint: {vr, vg, vb} for each v ∈ V 33 / 38 Encoding Graph Coloring Given an undirected graph G = (V, E), can it be colored by three colors (red, green, blue) so that no edge has endpoints of the same color? Encoding • variables vr, vg, vb for each v ∈ V • at least one color constraint: {vr, vg, vb} for each v ∈ V • at most one color constraints {¬vr, ¬vg}, {¬vg, ¬vb}, {¬vr, ¬vb} for each v ∈ V 33 / 38 Encoding Graph Coloring Given an undirected graph G = (V, E), can it be colored by three colors (red, green, blue) so that no edge has endpoints of the same color? Encoding • variables vr, vg, vb for each v ∈ V • at least one color constraint: {vr, vg, vb} for each v ∈ V • at most one color constraints {¬vr, ¬vg}, {¬vg, ¬vb}, {¬vr, ¬vb} for each v ∈ V • coloring constraint uc → ¬vc for each edge {u, v} ∈ E and each color c ∈ {r, g, b} ≡ clause {¬uc, ¬vc} 33 / 38 Encoding Graph Coloring Given an undirected graph G = (V, E), can it be colored by three colors (red, green, blue) so that no edge has endpoints of the same color? Encoding • variables vr, vg, vb for each v ∈ V • at least one color constraint: {vr, vg, vb} for each v ∈ V • at most one color constraints {¬vr, ¬vg}, {¬vg, ¬vb}, {¬vr, ¬vb} for each v ∈ V • coloring constraint uc → ¬vc for each edge {u, v} ∈ E and each color c ∈ {r, g, b} ≡ clause {¬uc, ¬vc} • models of the formula ≃ valid colorings 33 / 38 Conversion to CNF: Tseitin encoding Conversion to equivalent CNF can be exponential, but do we really need equivalence? Definition The formulas φ and ψ are equisatisfiable if both are satisfiable or both unsatisfiable. Theorem For each formula φ there exists an equisatisfiable formula φCNF with O(|φ|) clauses of size at most three. Proof. Tseitin encoding. 34 / 38 Conversion to CNF: Tseitin encoding by example φ = (A ∧ B) ∨ C 35 / 38 Conversion to CNF: Tseitin encoding by example φ = (A ∧ B) ∨ C A B C ∧ ∨ 35 / 38 Conversion to CNF: Tseitin encoding by example φ = (A ∧ B) ∨ C A B C ∧ ∨ψ ρ 35 / 38 Conversion to CNF: Tseitin encoding by example φ = (A ∧ B) ∨ C A B C ∧ ∨ψ ρ (Aρ ↔ (A ∧ B)) ∧ (Aψ ↔ (Aρ ∨ C)) ∧ Aψ 35 / 38 Conversion to CNF: Tseitin encoding by example φ = (A ∧ B) ∨ C A B C ∧ ∨ψ ρ (Aρ ↔ (A ∧ B)) ∧ (Aρ → (A ∧ B)) ∧ (Aρ ← (A ∧ B)) ∧ (Aψ ↔ (Aρ ∨ C)) ∧ ≡ (Aψ → (Aρ ∨ C)) ∧ (Aψ ← (Aρ ∨ C)) ∧ Aψ Aψ 35 / 38 Conversion to CNF: Tseitin encoding by example φ = (A ∧ B) ∨ C A B C ∧ ∨ψ ρ (Aρ ↔ (A ∧ B)) ∧ (Aρ → (A ∧ B)) ∧ {¬Aρ, A}, {¬Aρ, B}, (Aρ ← (A ∧ B)) ∧ {¬A, ¬B, Aρ}, (Aψ ↔ (Aρ ∨ C)) ∧ ≡ (Aψ → (Aρ ∨ C)) ∧ ≡ {¬Aψ, Aρ, C}, (Aψ ← (Aρ ∨ C)) ∧ {¬Aρ, Aψ}, {¬C, Aψ}, Aψ Aψ {Aψ} 35 / 38 Conversion to CNF: Tseitin encoding 1. Create a new Tseitin variable Aψ for each subformula of φ. 2. Add unit clause {Aφ}. 3. Define semantics of the new Tseitin variables Aψ: ψ definition of Aψ added clauses ρ1 ∨ ρ2 Aψ → (Aρ1 ∨ Aρ2 ) {¬Aψ, Aρ1 , Aρ2 } Aψ ← (Aρ1 ∨ Aρ2 ) {¬Aρ1 , Aψ}, {¬Aρ2 , Aψ} ρ1 ∧ ρ2 Aψ → (Aρ1 ∧ Aρ2 ) {¬Aψ, Aρ1 }, {¬Aψ, Aρ2 } Aψ ← (Aρ1 ∧ Aρ2 ) {¬Aρ1 , ¬Aρ2 , Aψ} ¬ρ Aψ → ¬Aρ {¬Aψ, ¬Aρ} Aψ ← ¬Aρ {Aρ, Aψ} ρ1 ↔ ρ2 Aψ → (Aρ1 ↔ Aρ2 ) {¬Aψ, ¬Aρ1 , Aρ2 }, {¬Aψ, Aρ1 , ¬Aρ2 } Aψ ← (Aρ1 ↔ Aρ2 ) {¬Aρ1 , ¬Aρ2 , Aψ}, {Aρ1 , Aρ2 , Aψ} 36 / 38 Conversion to CNF: Tseitin encoding Tseitin encoding • often used in practice • also works for DAG representation of formulas → one Tseitin variable for each node in the DAG • transforming to increase shared subexpression helps (B ∧ A) (A ∧ B) • additional preprocessing helps: (A ∨ (B ∨ C)) (A ∨ B ∨ C) and then encode Aφ ↔ (A ∨ B ∨ C) as one Tseitin variable and four implications • some of the clauses are not needed (Plaisted-Greenbaum) 37 / 38 Next time Classical SAT algorithms • propositional resolution • Davis-Putnam-Logemann-Loveland algorithm (DPLL) 38 / 38