IA169: Model Checking Seminar 5 Exercise 1 Recall the definition of simulation between two Kripke structures M = (SM, →M, SM 0 , LM) and N = (SN, →N, SN 0 , LN). Simulation relation between M and N is written as M ≤ N and is read “N simulates M”Exercise 2 Given the following Kripke structures Mi, decide for each pair (Mi, Mj) such that i ̸= j whether Mi ≤ Mj holds. If it does, find the simulation relation. If not, explain why. p p ¬p p p Figure 1: M1 p p ¬p p Figure 2: M2 p p p ¬p p p Figure 3: M3 p p ¬p p ¬p Figure 4: M4 Exercise 3 Briefly explain what is a predicate abstraction Mmay of a labeled transition system M given a set of predicates P. Exercise 4 Consider the labeled transition system M defined by the following description in guarded command language V = {x, y}, E = {(a, x = 0, x := x + 1), (b, y = 0, y := y + 1), (c, x > 0, (x := x + 3, y := y + 3)) ia169: model checking 2 and a set of predicates P = {x > 0, x = y, y > 2}. Compute the system Mmay that is the result of predicate abstraction of the system M. Exercise 5 Consider the labeled transition system M and the set of predicates P from Exercise 4. The system satisfies the property G(|x − y| ≤ 1) but the abstract system Mmay does not. Find a spurious counterexample. Try to find a refiniment of P that blocks the spurious counterexample. Exercise 6 Consider the labeled transition system M defined by the following description in guarded command language V = {x, y}, E = {(a, ⊤, y := y + 10), (b, x mod 3 = 0, (x := x + 1, y := y + 3)), (c, x mod 3 = 1, (x := x + 1, y := y + 4)), (d, x mod 3 = 2, (x := x + 1, y := y − 6))}. The system satisfies the property G(y ≥ 0). Find a finite set of predicates P that reduces the system M to a finite-state system Mmay that also satisfies the property. Try to find as small P as possible.