IA169 Model Checking Property directed reachability (PDR/IC3) Jan Strejˇcek Faculty of Informatics Masaryk University Short history of IC3/PDR IC3 the tool introduced in 2010 (3rd place in Hardware Model Checking Competition 2010) abbreviation for Incremental Construction of Inductive Clauses for Indubitable Correctness described in A. R. Bradley: SAT-Based Model Checking Without Unrolling, VMCAI 2011. PDR name for the technique implemented in IC3 abbreviation for Property Directed Reachability suggested by N. Een, A. Mishchenko, and R. Brayton they also simplified and improved the algorithm IA169 Model Checking: Property directed reachability (PDR/IC3) 2/29 Short history of IC3/PDR originally formulated for finite systems where states are valuations of Boolean variables: good for HW, not for SW later generalized for other kinds of systems, including programs combined with predicate abstraction, k-induction, . . . IC3/PDR is currently considered to be one of the most powerfull verification techniques. IA169 Model Checking: Property directed reachability (PDR/IC3) 3/29 Agenda and sources agenda representation of a finite system by Boolean formulas property directed reachability source N. Een, A. Mishchenko, and R. Brayton: Efficient Implementation of Property Directed Reachability, FMCAD 2011. Special thanks to Marek Chalupa for providing me his slides. IA169 Model Checking: Property directed reachability (PDR/IC3) 4/29 Other important papers about IC3/PDR K. Hoder and N. Bjorner: Generalized Property Directed Reachability, SAT 2012. A. Cimatti, A. Griggio: Software Model Checking via IC3, CAV 2012. A. R. Bradley: Understanding IC3, SAT 2012. T. Welp, A. Kuehlmann: QF_BV Model Checking with Property Directed Reachability, DATE 2013. A. Cimatti, A. Griggio, S. Mover, S. Tonetta: IC3 Modulo Theories via Implicit Predicate Abstraction, TACAS 2014. J. Birgmeier, A. R. Bradley, G. Weissenbacher: Counterexample to Induction-Guided-Abstraction-Refinement (CTIGAR), CAV 2014. D. Jovanovi´c, B. Dutertre: Property-Directed k-Induction, FMCAD 2016. A. Gurfinkel, A. Ivrii: K-Induction without Unrolling, FMCAD 2017. IA169 Model Checking: Property directed reachability (PDR/IC3) 5/29 Representation of a finite system by Boolean formulas Formalization of the problem finite state machine set of state variables ¯x = {x1, x2, . . . , xn} states are valuations v : ¯x → {0, 1} initial states given by a propositional formula I over ¯x transition relation given by a propositional formula T over ¯x ∪ ¯x′, where ¯x′ = {x′ 1, . . . , x′ n} describe the target states property given by a propositional formula P over ¯x The problem To decide whether all reachable states of a given finite state machine (¯x, I, T) satisfy a given property P. IA169 Model Checking: Property directed reachability (PDR/IC3) 7/29 Example 00 01 10 11 ¯x = {x1, x2} I = ¬x1 ∧ ¬x2 T = (¬x1 ∧ ¬x2 ∧ ¬x′ 1 ∧ ¬x′ 2) ∨ (¬x1 ∧ x2 ∧ ¬x′ 1 ∧ x′ 2) ∨ (¬x1 ∧ x2 ∧ x′ 1 ∧ ¬x′ 2) ∨ (x1 ∧ x′ 1 ∧ x′ 2) = (x1 ∨ x2 ∨ ¬x′ 1) ∧ (x1 ∨ x2 ∨ ¬x′ 2) ∧ (x1 ∨ ¬x2 ∨ x′ 2 ∨ x′ 1) ∧ (x1 ∨ ¬x2 ∨ ¬x′ 1 ∨ ¬x′ 2) ∧ (¬x1 ∨ x2 ∨ x′ 1) ∧ (¬x1 ∨ x2 ∨ x′ 2) ∧ (¬x1 ∨ ¬x2 ∨ x′ 1) ∧ (¬x1 ∨ ¬x2 ∨ x′ 2) P = ¬x1 ∨ ¬x2 IA169 Model Checking: Property directed reachability (PDR/IC3) 8/29 Property directed reachability Terminology and notation for any formula F over ¯x, F′ denotes the same formula over ¯x′ cube is a conjunction of literals clause is a disjunction of literals negation of a cube is a clause (and vice versa) a cube with all variables of ¯x represents at most one state a set of clauses R = {c1, . . . , ck } is interpreted as conjunction c1 ∧ . . . ∧ ck each formula can be identified with a set of states (and vice versa) IA169 Model Checking: Property directed reachability (PDR/IC3) 10/29 Intuition A set S of states is inductive invariant if S ∧ T =⇒ S′. We are looking for an inductive invariant S satisfying I =⇒ S (i.e. S contains all reachable states) and S =⇒ P (i.e. all states of S satisfy the property). IA169 Model Checking: Property directed reachability (PDR/IC3) 11/29 Intuition A set S of states is inductive invariant if S ∧ T =⇒ S′. We are looking for an inductive invariant S satisfying I =⇒ S (i.e. S contains all reachable states) and S =⇒ P (i.e. all states of S satisfy the property). I reachable states S P IA169 Model Checking: Property directed reachability (PDR/IC3) 12/29 Intuition A set S of states is inductive invariant if S ∧ T =⇒ S′. We are looking for an inductive invariant S satisfying I =⇒ S (i.e. S contains all reachable states) and S =⇒ P (i.e. all states of S satisfy the property). I reachable states S P Note that P does not have to be an inductive invariant. IA169 Model Checking: Property directed reachability (PDR/IC3) 13/29 Traces The algorithm gradually builds traces, which are sequences R0, R1, . . . , RN of formulas called frames such that R0 = I and for all i < N Ri =⇒ Ri+1 Ri ∧ T =⇒ R′ i+1 Ri =⇒ P R0=IR1R2R2P · · · IA169 Model Checking: Property directed reachability (PDR/IC3) 14/29 Traces The algorithm gradually builds traces, which are sequences R0, R1, . . . , RN of formulas called frames such that R0 = I and for all i < N Ri =⇒ Ri+1 Ri ∧ T =⇒ R′ i+1 Ri =⇒ P R0=IR1R2R2P · · · Intuitively, each Ri represents a superset of states reachable from initial states in at most i steps. IA169 Model Checking: Property directed reachability (PDR/IC3) 15/29 Traces The algorithm gradually builds traces, which are sequences R0, R1, . . . , RN of formulas called frames such that R0 = I and for all i < N Ri =⇒ Ri+1 Ri ∧ T =⇒ R′ i+1 Ri =⇒ P R0=IR1R2R2P · · · Intuitively, each Ri represents a superset of states reachable from initial states in at most i steps. Moreover, for each i > 0 it holds that Ri is a set of clauses Ri+1 ⊆ Ri (which implies Ri =⇒ Ri+1) IA169 Model Checking: Property directed reachability (PDR/IC3) 16/29 Proof-obligations let R0, . . . , RN be a trace where RN =⇒ P does not hold let s be a state satisfying RN ∧ ¬P we want to prove that s is not reachable in N steps ⇝ so called proof-obligation (s, N) IA169 Model Checking: Property directed reachability (PDR/IC3) 17/29 Solving proof-obligation (s, k) 1 check satisfiability of Rk−1 ∧ T ∧ s′ 2 if unsatisfiable, then Rk−1 is strong enough to block s thus we can add the clause ¬s to Rk we add it also to all R1, . . . , Rk−1 to keep Ri+1 ⊆ Ri valid proof-obligation solved 3 if satisfiable, then s has some immediate predecessor t in Rk−1 if k − 1 = 0 then return property violated and extract counterexample from proof-obligations if k − 1 > 0 then solve proof-obligation (t, k − 1) and go to 1 IA169 Model Checking: Property directed reachability (PDR/IC3) 18/29 Proof-obligations IR1R2 ...RN−2RN−1RN P s Proof-obligations IR1R2 ...RN−2RN−1RN P s t IA169 Model Checking: Property directed reachability (PDR/IC3) 20/29 PDR: high level view 1 if I ∧ ¬P is satisfiable then return property violated 2 R0 := I 3 N := 0 4 while RN ∧ ¬P is satisfiable do find a state s satisfying RN ∧ ¬P solve proof-obligation (s, N) 5 RN+1 := ∅ 6 N := N + 1 7 propagate learned clauses for each i from 1 to N − 1 for each clause c ∈ Ri , if Ri ∧ T =⇒ c′ then add c to Ri+1 8 if Ri = Ri+1 for some i then return property satisfied (Ri is inductive invariant) 9 go to 4 IA169 Model Checking: Property directed reachability (PDR/IC3) 21/29 Termination Termination follows from finiteness of considered systems each proof-obligation must be solved in finitely many steps (either successfully or by detection of proterty violation) if the shortest path to a state violating P has j steps, then some state violating P is discovered when N = j if P is satisfied, an inductive invariant is eventually found as there are only finitely many sets of states R0, R1, . . . , RN always represent sets ordered by inclusion if Ri and Ri+1 become semantically equivalent, then clause propagation makes them also syntactically equivalent IA169 Model Checking: Property directed reachability (PDR/IC3) 22/29 Termination Termination follows from finiteness of considered systems each proof-obligation must be solved in finitely many steps (either successfully or by detection of proterty violation) if the shortest path to a state violating P has j steps, then some state violating P is discovered when N = j if P is satisfied, an inductive invariant is eventually found as there are only finitely many sets of states R0, R1, . . . , RN always represent sets ordered by inclusion if Ri and Ri+1 become semantically equivalent, then clause propagation makes them also syntactically equivalent Still, for a system with ¯x = {x1, . . . , xn}, we may need a trace with up to 2n elements to find an inductive invariant. IA169 Model Checking: Property directed reachability (PDR/IC3) 23/29 PDR: important tricks The presented algorithm is correct, but slow. PDR uses several tricks to boost efficiency, in particular it generalizes blocked states uses relative induction in proof-obligation solving blocks states in future frames IA169 Model Checking: Property directed reachability (PDR/IC3) 24/29 Generalization of blocked states the presented proof-obligation algorithm adds ¬s to Rk when s is blocked, i.e. Rk−1 ∧ T ∧ s′ is unsatisfiable PDR generalizes this state to a set of states that are blocked for the same reason there are several ways to achieve that use ternary simulation use unsat cores use interpolants manually drop parts of s IA169 Model Checking: Property directed reachability (PDR/IC3) 25/29 Generalization of blocked states the presented proof-obligation algorithm adds ¬s to Rk when s is blocked, i.e. Rk−1 ∧ T ∧ s′ is unsatisfiable PDR generalizes this state to a set of states that are blocked for the same reason there are several ways to achieve that use ternary simulation use unsat cores use interpolants manually drop parts of s use of unsat cores one can build the cube r′ of the literals of s′ that appear in the unsat core and then add ¬r to Rk the clause ¬r is smaller than ¬s and represents less states IA169 Model Checking: Property directed reachability (PDR/IC3) 26/29 Relative induction in proof-obligation solving to solve proof-obligation (s, k), we checked Rk−1 ∧ T ∧ s′ PDR checks satisfiability of Rk−1 ∧ ¬s ∧ T ∧ s′ instead this query is more likely to be unsatisfied (it has one more clause) and state s can be blocked sooner in fact, it checks whether ¬s is inductive relative to Rk−1: the query is unsatisfiable iff (Rk−1 ∧ ¬s ∧ T) =⇒ ¬s′ intuitively, in this way we ignore self-loops of the system IA169 Model Checking: Property directed reachability (PDR/IC3) 27/29 Relative induction in proof-obligation solving to solve proof-obligation (s, k), we checked Rk−1 ∧ T ∧ s′ PDR checks satisfiability of Rk−1 ∧ ¬s ∧ T ∧ s′ instead this query is more likely to be unsatisfied (it has one more clause) and state s can be blocked sooner in fact, it checks whether ¬s is inductive relative to Rk−1: the query is unsatisfiable iff (Rk−1 ∧ ¬s ∧ T) =⇒ ¬s′ intuitively, in this way we ignore self-loops of the system in fact, PDR combines this technique with the generalization of blocked clauses thus, PDR searches for a subclause (ideally minimal) c ⊆ ¬s such that I =⇒ c and (Rk−1 ∧ c ∧ T) =⇒ c′ IA169 Model Checking: Property directed reachability (PDR/IC3) 28/29 The end Thank you for your attention! oral exam (30 min preparation + 30 min exam) every student gets one randomly selected topic to explain automata-based LTL model checking (without translation of LTL to BA) CTL model checking symbolic model checking for CTL bounded model checking and k-induction reachability in pushdown systems abstraction and CEGAR property directed reachability IA169 Model Checking: Property directed reachability (PDR/IC3) 29/29