Obsah obrázku text, hodiny Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Smart Service Project Leonard Walletzký PA181 Services - Systems, Modelling and Execution Important project info qThe project must solve a real problem qIt is highly recommended to use Open Data in your project (will be described) qProject must have clear description of the value for potential users qThe project consists of two parts: demo and report q The project can be done by a group of a maximum of four people. If you've done the project in a group, please write down who did what in your report. q The demo should be developed and deployed on IBM Cloud or any similar cloud. In case you choose other cloud solution, you need to describe why and guarantee access for the evaluators q The demo should be functioning and available for the evaluators to try (e.g. through a link). Obsah obrázku interiér, světlo Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Structure of the project report You don‘t need 100% follow this structure, feel free to add something that suits your project 1.Project title 2.Scenario ̶The problem you would like to solve ̶What data / datasets you need for solution ̶The way how you verified that there are not any other applications with the same solution, or why are the other applications not suitable 3.Modelling – model the Scenario ̶Business model (Canvas or Lean Canvas) ̶Smart Service Canvas (mentioning all important contexts) 4.Service used from IBM Cloud ̶Introduction for each service 5.Screenshots of the application, description, and a link to the functioning demo 6.Report Summary and who did what! 7. Example project 1 Example project 2 Obsah obrázku interiér, světlo Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Snapshots Example ̶ You could also include application Screenshots to the report ̶The date of presentations and the deadline for the project reports will be announced in the week: 6.5. - 10.5. ̶The term will be in second half of June ̶The deadline for submitting your project report will be 3 days before the presentations. Kyndryl Presentations ̶The possible topics of the project should be taken from the following domains: ̶ Environment-friendly applications (motivating users to the eco-friendly behaviour) ̶Application for handicapped or disabled people ̶Social or community building applications Preferable topics of the project ̶First, establish the group. Be sure you can cover all important skills and competencies (analyst, database, programer) ̶Choose the topic the most suitable for your group. Explore possible datasets and services, needed for your application ̶Write the topic of your project to IS, including a short description of your project value till April 26th. ̶After your project is approved, you can start to work. ̶Remind that there can be max two projects working on the same/similar topics!!! ̶ Assignment process