Artificial Intelligence for Computer Games

Delegated behaviors II. Combined behaviors, coordinated movement.

Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.

  1. How is the base path following processed? How can you improve it? Are there any issues?
  2. Describe and compare implementations of path following and predictive path following.
  3. Describe separation and cohesion.
  4. How could the separation behavior be implemented?
  5. Describe how obstacle avoidance works. Are there any issues with obstacle avoidance? How would you solve particular cases?
  6. What is the difference between blending and arbitration?
  7. Can you describe an example of a weighted blending?
  8. What is flocking?
  9. Can you describe examples of blending problems?
  10. How does the blending with priorities work?
  11. What is formation? And formation motion?
  12. Can you describe fixed formations?
  13. Explain emergent formations.
  14. How do you combine fixed and emergent formation?
  15. How can we work with slot roles and their assignment?