Avalon-MM Slave Avalon-MM is an Altera-developed memory-mapped bus, which allows you to easily create peripherals for your CPU-based system. 1. Start Platform Designer. 2. Create a new component: File -> New Component… 3. On the Files tab, add the avalon_mm_slave.v into Synthesis Files. 4. Click the Analyze Synthesis Files button. 5. The tool will deduce that the signals describe an Avalon-MM slave interface. 6. Fix the warnings (associate the reset and clock signals with the bus.) 7. Observe the waveforms of read and write transactions on the Signals & Interfaces tab. 8. Design your logic inside the avalon_mm_slave.v according to the waveforms. 9. Export the component and connect it into your Platform Designer system. 10. In the SDK, #include “system.h”, which will contain the assigned base address and other useful parameters of your component. 11. You can, for example, use the IORD(BASE_ADDRESS, OFFSET) and IOWR(BASE_ADDRESS, OFFSET, VALUE) macros from io.h to access the component.