Machine Learning in Image Processing

Semestral rules


  • Course completion requirements include getting a zápočet and taking an exam with both a written and an oral part.
  • The primary requirement for the zápočet is submitting an end-of-semester project. This is a prerequisite for taking the exam, and failing to fulfil this requirement will result in automatically failing the course as well.


  • The course includes 11 lectures, which discuss the theory behind neural networks.
  • Attending the lectures is compulsory, but physical presence is not required. Watching the recorded versions is also sufficient.
  • One week of the semester is going to be skipped due to Easter. There is not going to be a lecture on April 1st. 


  • The course includes 10 seminars, which showcase the practical aspects of implementing and using neural networks, usually in relation to the topic discussed at the lecture immediately preceding the seminar. 
  • Active participation in all tutorials is compulsory.
  • It is recommended to attend in the group you are enrolled in, but exceptions are possible if sufficiently well justified.
  • On three occasions, there is not going to be a seminar due to state holidays. These are April 3rd (Easter), May 1st (Labour day), and May 8th (Victory day).


  • To complete the course, every student must solve a predefined image processing task from scratch using deep learning methods. 
  • The submission deadline is May 12th, the end of the 12th week of the semester.
  • Detailed descriptions of the project topics and evaluation criteria are going to be revealed around the 4th week of the semester. 
  • Completing the projects is expected to take at least a week, and there is always competition for computational resources towards the end of the semester. As such, it is highly recommended to start working on the projects in time.


  • After every seminar, an online questionnaire will be made available under the interactive syllabi tab, and will be kept open until the next Sunday. 
  • It is mandatory to fill out the questionnaires, though the answers will not be graded, and the results will not factor into the final evaluation. Instead, the answers are going to be discussed at the beginning of the next seminar. 
  • You may use any available literature to answer the questions, but you are asked to do proper research and think about your answers. Using ChatGPT or other LLMs is not strictly forbidden, but discouraged.