Week 02: React, Node, HTML
...semantics, semantics, semantics.
Creating a React project from a vite template
React project structure and practices
HTML5 revision & document structure
Inline, Block elements
Tables, Forms
Meta tags
Lighthouse, Inspect
Documentation for WEB development
Demo - dummy form for investing
Let's start!
You should have node and npm commands available. These commands are available on school Linux
computers (nymfe, musa), so you can skip this step.
When you work on your own computers:
If you have not installed a Node.js manager yet, do so via nvm or fnm install pages. We advise you to
install the manager of your choice under the Unix environment (Linux, MacOS, WSL). Windows has its own
version of nvm - nvm-windows which is not maintained by the creators of nvm for Unix computers. We
prefer you to work under WSL so both nvm/fnm will work fine there.
If you have installed your Node.js manager (nvm/fnm) and the commands are not available, it might
mean you have not installed Node yet, or your path has not been updated. Check the links above to see
how to install the latest version depending on your Node.js manager. There are FAQ & troubleshooting
pages for both.
Let's create a React app via the vite template
npm create vite@latest seminar-02 --template react-ts
or just:
npm create vite@latest
Where you can specify the underlying frontend technology & TypeScript support.
Inspect your Node project
Check out package.json & included scripts
Install dependencies included in your package.json via:
npm i
# or
npm install
Check out package-lock.json
Check out the project strucure:
index.html file
src & public folders
Check out where React is added injected onto the page
Run your React app
npm run dev
Possible discussion:
How does it work? How do the files get in the browser?
Now, try to change something on the page. What does HMR mean?
Create a folder for pages/views and a folder for components? What's the difference between pages and
components, when we represent them both as components?
JavaScript(/TypeScript) XML (formally JavaScript/TypeScript syntax eXtension) - allows writing logic & code
along with the underlying markup
import { useState } from 'react'
import './App.css'
function App() {
const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
return (
Vite + React
export default App;
For the demo, we will need to quickly revise HTML. Ready?
HTML5 revision
HTML = HyperText Markup Language
Used for web documents, gives meaning to the content
Not a programming language
Latest specification of HTML - HTML5
Current standard
New tags for semantic only ( ,