Final project MUNI 2024 A real-life technical writing assignment within the selected projects: ● Ansible ● Foreman ● GNOME Join the project as a technical writer and apply acquired skills from lessons to contribute documentation. Recommended schedule 1. Week, March 26 (after class 6, Tools II): Select a project, sign up for issues, fork the repository, and join the communication channel to introduce yourself. 2. Week, April 2 (after class 7, Tools III): Conduct thorough research on the subject. Ask questions to your subject matter expert (SME). 3. Week, April 9 (after class 8, Usability): Create a draft. 4. Week, April 16 (after class 9, Soft Skills): Create a pull request and undergo SME review. 5. Week, April 23 (after class 10, LLMs): Close the SME review. 6. Week, April 30: Peer review. 7. Week, May 7 at 9:59 AM: Deadline to submit your content. Present the project. IMPORTANT: Follow the recommended schedule to ensure that SMEs have sufficient time to complete the review of your content. Submitting your content in the last week might result in delays in receiving feedback from SMEs, potentially impacting the completion of your project. Minimum requirements To pass the course, successful completion of the final project is required. A minimum of 130 points out of a maximum of 200 points is necessary to pass. Scope of work Each student must choose one project and sign up in the respective project repository to complete one or more documentation issues specifically selected and labeled for this university course. Only one assignee per issue. One pull request per issue. IMPORTANT: To complete the final project, you must successfully resolve one Larger task or multiple Medium or Smaller tasks that correspond to one Larger task. One Larger task (L) equivalent to two Medium tasks (M) or four Smaller tasks (S). For example, Anna signs up for one Larger task and Will selects one Medium and two Small tasks. Evaluation will be based on the following criteria: ● Create documentation that sufficiently addresses the issue in the ticket: ○ Demonstrate an understanding of the subject matter and how your documentation will help to address user needs. ○ Use technical writing style (focus on the UX, minimalism). ○ Use the appropriate markup correctly. ● Create a Pull Request (PR) for merging the updates and request reviews from the appropriate stakeholders: ○ Use well-structured commits and informative messages, name and label the PR correctly. ○ Be direct but respectful towards the stakeholders. ● Address the feedback received from reviewers: ○ Constructive discussion with the stakeholders. ○ Apply reviews correctly. ● Optional: Present your work in the final class of the course (5 min/15 points): ○ Summarize your task and your approach towards it. ○ Address ensuing questions and discussion points. ● Have your content merged or marked as ready by the SME by May 7, 2024 9:59 AM. Information about the projects Ansible Prerequisites: reStructuredText, Python, YAML, and Git Ansible community documentation at Join the Documentation Working Group on Matrix (Communication guide) Follow Contributing to the Ansible Documentation & Ansible documentation style guide Want to contribute to Ansible documentation? ➔ Fork the documentation repository ➔ Select from available documentation issues GNOME settings Prerequisites: Mallard (XML), Git, Linux or ability to run Linux OS in a virtual machine Visit User & system settings documentation Follow Contributing to the GNOME user docs Join the Chat? Want to contribute to GNOME user documentation? ➔ Clone the documentation repository ➔ Select from available documentation issues Foreman Prerequisites: AsciiDoc, Git, the courage to contribute to a complex project Visit Foreman documentation (find the guides under the dropdown menus Foreman on EL, Foreman on Debian, Katello on EL, etc.) Read the README, especially its Contributing section Find devs and writers on Matrix: dev chat room, doc chat room Want to contribute to Foreman user documentation? ➔ Fork & clone the documentation repository ➔ Select from available documentation issues labeled tw uni course Need help? General questions about the final project, schedule, requirements: Discord channels #general #ansible-final-projects #foreman-final-projects #gnome-final-projects Technical and project specific queries Use the community forums, alternatively reach out to SMEs directly: ● Ansible: ● Foreman: ● GNOME Settings: