@CRoCS_MUNI PV204 Security technologies LABS: Secure Channels Petr Švenda Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University @CRoCS_MUNI TASK: BUILDING SECURE CHANNEL PROTOCOL 4 PV204 | LAB: Secure channels @CRoCS_MUNI Task: Building Secure Channel protocol • Scenario: we like to transfer extrasupersensitive data between PC and smartcard • Simple protocol → design attack → fix it → iterate – Participate in discussion • Hints for the solution are at the end of these slides, but read only after finishing the previous work PV204 | LAB: Secure channels5 @CRoCS_MUNI Place for protocol evolution drawing 7 PV204 | LAB: Secure channels @CRoCS_MUNI Building SCP – steps in solution • Scenario: we like to transfer extrasupersensitive data between PC and smartcard 1. Simple message exchanged in plaintext 2. Encrypted by static symmetric key 3. Integrity protection using plain hash 4. Integrity protection using MAC (CBC-MAC,HMAC) 5. Counter/Hash chain for message freshness and semantic security 6. Authenticated encryption (AEAD) modes of operation (GCM…) 7. Authentication based on static key 8. Challenge response for fresh authentication 9. Session keys derived from master key(s) 10. Forward secrecy based on RSA/ECDH 11. Backward secrecy based in Ratcheting (frequent ECDH) PV204 | LAB: Secure channels8 @CRoCS_MUNI TASK: PROTOCOL DISADVANTAGES 12 PV204 | LAB: Secure channels @CRoCS_MUNI Group activity: methods for key establishment • 3 people per group • Write 1-3 disadvantages for each method • Write into a mindmap with your group’s room – – (don’t cheat and don’t look at other mindmaps ;)) – At the end, we will collate all results into a single one 1. Derive from pre-shared secret (KDF) 2. Establish with help of trusted party (Kerberos, PKI) 3. Establish over insecure channel (Diffie-Hellman) 4. Establish over other (secure, but very low-capacity/high-latency) channel 5. Establish over non-eavesdropable channel (BB84) PV204 | LAB: Secure channels13 @CRoCS_MUNI Collate together disadvantages • Visit green highlighted mindmap at the bottom • Start pasting your disadvantages (if not yet there) • Start from the item corresponding to your room number (to avoid collisions), then move linearly forward • See what we will get together! 15 PV204 | LAB: Secure channels @CRoCS_MUNI TASK: ANALYZE GENERATED CODE FROM NOISE FRAMEWORK 16 PV204 | LAB: Secure channels @CRoCS_MUNI Noise patterns 17 PV204 - Secure channel protocols • Noise protocols use set of rules: – If you already have some key, use it immediately to encrypt all subsequent messages – When new entropy is available (ECDH), update current state (keys) => forward&backward secrecy – Use AEAD for all message encryption – … Important: this conscription contains both data send and actions executed → e == send public key, ee == perform ECDH (with eph. keys) @CRoCS_MUNI Task: Analyze code of Noise framework • Group of three • Visit, understand patterns naming convention, pattern modifiers • Find required pattern • Use any text diff to compare and see the difference in implementations – Pick GO implementations (easier to check by diff) – If you will pick Rust, the relevant file is (write_message_?() and read_message_?() functions) 18 PV204 | LAB: Secure channels type handshakestate struct { ss symmetricstate /*AEAD cipher state*/ s keypair /*own long-term static ECDH share */ e keypair /*own ephemeral ECDH share */ rs [32]byte /*received long-term static ECDH share*/ re [32]byte /*received ephemeral ECDH share*/ psk [32]byte /*preshared symmetric key*/ } @CRoCS_MUNI19 PV204 | LAB: Secure channels /* ---------------------------------- * * TYPES * * ---------------------------------- */ type keypair struct { public_key [32]byte private_key [32]byte } type messagebuffer struct { ne [32]byte // new ephm. share ns []byte ciphertext []byte } type cipherstate struct { k [32]byte // key n uint32 // nonce } type symmetricstate struct { cs cipherstate // AEAD state (key and nonce) ck [32]byte // chaining key h [32]byte // hash of handshake } type handshakestate struct { ss symmetricstate s keypair // local static key pair e keypair // local ephemeral key pair rs [32]byte // remote party’s static key re [32]byte // remote party’s ephemeral key psk [32]byte // pre-shared symmetric key } type noisesession struct { hs handshakestate h [32]byte // handshake hash (unique for session) cs1 cipherstate // cipherstate for the outgoing comm. cs2 cipherstate // cipherstate for the incoming comm. mc uint64 // incremental message counter i bool // True if this node is initiator } Chapter 5 Important: not all items are used in all protocol patterns @CRoCS_MUNI Important: single source file for both parties • Initiator (A) and responder (B) – noisesession.i bool // True if this node is initiator • Not all functions will be used by both parties • When executed, you need to specify who is initiator – Initiator (A) will use writeMessageA, readMessageB… – Responder (B) will use readMessageA, writeMessageB… • *.go; *.rs – source code of implementation • *.pv – script for ProVerif formal verification (see annotated claims at specific message of given pattern) 20 PV204 | LAB: Secure channels @CRoCS_MUNI func writeMessageA(hs *handshakestate, payload []byte) (*handshakestate, messagebuffer) { ne, ns, ciphertext := emptyKey, []byte{}, []byte{} hs.e = generateKeypair() ne = hs.e.public_key mixHash(&, ne[:]) /* No PSK, so skipping mixKey */ _, ciphertext = encryptAndHash(&, payload) messageBuffer := messagebuffer{ne, ns, ciphertext} return hs, messageBuffer } func writeMessageB(hs *handshakestate, payload []byte) ([32]byte, messagebuffer, cipherstate, cipherstate) { ne, ns, ciphertext := emptyKey, []byte{}, []byte{} hs.e = generateKeypair() ne = hs.e.public_key mixHash(&, ne[:]) /* No PSK, so skipping mixKey */ mixKey(&, dh(hs.e.private_key, _, ciphertext = encryptAndHash(&, payload) messageBuffer := messagebuffer{ne, ns, ciphertext} cs1, cs2 := split(& return, messageBuffer, cs1, cs2 } func writeMessageRegular(cs *cipherstate, payload []byte) (*cipherstate, messagebuffer) { ne, ns, ciphertext := emptyKey, []byte{}, []byte{} cs, ciphertext = encryptWithAd(cs, []byte{}, payload) messageBuffer := messagebuffer{ne, ns, ciphertext} return cs, messageBuffer } 21 PV204 | LAB: Secure channels Important: writeMessage() takes also optional arbitrary payload atop of key exchange data. Is encrypted by AEAD if needed Generate ephemeral ECDH keypair Read own eph. ECDH public key Hash it into key state AEAD of payload (optional) Format whole message Similarly, readMessageA(), readMessageB, readMessageRegular() methods are used to process received inputs from writeMessageA()… readMessageA() readMessageB() readMessageRegular() @CRoCS_MUNI NN vs. NX protocol pattern 22 PV204 | LAB: Secure channels @CRoCS_MUNI Protocols to analyze 1. Find pattern corresponding to non-authenticated ephemeral ECDH from both sides 2. Find pattern, where both parties share long-term ECDH share and update with fresh ephemeral one 3. Find pattern where responder has long-term static ECDH share, pre-shared with initiator – Corresponding to 0-RTT of data send from client to server with pre-shared static share of server’s key • For every protocol: Find parameters chosen for implementation of a protocol – What hash and cipher algorithms were used? – What elliptic curve is used? • For every protocol: look at functions writeMessageA, writeMessageB… – What is hashed/mixed into shared state? – What is encrypted (AEAD) before send? • How can you utilize pre-shared password if exists? (read 24 PV204 | LAB: Secure channels @CRoCS_MUNI NO HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT THIS WEEK ☺ PV204 | LAB: Secure channels 26 @CRoCS_MUNI CHECK-OUT 27 PV204 | LAB: Secure channels @CRoCS_MUNI Checkout • Which of the seminar parts you enjoyed most? • Rank it according the level of enjoyment (most enjoyable => first) • Write to when displayed 28 PV204 | LAB: Secure channels @CRoCS_MUNI29 PV204 | LAB: Secure channels PV204_02 Rank the topics covered today based on the level of enjoyment ⓘ Start presenting to display the poll results on this slide. @CRoCS_MUNI THANK YOU FOR COMING, SEE YOU NEXT WEEK 30 PV204 | LAB: Secure channels @CRoCS_MUNI31 PV204 | LAB: Secure channels @CRoCS_MUNI SOLUTIONS – KIND OF ☺ READ ONLY AFTER THE SEMINAR DISCUSSION PV204 | LAB: Secure channels32 @CRoCS_MUNI READ ONLY AFTER THE SEMINAR DISCUSSION! PV204 | LAB: Secure channels33 @CRoCS_MUNI Building SCP – steps in solution • Scenario: we like to transfer extrasupersensitive data between PC and smartcard 1. Simple exchange in plaintext 2. Encrypted by static symmetric key 3. Integrity protection using plain hash 4. Integrity protection using MAC (CBC-MAC,HMAC) 5. Counter/Hash chain for message freshness and semantic security 6. Authenticated encryption (AEAD) modes of operation (GCM…) 7. Authentication based on static key 8. Challenge response for fresh authentication 9. Session keys derived from master key(s) 10. Forward secrecy based on RSA/DH 11. Backward secrecy based in Ratcheting (frequent ECDH) PV204 | LAB: Secure channels34 @CRoCS_MUNI Building SCP – steps in solution 1. Simple exchange in plaintext – Many problems, attacker can eavesdrop sensitive data 2. Encrypted by static symmetric key – Attacker can modify sensitive data (no integrity) 3. Integrity protection using plain hash – Hash is not enough, attacker can modify then recompute hash 4. Integrity protection using MAC (CBC-MAC,HMAC) – Attacker can replay older message (no freshness) PV204 | LAB: Secure channels35 @CRoCS_MUNI Building SCP – steps in solution 5. Counter/hash chain for message freshness and semantic security – No explicit authentication of parties 6. Authenticated encryption (AEAD) modes – Secure composition of ENC and MAC. Currently GCM, but soon to finish CAESAR competition with 7. Authentication based on static key – Authentication message can be replayed from previous legit run 8. Challenge response for fresh authentication – Single static key can cause problems • Interchange of encrypted message and valid MAC • Large amount of data encrypted under same key (cryptoanalysis) PV204 | LAB: Secure channels36 @CRoCS_MUNI Building SCP – steps in solution 9. Session keys derived from master key(s) – If master keys are compromised, older captured communication can be decrypted 10. Forward secrecy based on RSA/DH – Future messages can read after compromise – Key has to be kept for a long time for out-of-order messages 11. Backward secrecy based on ratcheting – Secure? – Key management with multiple parties? – Proof of message origin? Deniability? – … gather your requirements! PV204 | LAB: Secure channels37