1 BPM Lab #2 THE FIRST PROCESS SERVICE Mgr. Marian Macik Principal Software Quality Engineer February 2024 Learn 2 Today Human tasks, gateways, signal events, data objects, and generating forms. 18 April Presentation: The latest business automation trends At the lab: Custom services, emails, custom forms, subprocesses, timer events, error events, and data object collections 25 April Automating decisions, DMN, test scenarios, Kogito services HOMEWORK 3 Deadline: 14 March 2024 (2 weeks) Assignment: ● Individual task on your or university’s PC ● Submit the homework project for evaluation into the MUNI system (Homework vault/Odevzdávárna HW1_jBPM) HOMEWORK IN 3 STEPS 4 Create Order data object DOMAIN DATA MODEL Create DeliveryProcess model with a single human task to do a manual delivery of the order PROCESS MODEL Use gateway and signal event to automate delivery AUTOMATION 5 The following instructions will help you complete your homework. Instructions Step #1: Data Object 6 ▸ Create the following data object and save it Step #2: Create DeliveryProcess 7 ▸ Create a process definition called DeliveryProcess (in the same package as the Order data object) with one process variable order of type Order, which is the data object from the previous step ▸ Assign Manual Delivery human task to wbadmin and set its Task Name (e.g. ManualDelivery) together with the following assignments: ▸ Save the process definition Step #3: Generate all forms 8 ▸ Generate all forms ▸ Deploy the project, try to run the process instance and complete the human task Step #4: Automate Delivery 9 ▸ Add a field mode of type String to the Order data object, this will represent the mode of delivery, and Save it ▸ Extend the process definition like in the picture and Save it This is the default route Set the condition here Create the signal definition Step #5: Try running it 10 ▸ Delete Order form and regenerate them so they contain the newly added mode field ▸ Run the process with both “Manual” and “Drone” mode ▸ With the “Manual” mode specified, the Manual Delivery human task should be created ▸ With the “Drone” mode specified, the process instance should wait for a signal which you can send from the Manage - Process Instances perspective ▸ If the mode variable is not filled properly (Manual Delivery branch is taken even if “Drone” mode is selected), try restarting the Business Central and redeploying the project once again or raise the version of the project in project settings and deploy again Step #6: Export Project 11 ▸ Export the project and upload the whole project.zip archive to the Homework Vault/Odevzdávárna HW1_jBPM ▸ Open whichever asset you want and expand the menu by clicking on the arrow ▸ Download the project ZIP file by clicking on the Download Project button linkedin.com/company/red-hat youtube.com/user/RedHatVideos facebook.com/redhatinc twitter.com/RedHat Red Hat is the world’s leading provider of enterprise open source software solutions. Award-winning support, training, and consulting services make Red Hat a trusted adviser to the Fortune 500. Thank you 12