Business analysis & BPM methodologies PV207 – Business Process Management Spring 2024 Jiří Kolář 1 Lecture overview ● Why a methodology for BPM development? ● Methodology overview ● BPM and SOA again ● BPM development approaches ○ Top down ○ Bottom up ○ Meet in the middle ● Airlines scenario: ○ Strategy and vision ○ Goals, objectives and KPIs ○ Stakeholders identification ○ Processes and services ○ Process description ○ Process BPMN diagram 2 Semestertime Practice Seminars Process ModelingTechnologyBusiness Project PV207 helicopter view 3 BPM Fundamentals System Integration I System Integration II Business & Domain analysis BPMN modeling L1 BPMN modeling L2 BPMN modeling Best practices Project intermezzo Guest lecture BPMS Process Architecture Economic Aspects BPMS technology Project consultations HW 2 modelling HW 1 installation HW 3 modeling Lecture Homework Project Legend: Discipline Seminar NOW Integration recap First lecture recap ● Processes ○ What is business process? 5 Business process definition Definition: Series of logically related activities or tasks (such as planning, production, sales) performed together to produce a defined set of results. -- Business Dictionary: A repeatable sequence of logically related activities, which contributes to fulfilment of one or more business objectives -- Jiří Kolář 6 First lecture recap ● Processes ○ What is business process? ○ What is BPM? 7 Is a Management discipline, focused on systematic definition and execution measurement of processes in organizations ● An effort to describe processes in organisation measure results and manage process changes towards higher efficiency Business Process Management 8 First lecture recap ● Processes ○ What is business process? ○ What is BPM? ○ What is BPM adoption? 9 BPM adoption - definition A change in target organization towards the establishment of a process-driven management model. This can, but does not necessarily have to, lead to the automation of some processes in a process-oriented Information Systems. Such systems can be eventually based on a Business Process Management Suite 10 Why we need specific methodologies for BPM-oriented development? ● BPM differ significantly from traditional data-based approach to system design ○ Special analysis & design steps needed ○ Traditional methodologies do not fit ● BPM oriented SW solutions depend on proper organisation structure ● BPM discipline has impact both on business structure and EIS ● Organisation changes are often necessary ● Processes have to be aligned with business 11 Some BPM methodologies ● General BPM methodology (Mathias Weske) ○ Rather general, End-to-end, very complete ● CBM-BPM-SOMA ○ IBM specific, proprietary, tight with IBM technologies ● IBPM ○ Focused on general organization of a BPM project ○ Emphasis on SOA-based implementation ● BPM4SME ○ End-to-end ○ Focused on small scale BPM adoptions 12 3 meanings of the word "service" ● "Business" service ○ Google offers paid advertising to restaurants ○ Defined by contract / service offering 3 meanings of the word "service" ● "Business" service ○ Google offers paid advertising to restaurants ○ Defined by contract / service offering ● "Technical" service ○ Google provides a search for addresses of restaurants in neighbourhood ○ Defined by a User Interface / Programming interface 3 meanings of the word "service" ● "Business” service ○ Google offers paid advertising to restaurants ○ Defined by contract / service offering ● "Technical" service ○ Google provides a search for addresses of restaurants in neighbourhood ○ Defined by a User Interface / Programming interface ● Web Service ○ Google provides Web Service API for retrieving GPS coordinates of particular address ○ Defined by a WSDL/REST methods definition ○ Request - response model Relationship of IT services and BPM ● Process can be decomposed to activities ● Many automated activities are implemented as services (service orchestration) ● Often we want to assemble our processes from existing services ● Integration of independent IT services provide flexibility (services/systems can be replaced) ● Decoupling process implementation from proces logic 16 Relationship of IT services and BPM (cont.) 17 Relationship of IT services and BPM (cont.) 18 Top down BPM development approach ● Summarize business strategy: vision&mission ● Identify/Define business goals and objectives ● Define/Identify processes and roles ● Implement executable processes ● Reuse/Implement required services and SW components 19 Bottom up BPM development approach ● Identify services on lowest level (code) ● Identify composed services ● Discover processes (by hand, algorthmic) ● Refine processes ● Align with goals and strategy 20 Reality: Meet in the middle ● Top down ○ Define/refine strategy and vision ○ Identify/refine goals and components ○ Define KPI/KRI ○ Identify/define processes ● Bottom up ○ Identify existing services and SW components ○ Identify composed services ○ Assign to processes In parallel: 21 Recap (Lecture 1): BPM adoption phases 0. Business analysis ○ Roles ○ Goals ○ Objectives ○ AS-IS processes ○ Process architecture ○ Reengineering plan ○ KPIs/Business Metrics 1. Process definition ○ Process boundaries ○ Business value ○ Inputs/Outputs ○ Process metrics ○ Process Owner ○ Roles 2. Process modeling ○ Process models L1+L2 ○ (BPMN + text) 3. Implementation ○ Executable models ○ BPMN L3, BPEL, other 4. Monitoring ○ Fault/error detection ○ Performance measurement ○ Tracking goal fulfillment 5. Process Improvement ○ Process changes Image from: 22 ● An organisation should state clearly it's purpose and business goals ○ This is important for outside world as much for the company itself ● There has to be a mechanism of goal achievement evaluation ● Evaluation has to be performed regularly ● Results are used as an input for continuous business improvement ● Organisation reflects changes in Business environment by adjusting its strategy Business strategy: "A way we want to go" 23 Business strategy: Mission and vision Simple and clear statements: ● Vision: ○ Desired future state of the organisation ○ Guiding, motivating, Inspiring, Long term Alzheimer's Association: "Our Vision is a world without Alzheimer's disease." Microsoft: "Empower people through great software anytime, anyplace, and on any device." ● Mission: ○ Define current state and purpose ○ Answers: what, who, how questions, Short term ○ Direct relation to goals and objectives NatureAir: "To offer travelers a reliable, innovative and fun airline to travel in Central America." 24 Business strategy: Goals and objectives Desired outcomes, things we want to achieve: ● Goals ○ The purpose toward which an effort is directed. ○ Long term, general intentions, hard to measure Goal: Users will get flexible support for their IT devices ● Objectives ○ Narrow, concrete easy to measure ○ Achievable in mid-to-short term ○ Related to a goal Objective: Any PC related issues resolved in 2 days Objective: Average incident resolution will be less than 6hrs Objective: There will be no network outages during business hours Objective: First reply for reported incident will be less than 2 hrs 25 Performance measurement ● Metric ○ Related to one instance of object/process/service Metric: Incident resolution time Metric: Incident severity ● Performance Indicator KPI ○ Current/short term measurement = input for action ○ Indicator of actual business performance KPI: Number of incidents in progress, number of incidents waiting for input ● Result Indicator KRI ○ Result from the past = input for planning ○ Indicator of recent business performance KRI: Unresolved incidents this month, quartal average incident solving time 26 Measurement guidelines 27 ● An indicator has to have a discrete value in each moment in time ● Targets have to be set and justified ● Give a frame to your indicators ○ Time frame, milestone, limit ■ Wrong: number of logged incidents ■ Correct: number of logged incidents per week ● Indicators has to be related to a goal / objective / SLA / contract.. Example Airline scenario 28 Airline travel is full of selling , requests, instructions, rules and advertising. Traveller in fact become a product sold to advertisers. Example: Dreaming Airlines 29 Some travellers just want to relax during travel Example: Dreaming Airlines 30 Example: Dreaming Airlines 31 Vision Turn travelling into peaceful comfort time and the best opportunity for your relaxing and dreaming. Mission To offer travelers a reliable and comfort airline to peacefully travel across entire Europe without irritation by redundant commerce and advertising. Example: Dreaming Airlines Goals and objectives Goal: Provide peaceful airtime so travelers can relax ● Objective: Do not disturb with any unwanted interaction ○ KPI: Number of unwanted interaction needed per flight ○ KRI: # of flights with more than 2 traveller interaction excess ● Objective: Provide an app to cover all customer interaction quietly ○ KPI: Number of open customer requests in airborn flights ○ KRI: Necessary traveller interactions without the app (per flight) ○ Process: onboard customer (in the app) ■ Service: User ID Verification + ■ Service: SMS/email verification ○ Process: Food order ■ Service: Payment ● Metric: Payment success rate ○ Process: Customer request ■ Metric: waiting time 32 Example: Dreaming Airlines Stakeholders involved ● Air traffic control ● Airports ● Company management ● Company employees (staff) ● Travellers=Customers ● Banks (online payments) ● Business partners (resellers, co-sellers) ● Service providers (onboard gastronomy) 33 Example: Dreaming Airlines BPMN: Food order 34 ● Idea should be innovative and competitive ○ Business strategy should be complex enough ○ Just another bar in Brno doesn't fit ● There has to be enough processes to model ○ You will need 8 complex ones for your project ○ “Ice cream store”, “Private detective” doesn't fit ● IT process automation has to be relevant ○ You have to implement automated processes ○ Law firm or Scout camp doesn’t fit How to pick a good domain 35 ● Company name ○ “What do we do” ○ Goal ■ Objective ● KPI/KRI PI/RI ● Process ○ Metric ● Process ■ Objective ● KPI/KRI PI/RI ● Process ○ Service ■ Metric ○ Service ■ Metric Analysis structure recap 36 FIN Questions? PV207 – Business Process Management Jiří Kolář 37 ● Idea should be innovative and competitive ○ Business strategy should be complex enough ○ Just another bar in Brno doesn't fit ● There has to be enough processes to model ○ You will need 8 complex ones for your project ○ “Ice cream store”, “Private detective” doesn't fit ● IT process automation has to be relevant ○ You have to implement automated processes ○ Law firm or Scout camp doesn’t fit How to pick a good domain 38 ● Company name ○ “What do we do” ○ Goal ■ Objective ● KPI/KRI PI/RI ● Process ○ Metric ● Process ■ Objective ● KPI/KRI PI/RI ● Process ○ Service ■ Metric ○ Service ■ Metric Analysis structure recap 39