Challenges in Building Large-Scale Information Retrieval Systems Jeff Dean Google Senior Fellow • Challenging blend of science and engineering –Many interesting, unsolved problems –Spans many areas of CS: • architecture, distributed systems, algorithms, compression, information retrieval, machine learning, UI, etc. –Scale far larger than most other systems ! • Small teams can create systems used by hundreds of millions Why Work on Retrieval Systems? • Must balance engineering tradeoffs between: –number of documents indexed –queries / sec –index freshness/update rate –query latency –information kept about each document –complexity/cost of scoring/retrieval algorithms ! • Engineering difficulty roughly equal to the product of these parameters ! • All of these affect overall performance, and performance per $ Retrieval System Dimensions • # docs: ~70M to many billion • queries processed/day: • per doc info in index: • update latency: months to minutes • avg. query latency: <1s to <0.15s ! • More machines * faster machines: 1999 vs. 2014 ~100X ~3X ~1000X ~10000X ~6X ~1000X • Parameters change over time –often by many orders of magnitude ! • Right design at X may be very wrong at 10X or 100X – ... design for ~10X growth, but plan to rewrite before ~100X ! • Continuous evolution: –7 significant revisions in last 10 years –often rolled out without users realizing we’ve made major changes Constant Change • Evolution of Google’s search systems –several gens of crawling/indexing/serving systems –brief description of supporting infrastructure ! –Joint work with many, many people ! • Interesting directions and challenges Rest of Talk “Google” Circa 1997 ( Research Project, circa 1997 Frontend Web Server I0 I1 I2 IN Index shards D0 D1 DM query Index servers Doc servers … … Doc shards • By doc: each shard has index for subset of docs – pro: each shard can process queries independently – pro: easy to keep additional per-doc information – pro: network traffic (requests/responses) small – con: query has to be processed by each shard – con: O(K*N) disk seeks for K word query on N shards Ways of Index Partitioning • By word: shard has subset of words for all docs – pro: K word query => handled by at most K shards – pro: O(K) disk seeks for K word query – con: much higher network bandwidth needed • data about each word for each matching doc must be collected in one place – con: harder to have per-doc information In our computing environment, by doc makes more sense • Documents assigned small integer ids (docids) –good if smaller for higher quality/more important docs • Index Servers: –given (query) return sorted list of (score, docid, ...) –partitioned (“sharded”) by docid –index shards are replicated for capacity –cost is O(# queries * # docs in index) ! • Doc Servers –given (docid, query) generate (title, snippet) –map from docid to full text of docs on disk –also partitioned by docid –cost is O(# queries) Basic Principles “Corkboards” (1999) Serving System, circa 1999 Frontend Web Server I0 I1 I2 IN I0 I1 I2 IN I0 I1 I2 IN Replicas … … Index shards D0 D1 DM D0 D1 DM D0 D1 DM Replicas … … Doc shards query Index servers Cache servers C0 C1 CK… Doc servers Ad System • Cache servers: –cache both index results and doc snippets –hit rates typically 30-60% • depends on frequency of index updates, mix of query traffic, level of personalization, etc ! • Main benefits: –performance! 10s of machines do work of 100s or 1000s –reduce query latency on hits • queries that hit in cache tend to be both popular and expensive (common words, lots of documents to score, etc.) ! • Beware: big latency spike/capacity drop when index updated or cache flushed Caching • Simple batch crawling system –start with a few URLs –crawl pages –extract links, add to queue –stop when you have enough pages ! • Concerns: –don’t hit any site too hard –prioritizing among uncrawled pages • one way: continuously compute PageRank on changing graph –maintaining uncrawled URL queue efficiently • one way: keep in a partitioned set of servers –dealing with machine failures Crawling (circa 1998-1999) • Simple batch indexing system –Based on simple unix tools –No real checkpointing, so machine failures painful –No checksumming of raw data, so hardware bit errors caused problems • Exacerbated by early machines having no ECC, no parity • Sort 1 TB of data without parity: ends up "mostly sorted" • Sort it again: "mostly sorted" another way ! • “Programming with adversarial memory” –Led us to develop a file abstraction that stored checksums of small records and could skip and resynchronize after corrupted records Indexing (circa 1998-1999) • 1998-1999: Index updates (~once per month): –Wait until traffic is low –Take some replicas offline –Copy new index to these replicas –Start new frontends pointing at updated index and serve some traffic from there Index Updates (circa 1998-1999) • Index server disk: –outer part of disk gives higher disk bandwidth Index Updates (circa 1998-1999) Oct99 index • Index server disk: –outer part of disk gives higher disk bandwidth Index Updates (circa 1998-1999) Oct99 index Nov99 index 1. Copy new index to inner half of disk (while still serving old index) 2. Restart to use new index • Index server disk: –outer part of disk gives higher disk bandwidth Index Updates (circa 1998-1999) Nov99 index 1. Copy new index to inner half of disk (while still serving old index) 2. Restart to use new index 3. Wipe old index • Index server disk: –outer part of disk gives higher disk bandwidth Index Updates (circa 1998-1999) Nov99 index Nov99 index 1. Copy new index to inner half of disk (while still serving old index) 2. Restart to use new index 3. Wipe old index 4. Re-copy new index to faster half of disk • Index server disk: –outer part of disk gives higher disk bandwidth Index Updates (circa 1998-1999) Nov99 index 1. Copy new index to inner half of disk (while still serving old index) 2. Restart to use new index 3. Wipe old index 5. Wipe first copy of new index 4. Re-copy new index to faster half of disk • Index server disk: –outer part of disk gives higher disk bandwidth Index Updates (circa 1998-1999) Nov99 index 1. Copy new index to inner half of disk (while still serving old index) 2. Restart to use new index 3. Wipe old index 5. Wipe first copy of new index 6. Inner half now free for building various performance improving data structures 4. Re-copy new index to faster half of disk Pair cache: pre-intersected pairs of posting lists for commonly co-occurring query terms (e.g. “new” and “york”, or “barcelona” and “restaurants”) Nov99 pair cache Google Data Center (2000) Google (new data center 2001) Google Data Center (3 days later) • Huge increases in index size in ’99, ’00, ’01, ... – From ~50M pages to more than 1000M pages ! • At same time as huge traffic increases – ~20% growth per month in 1999, 2000, ... – ... plus major new partners (e.g. Yahoo in July 2000 doubled traffic overnight) ! • Performance of index servers was paramount – Deploying more machines continuously, but... – Needed ~10-30% software-based improvement every month Increasing Index Size and Query Capacity Dealing with Growth Frontend Web Server query Index servers Cache servers Ad System Doc Servers Cache Servers Replicas Index shards I0 I1 I2 I0 I1 I2 I3 I3 I0 I1 I2 I3 I4 I4 I4 I10 … I10 … I10 … I0 I1 I2 I3 I4 I10 … … … I60 … I60 … I60 … I60 … … • Shard response time influenced by: –# of disk seeks that must be done –amount of data to be read from disk ! • Big performance improvements possible with: –better disk scheduling –improved index encoding Implications • Original encoding (’97) was very simple: ! –hit: position plus attributes (font size, title, etc.) ! –Eventually added skip tables for large posting lists ! • Simple, byte aligned format –cheap to decode, but not very compact –... required lots of disk bandwidth Index Encoding circa 1997-1999 docid+nhits:32b hit: 16b hit: 16b … hit: 16bdocid+nhits:32bWORD • Bit-level encodings: –Unary: N ‘1’s followed by a ‘0’ –Gamma: log2(N) in unary, then floor(log2(N)) bits –RiceK: floor(N / 2K) in unary, then N mod 2K in K bits • special case of Golomb codes where base is power of 2 –Huffman-Int: like Gamma, except log2(N) is Huffman coded instead of encoded w/ Unary ! • Byte-aligned encodings: –varint: 7 bits per byte with a continuation bit • 0-127: 1 byte, 128-4095: 2 bytes, ... –... Encoding Techniques Block-Based Index Format • Block-based, variable-len format reduced both space and CPU delta to last docid in block: varint encoding type: Gamma # docs in block: Gamma N -1 docid deltas: Ricek coded N values of # hits per doc: Gamma H hit attributes: run length Huffman encoded H hit positions: Huffman-Int encoded block length: varint • Reduced index size by ~30%, plus much faster to decode Block 0 Block 1 …Block 2 Block NSkip table(if large)WORD Block format (with N documents and H hits): Byte aligned header • Must add shards to keep response time low as index size increases ! • ... but query cost increases with # of shards –typically >= 1 disk seek / shard / query term –even for very rare terms ! • As # of replicas increases, total amount of memory available increases –Eventually, have enough memory to hold an entire copy of the index in memory • radically changes many design parameters Implications of Ever-Wider Sharding Early 2001: In-Memory Index Frontend Web Server query Index servers Cache servers Ad System Doc Servers Cache Servers Index shards Shard 0 I0 I1 I2 I14 I3 I12 bal I4 I5 …I13 Shard 1 I0 I1 I2 I14 I3 I12 bal I4 I5 …I13 Shard 2 I0 I1 I2 I14 I3 I12 bal I4 I5 …I13 Shard N I0 I1 I2 I14 I3 I12 bal I4 I5 …I13 Balancers … • Many positives: –big increase in throughput –big decrease in latency • especially at the tail: expensive queries that previously needed GBs of disk I/O became much faster e.g. [ “circle of life” ]! ! • Some issues: –Variance: touch 1000s of machines, not dozens • e.g. randomized cron jobs caused us trouble for a while –Availability: 1 or few replicas of each doc’s index data • Queries of death that kill all the backends at once: very bad • Availability of index data when machine failed (esp for important docs): replicate important docs In-Memory Indexing Systems • Many datacenters around the world Google’s Computational Environment Today Zooming In... Zooming In... Lots of machines... Save a bit of power: turn out the lights... Cool... Serving Design, 2004 edition Root … … Parent Servers … … Leaf Servers Repository Shards … Repository
 Manager File
 Loaders Cache servers Requests GFS New Index Format • Block index format used two-level scheme: – Each hit was encoded as (docid, word position in doc) pair – Docid deltas encoded with Rice encoding – Very good compression (originally designed for disk-based indices), but slow/CPU-intensive to decode ! • New format: single flat position space – Data structures on side keep track of doc boundaries – Posting lists are just lists of delta-encoded positions – Need to be compact (can’t afford 32 bit value per occurrence) – … but need to be very fast to decode Byte-Aligned Variable-length Encodings • Varint encoding: – 7 bits per byte with continuation bit – Con: Decoding requires lots of branches/shifts/masks 0000111100000001 0000001111111111 1111111111111111 00000111 1 15 511 131071 • Idea: Encode byte length as low 2 bits – Better: fewer branches, shifts, and masks – Con: Limited to 30-bit values, still some shifting to decode 0000111100000001 0000001101111111 1111111110111111 00000111 1 15 511 131071 Group Varint Encoding • Idea: encode groups of 4 values in 5-17 bytes – Pull out 4 2-bit binary lengths into single byte prefix 0000111100000001 0000001101111111 1111111110111111 00000111 0000111100000001 11111111 11111111 1 15 511 131071 00000001 111111110000000100000110 Tags • Much faster than alternatives: – 7-bit-per-byte varint: decode ~180M numbers/second – 30-bit Varint w/ 2-bit length: decode ~240M numbers/second – Group varint: decode ~400M numbers/second • Decode: Load prefix byte and use value to lookup in 256-entry table: 00000110 Offsets: +1,+2,+3,+5; Masks: ff, ff, ffff, ffffff … … 2007: Universal Search Frontend Web Server query Cache servers Ad System News Super root Images Web Blogs Video Books Local Indexing Service • Low-latency crawling and indexing is tough –crawl heuristics: what pages should be crawled? –crawling system: need to crawl pages quickly –indexing system: depends on global data • PageRank, anchor text of pages that point to the page, etc. • must have online approximations for these global properties –serving system: must be prepared to accept updates while serving requests • very different data structures than batch update serving system Index that? Just a minute! Often use hybrid systems (1+2): 1. Very fast update system, but with modest capacity (high $$$/doc/query) 2. Slower updating system, but with huge capacity and relatively immutable data structures (low $/doc/query) Understanding Text ! … car parking available for a small fee. … parts of our floor model inventory for sale. Document 1 ! [ car parts for sale ] Query ! Selling all kinds of automobile and pickup truck parts, engines, and transmissions. Document 2 • Embeddings & Neural Nets • How we use them • What’s next? go/brain dolphin Sea World Paris N-dimensional Embeddings porpoise Camera Embedding Function: A look-up-table that maps sparse features into dense floating point vectors. 3-D embedding space Usually use many more dimensions than 3 (e.g. 1000-D embeddings) ESingle embedding function Hierarchical softmax classifier Raw sparse features Obama’s nearby word Skipgram Text Model meeting with Putin Mikolov, Chen, Corrado and Dean. Efficient Estimation ofWord Representations in Vector Space, Open source implementation: source word nearby words embedding! vector upper layers Nearest neighbors in language embeddings space are closely related semantically. tiger shark! ! bull shark! blacktip shark! shark! oceanic whitetip shark! sandbar shark! dusky shark! blue shark! requiem shark! great white shark! lemon shark car! ! cars! muscle car! sports car! compact car! autocar! automobile! pickup truck! racing car! passenger car ! dealership new york! ! new york city! brooklyn! long island! syracuse! manhattan! washington! bronx! yonkers! poughkeepsie! new york state • Trained language model on Wikipedia corpus. E * 5.7M docs, 5.4B terms, 155K unique terms, 500-D embeddings Embeddings are Powerful man woman king queen swam walking swimming walked Solving Analogies • Embedding vectors trained for the language modeling task have very interesting properties (especially the skip-gram model). ! E(hotter) - E(hot) ≈ E(bigger) - E(big) ! E(Rome) - E(Italy) ≈ E(Berlin) - E(Germany) ! E(hotter) - E(hot) + E(big) ≈ E(bigger) ! E(Rome) - E(Italy) + E(Germany) ≈ E(Berlin) Details in: Efficient Estimation ofWord Representations inVector Space. Mikolov, Chen, Corrado and Dean. NIPS 2013. Solving Analogies • Embedding vectors trained for the language modeling task have very interesting properties (especially the skip-gram model). Skip-gram model w/ 640 dimensions trained on 6B words of news text achieves 57% accuracy for analogy-solving test set. Embeddings are Powerful Spain Italy Germany Turkey Russia Canada Japan Vietnam China Beijing Hanoi Tokyo Ottawa Moscow Ankara Berlin Rome Madrid fallen draw fell drawn drew take taken took give given gave fall N-dimensional Embeddings Plenty of applications: • Machine Translation • Synonym handling • Sentiment analysis • Ads • Semantic visual models • Entity disambiguation Embedding Longer Pieces of Text Query Doc Embedding Longer Pieces of Text English
 sentence Cantonese sentence Swahili sentence Embedding Longer Pieces of Text word word word word word sentence word word word word word RNN / LSTM TreeNN sentence EEmbedding function Deep neural network Raw sparse inputs Floating-point vectors Prediction (classification or regression) Using Embeddings in Larger Neural Models features E1 E2 E3 E4 Separate embedding functions Raw feature categories f1 f2 f3 f4 words! in! creative user! country words! in! query ...! Logistic regression pCTR Predicting clicks click? Embeddings and Neural Nets Show Considerable Promise In Conclusion... • Designing and building large-scale retrieval systems is a challenging, fun endeavor –new problems require continuous evolution –work benefits many users –new retrieval techniques often require new systems ! ! • Thanks for your attention! Thanks! Questions...? • Further reading: Ghemawat, Gobioff, & Leung. Google File System, SOSP 2003. Barroso, Dean, & Hölzle. Web Search for a Planet: The Google Cluster Architecture, IEEE Micro, 2003. Dean & Ghemawat. MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters, OSDI 2004. Chang, Dean, Ghemawat, Hsieh, Wallach, Burrows, Chandra, Fikes, & Gruber. Bigtable: A Distributed Storage System for Structured Data, OSDI 2006. Brants, Popat, Xu, Och, & Dean. Large Language Models in Machine Translation, EMNLP 2007. Mikolov, Chen, Corrado and Dean. Efficient Estimation of Word Representations in Vector Space, Dean, Corrado, et al. , Large Scale Distributed Deep Networks, NIPS 2012. ! • These and many more available at: