Compression Term statistics Dictionary compression Postings compression PV211: Introduction to Information Retrieval IIR 5: Index compression Handout version Petr Sojka, Hinrich Schütze et al. Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno Center for Information and Language Processing, University of Munich 2024-03-14 (compiled on 2024-03-08 15:01:09) Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Index compression 1 / 57 Compression Term statistics Dictionary compression Postings compression Overview 1 Compression 2 Term statistics 3 Dictionary compression 4 Postings compression Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Index compression 2 / 57 Compression Term statistics Dictionary compression Postings compression Roadmap Today: index compression, and vector space model Next week: the whole picture of complete search system, scoring and ranking Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Index compression 3 / 57 Compression Term statistics Dictionary compression Postings compression Take-away today Motivation for compression in information retrieval systems How can we compress the dictionary component of the inverted index? How can we compress the postings component of the inverted index? Term statistics: how are terms distributed in document collections? Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Index compression 4 / 57 Compression Term statistics Dictionary compression Postings compression Inverted index For each term t, we store a list of all documents that contain t. Brutus −→ 1 2 4 11 31 45 173 174 Caesar −→ 1 2 4 5 6 16 57 132 . . . Calpurnia −→ 2 31 54 101 ... dictionary postings file Today: How much space do we need for the dictionary? How much space do we need for the postings file? How can we compress them? Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Index compression 6 / 57 Compression Term statistics Dictionary compression Postings compression Why compression? (in general) Use less disk space (saves money). Keep more stuff in memory (increases speed). Increase speed of transferring data from disk to memory (again, increases speed). [read compressed data and decompress in memory] is faster than [read uncompressed data] Premise: Decompression algorithms are fast. This is true of the decompression algorithms we will use. Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Index compression 7 / 57 Compression Term statistics Dictionary compression Postings compression Why compression in information retrieval? First, we will consider space for dictionary: Main motivation for dictionary compression: make it small enough to keep in main memory. Then for the postings file Motivation: reduce disk space needed, decrease time needed to read from disk. Note: Large search engines keep significant part of postings in memory. We will devise various compression schemes for dictionary and postings. Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Index compression 8 / 57 Compression Term statistics Dictionary compression Postings compression Lossy vs. lossless compression Lossy compression: Discard some information Several of the preprocessing steps we frequently use can be viewed as lossy compression: downcasing, stop words, porter, number elimination Lossless compression: All information is preserved. What we mostly do in index compression Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Index compression 9 / 57 Compression Term statistics Dictionary compression Postings compression Model collection: The Reuters collection symbol statistic value N documents 800,000 L avg. # word tokens per document 200 M word types 400,000 avg. # bytes per word token (incl. spaces/punct.) 6 avg. # bytes per word token (without spaces/punct.) 4.5 avg. # bytes per word type 7.5 T non-positional postings 100,000,000 Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Index compression 11 / 57 Compression Term statistics Dictionary compression Postings compression Effect of preprocessing for Reuters word types non-positional positional postings (terms) postings (word tokens) size of dictionary non-positional index positional index size ∆cml size ∆ cml size ∆cml unfiltered 484,494 109,971,179 197,879,290 no numbers 473,723 -2 -2 100,680,242 -8 -8 179,158,204 -9 -9 case folding 391,523 -17 -19 96,969,056 -3 -12 179,158,204 -0 -9 30 stopw’s 391,493 -0 -19 83,390,443 -14 -24 121,857,825 -31 -38 150 stopw’s 391,373 -0 -19 67,001,847 -30 -39 94,516,599 -47 -52 stemming 322,383 -17 -33 63,812,300 -4 -42 94,516,599 -0 -52 Explain differences between numbers non-positional vs positional: −3 vs 0, −14 vs −31, −30 vs −47, −4 vs 0 Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Index compression 12 / 57 Compression Term statistics Dictionary compression Postings compression How big is the term vocabulary? That is, how many distinct words are there? Can we assume there is an upper bound? Not really: At least 7020 ≈ 1037 different words of length 20. The vocabulary will keep growing with collection size. Heaps’ law: M = kTb M is the size of the vocabulary, T is the number of tokens in the collection. Typical values for the parameters k and b are: 30 ≤ k ≤ 100 and b ≈ 0.5. Heaps’ law is linear in log-log space. It is the simplest possible relationship between collection size and vocabulary size in log-log space. Empirical law Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Index compression 13 / 57 Compression Term statistics Dictionary compression Postings compression Heaps’ law for Reuters 0 2 4 6 8 0123456 log10 T log10M Vocabulary size M as a function of collection size T (number of tokens) for Reuters-RCV1. For these data, the dashed line log10 M = 0.49 ∗ log10 T + 1.64 is the best least squares fit. Thus, M = 101.64 T0.49 and k = 101.64 ≈ 44 and b = 0.49. Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Index compression 14 / 57 Compression Term statistics Dictionary compression Postings compression Empirical fit for Reuters Good, as we just saw in the graph. Example: for the first 1,000,020 tokens Heaps’ law predicts 38,323 terms: 44 × 1,000,0200.49 ≈ 38,323 The actual number is 38,365 terms, very close to the prediction. Empirical observation: fit is good in general. Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Index compression 15 / 57 Compression Term statistics Dictionary compression Postings compression Exercise 1 What is the effect of including spelling errors vs. automatically correcting spelling errors on Heaps’ law? 2 Compute vocabulary size M Looking at a collection of web pages, you find that there are 3,000 different terms in the first 10,000 tokens and 30,000 different terms in the first 1,000,000 tokens. Assume a search engine indexes a total of 20,000,000,000 (2 × 1010 ) pages, containing 200 tokens on average What is the size of the vocabulary of the indexed collection as predicted by Heaps’ law? Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Index compression 16 / 57 Compression Term statistics Dictionary compression Postings compression Zipf’s law Now we have characterized the growth of the vocabulary in collections. We also want to know how many frequent vs. infrequent terms we should expect in a collection. In natural language, there are a few very frequent terms and very many very rare terms. Zipf’s law: The ith most frequent term has frequency cfi proportional to 1/i. cfi ∝ 1 i cfi is collection frequency: the number of occurrences of the term ti in the collection. Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Index compression 17 / 57 Compression Term statistics Dictionary compression Postings compression Zipf’s law Zipf’s law: The ith most frequent term has frequency proportional to 1/i. cfi ∝ 1 i cf is collection frequency: the number of occurrences of the term in the collection. So if the most frequent term (the) occurs cf1 times, then the second most frequent term (of) has half as many occurrences cf2 = 1 2cf1 . . . . . . and the third most frequent term (and) has a third as many occurrences cf3 = 1 3 cf1, etc. Equivalent: cfi = cik and log cfi = log c + k log i (for k = −1) Example of a power law Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Index compression 18 / 57 Compression Term statistics Dictionary compression Postings compression Zipf’s law for Reuters 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 01234567 log10 rank log10cf Fit is not great. What is important is the key insight: Few frequent terms, many rare terms. Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Index compression 19 / 57 Compression Term statistics Dictionary compression Postings compression Dictionary compression The dictionary is small compared to the postings file. But we want to keep it in memory. Also: competition with other applications, cell phones, onboard computers, fast startup time So compressing the dictionary is important. Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Index compression 21 / 57 Compression Term statistics Dictionary compression Postings compression Recall: Dictionary as array of fixed-width entries term document frequency pointer to postings list a 656,265 −→ aachen 65 −→ . . . . . . . . . zulu 221 −→ space needed: 20 bytes 4 bytes 4 bytes Space for Reuters: (20+4+4)*400,000 = 11.2 MB Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Index compression 22 / 57 Compression Term statistics Dictionary compression Postings compression Fixed-width entries are bad. Most of the bytes in the term column are wasted. We allot 20 bytes for terms of length 1. We cannot handle hydrochlorofluorocarbons and supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Average length of a term in English: 8 characters (or a little bit less) How can we use on average 8 characters per term? Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Index compression 23 / 57 Compression Term statistics Dictionary compression Postings compression Dictionary as a string . . . syst i l esyzyget i csyzygial syzygyszaibe ly i teszec inszono. . . freq. 9 92 5 71 12 . . . 4 bytes postings ptr. → → → → → . . . 4 bytes term ptr. 3 bytes . . . Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Index compression 24 / 57 Compression Term statistics Dictionary compression Postings compression Space for dictionary as a string 4 bytes per term for frequency 4 bytes per term for pointer to postings list 8 bytes (on average) for term in string 3 bytes per pointer into string (need log2 8 · 400,000 < 24 bits to resolve 8 · 400,000 positions) Space: 400,000 × (4 + 4 + 3 + 8) = 7.6 MB (compared to 11.2 MB for fixed-width array) Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Index compression 25 / 57 Compression Term statistics Dictionary compression Postings compression Dictionary as a string with blocking . . . 7 sys t i l e9 syzyget i c8 syzyg i a l 6 syzygy11sza i be l y i te6 szec i n. . . freq. 9 92 5 71 12 . . . postings ptr. → → → → → . . . term ptr. . . . Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Index compression 26 / 57 Compression Term statistics Dictionary compression Postings compression Space for dictionary as a string with blocking Example block size k = 4 Where we used 4 × 3 bytes for term pointers without blocking . . . . . . we now use 3 bytes for one pointer plus 4 bytes for indicating the length of each term. We save 12 − (3 + 4) = 5 bytes per block. Total savings: 400,000/4 ∗ 5 = 0.5 MB This reduces the size of the dictionary from 7.6 MB to 7.1 MB. Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Index compression 27 / 57 Compression Term statistics Dictionary compression Postings compression Lookup of a term without blocking aid box den ex job ox pit win Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Index compression 28 / 57 Compression Term statistics Dictionary compression Postings compression Lookup of a term with blocking: (slightly) slower aid box den ex job ox pit win Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Index compression 29 / 57 Compression Term statistics Dictionary compression Postings compression Front coding One block in blocked compression (k = 4) . . . 8 a u t o m a t a 8 a u t o m a t e 9 a u t o m a t i c 10 a u t o m a t i o n ⇓ . . . further compressed with front coding. 8 a u t o m a t ∗ a 1 ⋄ e 2 ⋄ i c 3 ⋄ i o n Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Index compression 30 / 57 Compression Term statistics Dictionary compression Postings compression Dictionary compression for Reuters: Summary data structure size in MB dictionary, fixed-width 11.2 dictionary, term pointers into string 7.6 ∼, with blocking, k = 4 7.1 ∼, with blocking & front coding 5.9 Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Index compression 31 / 57 Compression Term statistics Dictionary compression Postings compression Exercise Which prefixes should be used for front coding? What are the tradeoffs? Input: list of terms (= the term vocabulary) Output: list of prefixes that will be used in front coding Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Index compression 32 / 57 Compression Term statistics Dictionary compression Postings compression Postings compression The postings file is much larger than the dictionary, factor of at least 10. Key desideratum: store each posting compactly A posting for our purposes is a docID. For Reuters (800,000 documents), we would use 32 bits per docID when using 4-byte integers. Alternatively, we can use log2 800,000 ≈ 19.6 < 20 bits per docID. Our goal: use a lot less than 20 bits per docID. Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Index compression 34 / 57 Compression Term statistics Dictionary compression Postings compression Key idea: Store gaps instead of docIDs Each postings list is ordered in increasing order of docID. Example postings list: computer: 283154, 283159, 283202, . . . It suffices to store gaps: 283159 − 283154 = 5, 283202 − 283159 = 43 Example postings list using gaps: computer: 283154, 5, 43, . . . Gaps for frequent terms are small. Thus: We can encode small gaps with fewer than 20 bits. Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Index compression 35 / 57 Compression Term statistics Dictionary compression Postings compression Gap encoding encoding postings list the docIDs . . . 283042 283043 283044 283045 . . . gaps 1 1 1 . . . computer docIDs . . . 283047 283154 283159 283202 . . . gaps 107 5 43 . . . arachnocentric docIDs 252000 500100 gaps 252000 248100 Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Index compression 36 / 57 Compression Term statistics Dictionary compression Postings compression Variable length encoding Aim: For arachnocentric and other rare terms, we will use about 20 bits per gap (= posting). For the and other very frequent terms, we will use only a few bits per gap (= posting). In order to implement this, we need to devise some form of variable length encoding. Variable length encoding uses few bits for small gaps and many bits for large gaps. Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Index compression 37 / 57 Compression Term statistics Dictionary compression Postings compression Variable byte (VB) code Used by many commercial/research systems Good low-tech blend of variable-length coding and sensitivity to alignment matches (bit-level codes, see later). Dedicate 1 bit (high bit) to be a continuation bit c. If the gap G fits within 7 bits, binary-encode it in the 7 available bits and set c = 1. Else: encode lower-order 7 bits and then use one or more additional bytes to encode the higher order bits using the same algorithm. At the end set the continuation bit of the last byte to 1 (c = 1) and of the other bytes to 0 (c = 0). Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Index compression 38 / 57 Compression Term statistics Dictionary compression Postings compression VB code examples docIDs 824 829 215406 gaps 5 214577 VB code 00000110 10111000 10000101 00001101 00001100 10110001 Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Index compression 39 / 57 Compression Term statistics Dictionary compression Postings compression VB code encoding algorithm VBEncodeNumber(n) 1 bytes ← 2 while true 3 do Prepend(bytes, n mod 128) 4 if n < 128 5 then Break 6 n ← n div 128 7 bytes[Length(bytes)] += 128 8 return bytes VBEncode(numbers) 1 bytestream ← 2 for each n ∈ numbers 3 do bytes ← VBEncodeNumber(n) 4 bytestream ← Extend(bytestream, bytes) 5 return bytestream Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Index compression 40 / 57 Compression Term statistics Dictionary compression Postings compression VB code decoding algorithm VBDecode(bytestream) 1 numbers ← 2 n ← 0 3 for i ← 1 to Length(bytestream) 4 do if bytestream[i] < 128 5 then n ← 128 × n + bytestream[i] 6 else n ← 128 × n + (bytestream[i] − 128) 7 Append(numbers, n) 8 n ← 0 9 return numbers Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Index compression 41 / 57 Compression Term statistics Dictionary compression Postings compression Other variable codes Instead of bytes, we can also use a different “unit of alignment”: 32 bits (words), 16 bits, 4 bits (nibbles), etc. Variable byte alignment wastes space if you have many small gaps – nibbles do better on those. There is work on word-aligned codes that efficiently “pack” a variable number of gaps into one word – see resources at the end Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Index compression 42 / 57 Compression Term statistics Dictionary compression Postings compression Codes for gap encoding You can get even more compression with another type of variable length encoding: bitlevel code. Gamma code is the best known of these. First, we need unary code to be able to introduce gamma code. Unary code Represent n as n 1s with a final 0. Unary code for 3 is 1110 Unary code for 1 is 10, for 0 is 0, for 30 is 1111111111111111111111111111110 Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Index compression 43 / 57 Compression Term statistics Dictionary compression Postings compression Gamma code Represent a gap G as a pair of length and offset. Offset is the gap in binary, with the leading bit chopped off. For example 13 → 1101 → 101 = offset Length is the length of offset. For 13 (offset 101), this is 3. Encode length in unary code: 1110. Gamma code of 13 is the concatenation of length and offset: 1110101. Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Index compression 44 / 57 Compression Term statistics Dictionary compression Postings compression Another Gamma code (γ) examples number unary code length offset γ code 0 0 1 10 0 0 2 110 10 0 10,0 3 1110 10 1 10,1 4 11110 110 00 110,00 9 1111111110 1110 001 1110,001 13 1110 101 1110,101 24 11110 1000 11110,1000 511 111111110 11111111 111111110,11111111 1025 11111111110 0000000001 11111111110,0000000001 Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Index compression 45 / 57 Compression Term statistics Dictionary compression Postings compression The universal coding of the integers: Elias codes ☞ unary code α(N) = 11 . . . 1 N 0. α(4) = 11110 ☞ binary code β(1) = 1, β(2N + j) = β(N)j, j = 0, 1. β(4) = 100 ☞ β is not uniquely decodable (it is not a prefix code). ☞ ternary τ(N) = β(N)#. τ(4) = 100# ☞ β′ (1) = ǫ, β′ (2N) = β′ (N)0, β′ (2N + 1) = β′ (N)1, τ′ (N) = β′ (N)#. β′ (4) = 00. ☞ γ(N) = α|β′ (N)|β′ (N). γ(4) = 11000 ☞ alternatively, γ′ : every bit β′ (N) is inserted between a pair from α(|β′ (N)|). the same length as γ (bit permutation γ(N)), but less readable ☞ example: γ′ (4) = 10100 ☞ Cγ = {γ(N) : N > 0} = (1{0, 1})∗ 0 is regular and therefore it is decodable by finite automaton. Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Index compression 46 / 57 Compression Term statistics Dictionary compression Postings compression Elias codes: gamma, delta, omega: formal definitions II ☞ δ(N) = γ(|β(N)|)β′(N) ☞ example: δ(4) = γ(3)00 = 01100 ☞ decoder δ: δ(?) = 1001? ☞ ω: K := 0; while ⌊log2(N)⌋ > 0 do begin K := β(N)K; N := ⌊log2(N)⌋ end. Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Index compression 47 / 57 Compression Term statistics Dictionary compression Postings compression Exercise Compute the variable byte code of 130 Compute the gamma code of 130 Compute δ(42) Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Index compression 48 / 57 Compression Term statistics Dictionary compression Postings compression Length of gamma code The length of offset is ⌊log2 G⌋ bits. The length of length is ⌊log2 G⌋ + 1 bits, So the length of the entire code is 2 × ⌊log2 G⌋ + 1 bits. γ codes are always of odd length. Gamma codes are within a factor of 2 of the optimal encoding length log2 G. (assuming the frequency of a gap G is proportional to log2 G – only approximately true) Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Index compression 49 / 57 Compression Term statistics Dictionary compression Postings compression Gamma code: Properties Gamma code is prefix-free: a valid code word is not a prefix of any other valid code. Encoding is optimal within a factor of 3 (and within a factor of 2 making additional assumptions). This result is independent of the distribution of gaps! We can use gamma codes for any distribution. Gamma code is universal. Gamma code is parameter-free. Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Index compression 50 / 57 Compression Term statistics Dictionary compression Postings compression Gamma codes: Alignment Machines have word boundaries – 8, 16, 32 bits Compressing and manipulating at granularity of bits can be slow. Variable byte encoding is aligned and thus potentially more efficient. Another word aligned scheme: Anh and Moffat 2005 Regardless of efficiency, variable byte is conceptually simpler at little additional space cost. Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Index compression 51 / 57 Compression Term statistics Dictionary compression Postings compression Compression of Reuters data structure size in MB dictionary, fixed-width 11.2 dictionary, term pointers into string 7.6 ∼, with blocking, k = 4 7.1 ∼, with blocking & front coding 5.9 collection (text, xml markup, etc.) 3600.0 collection (text) 960.0 T/D incidence matrix 40,000.0 postings, uncompressed (32-bit words) 400.0 postings, uncompressed (20 bits) 250.0 postings, variable byte encoded 116.0 postings, γ encoded 101.0 Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Index compression 52 / 57 Compression Term statistics Dictionary compression Postings compression Term-document incidence matrix Anthony Julius The Hamlet Othello Macbeth . . . and Caesar Tempest Cleopatra Anthony 1 1 0 0 0 1 Brutus 1 1 0 1 0 0 Caesar 1 1 0 1 1 1 Calpurnia 0 1 0 0 0 0 Cleopatra 1 0 0 0 0 0 mercy 1 0 1 1 1 1 worser 1 0 1 1 1 0 . . . Entry is 1 if term occurs. Example: Calpurnia occurs in Julius Caesar. Entry is 0 if term does not occur. Example: Calpurnia doesn’t occur in The tempest. Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Index compression 53 / 57 Compression Term statistics Dictionary compression Postings compression Compression of Reuters data structure size in MB dictionary, fixed-width 11.2 dictionary, term pointers into string 7.6 ∼, with blocking, k = 4 7.1 ∼, with blocking & front coding 5.9 collection (text, xml markup, etc.) 3600.0 collection (text) 960.0 T/D incidence matrix 40,000.0 postings, uncompressed (32-bit words) 400.0 postings, uncompressed (20 bits) 250.0 postings, variable byte encoded 116.0 postings, γ encoded 101.0 Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Index compression 54 / 57 Compression Term statistics Dictionary compression Postings compression Summary We can now create an index for highly efficient Boolean retrieval that is very space efficient. Only 4% of the total size of the collection. Only 10–15% of the total size of the text in the collection. However, we’ve ignored positional and frequency information. For this reason, space savings are less in reality. Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Index compression 55 / 57 Compression Term statistics Dictionary compression Postings compression Take-away today Motivation for compression in information retrieval systems How can we compress the dictionary component of the inverted index? How can we compress the postings component of the inverted index? Term statistics: how are terms distributed in document collections? Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Index compression 56 / 57 Compression Term statistics Dictionary compression Postings compression Resources Chapter 5 of IIR Resources at and, materials in MU IS and FI MU library Original publication on word-aligned binary codes by Anh and Moffat (2005); also: Anh and Moffat (2006a). Original publication on variable byte codes by Scholer, Williams, Yiannis and Zobel (2002). More details on compression (including compression of positions and frequencies) in Zobel and Moffat (2006). Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Index compression 57 / 57