Zone scoring Machine-learned scoring Ranking SVMs PV211: Introduction to Information Retrieval IIR 15-2: Learning to rank Handout version Petr Sojka, Hinrich Schütze et al. Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno Center for Information and Language Processing, University of Munich 2024-04-24 (compiled on 2024-04-24 10:20:55) Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Learning to rank 1 / 46 Zone scoring Machine-learned scoring Ranking SVMs Overview 1 Zone scoring 2 Machine-learned scoring 3 Ranking SVMs Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Learning to rank 2 / 46 Zone scoring Machine-learned scoring Ranking SVMs Take-away today Basic idea of learning to rank (LTR): We use machine learning to learn the relevance score (retrieval status value) of a document with respect to a query. Zone scoring: a particularly simple instance of LTR Machine-learned scoring as a general approach to ranking Ranking SVMs Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Learning to rank 3 / 46 Zone scoring Machine-learned scoring Ranking SVMs Main idea The aim of term weights (e.g., tf-idf) is to measure term salience. The sum of term weights is a measure of the relevance of a document to a query and the basis for ranking. Now we view this ranking problem as a machine learning problem – we will learn the weighting or, more generally, the ranking. Term weights can be learned using training examples that have been judged. This methodology falls under a general class of approaches known as machine learned relevance or learning to rank. Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Learning to rank 5 / 46 Zone scoring Machine-learned scoring Ranking SVMs Learning weights Main methodology Given a set of training examples, each of which is a tuple of: a query q, a document d, a relevance judgment for d on q Simplest case: R(d, q) is either relevant (1) or non-relevant (0) More sophisticated cases: graded relevance judgments Learn weights from these examples, so that the learned scores approximate the relevance judgments in the training examples Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Learning to rank 6 / 46 Zone scoring Machine-learned scoring Ranking SVMs Binary independence model (BIM) Is what BIM does a form of learning to rank? Recap BIM: Estimate classifier of probability of relevance on training set Apply to all documents Rank documents according to probability of relevance Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Learning to rank 7 / 46 Zone scoring Machine-learned scoring Ranking SVMs Learning to rank vs. Text classification Both are machine learning approaches Text classification, BIM and relevance feedback (if solved by text classification) are query-specific. We need a query-specific training set to learn the ranker. We need to learn a new ranker for each query. Learning to rank usually refers to query-independent ranking. We learn a single classifier. We can then rank documents for a query that we don’t have any relevance judgments for. Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Learning to rank 8 / 46 Zone scoring Machine-learned scoring Ranking SVMs Learning to rank: Exercise One approach to learning to rank is to represent each query-document pair as a data point, represented as a vector. We have two classes. Class 1: the query is relevant to the document. Class 2: the query is not relevant to the document. This is a standard classification problem, except that the data points are query-document pairs (as opposed to documents). Documents are ranked according to probability of relevance of corresponding document-query pairs. What features/dimensions would you use to represent a query-document pair? Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Learning to rank 9 / 46 Zone scoring Machine-learned scoring Ranking SVMs Simple form of learning to rank: Zone scoring Given: a collection where documents have three zones (a.k.a. fields): author, title, body Weighted zone scoring requires a separate weight for each zone, e.g. g1, g2, g3 Not all zones are equally important: e.g. author < title < body → g1 = 0.2, g2 = 0.3, g3 = 0.5 (so that they add up to 1) Score for a zone = 1 if the query term occurs in that zone, 0 otherwise (Boolean) Example Query term appears in title and body only Document score: (0.3 · 1) + (0.5 · 1) = 0.8. Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Learning to rank 10 / 46 Zone scoring Machine-learned scoring Ranking SVMs General form of weighted zone scoring Given query q and document d, weighted zone scoring assigns to the pair (q, d) a score in the interval [0,1] by computing a linear combination of document zone scores, where each zone contributes a value. Consider a set of documents, which have l zones Let g1, . . . , gl ∈ [0, 1], such that l i=1 gi = 1 For 1 ≤ i ≤ l, let si be the Boolean score denoting a match (or non-match) between q and the ith zone si = 1 if a query term occurs in zone i, 0 otherwise Weighted zone score a.k.a ranked Boolean retrieval Rank documents according to l i=1 gi si Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Learning to rank 11 / 46 Zone scoring Machine-learned scoring Ranking SVMs Learning weights in weighted zone scoring Weighted zone scoring may be viewed as learning a linear function of the Boolean match scores contributed by the various zones. No free lunch: labor-intensive assembly of user-generated relevance judgments from which to learn the weights Especially in a dynamic collection (such as the Web) Major search engine put considerable resources into creating large training sets for learning to rank. Good news: once you have a large enough training set, the problem of learning the weights gi reduces to a simple optimization problem. Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Learning to rank 12 / 46 Zone scoring Machine-learned scoring Ranking SVMs Learning weights in weighted zone scoring: Simple case Let documents have two zones: title, body The weighted zone scoring formula we saw before: l i=1 gi si Given q, d, sT (d, q) = 1 if a query term occurs in title, 0 otherwise; sB(d, q) = 1 if a query term occurs in body, 0 otherwise We compute a score between 0 and 1 for each (d, q) pair using sT (d, q) and sB(d, q) by using a constant g ∈ [0, 1]: score(d, q) = g · sT (d, q) + (1 − g) · sB(d, q) Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Learning to rank 13 / 46 Zone scoring Machine-learned scoring Ranking SVMs Learning weights: determine g from training examples Example Φj dj qj sT sB r(dj , qj) Φ1 37 linux 1 1 Relevant Φ2 37 penguin 0 1 Nonrelevant Φ3 238 system 0 1 Relevant Φ4 238 penguin 0 0 Nonrelevant Φ5 1741 kernel 1 1 Relevant Φ6 2094 driver 0 1 Relevant Φ7 3194 driver 1 0 Nonrelevant Training examples: triples of the form Φj = (dj , qj , r(dj , qj )) A given training document dj and a given training query qj are assessed by a human who decides r(dj , qj) (either relevant or nonrelevant) Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Learning to rank 14 / 46 Zone scoring Machine-learned scoring Ranking SVMs Learning weights: determine g from training examples Example Example DocID Query sT sB Judgment Φ1 37 linux 1 1 Relevant Φ2 37 penguin 0 1 Nonrelevant Φ3 238 system 0 1 Relevant Φ4 238 penguin 0 0 Nonrelevant Φ5 1741 kernel 1 1 Relevant Φ6 2094 driver 0 1 Relevant Φ7 3194 driver 1 0 Nonrelevant For each training example Φj we have Boolean values sT (dj , qj ) and sB(dj, qj ) that we use to compute a score: score(dj , qj ) = g · sT (dj , qj) + (1 − g) · sB(dj, qj ) Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Learning to rank 15 / 46 Zone scoring Machine-learned scoring Ranking SVMs Learning weights We compare this score score(dj , qj ) with the human relevance judgment for the same document-query pair (dj , qj). We define the error of the scoring function with weight g as ǫ(g, Φj ) = (r(dj, qj ) − score(dj , qj ))2 Then, the total error of a set of training examples is given by j ǫ(g, Φj ) The problem of learning the constant g from the given training examples then reduces to picking the value of g that minimizes the total error. Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Learning to rank 16 / 46 Zone scoring Machine-learned scoring Ranking SVMs Minimizing the total error ǫ: Example (1) Training examples Example DocID Query sT sB Judgment Φ1 37 linux 1 1 1 (relevant) Φ2 37 penguin 0 1 0 (nonrelevant) Φ3 238 system 0 1 1 (relevant) Φ4 238 penguin 0 0 0 (nonrelevant) Φ5 1741 kernel 1 1 1 (relevant) Φ6 2094 driver 0 1 1 (relevant) Φ7 3194 driver 1 0 0 (nonrelevant) Compute score: score(dj , qj ) = g · sT (dj , qj) + (1 − g) · sB(dj, qj ) Compute total error: j ǫ(g, Φj ), where ǫ(g, Φj ) = (r(dj , qj ) − score(dj , qj))2 Pick the value of g that minimizes the total error Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Learning to rank 17 / 46 Zone scoring Machine-learned scoring Ranking SVMs Minimizing the total error ǫ: Example (2) Compute score score(dj , qj) score(d1, q1) = g · 1 + (1 − g) · 1 = g + 1 − g = 1 score(d2, q2) = g · 0 + (1 − g) · 1 = 0 + 1 − g = 1 − g score(d3, q3) = g · 0 + (1 − g) · 1 = 0 + 1 − g = 1 − g score(d4, q4) = g · 0 + (1 − g) · 0 = 0 + 0 = 0 score(d5, q5) = g · 1 + (1 − g) · 1 = g + 1 − g = 1 score(d6, q6) = g · 0 + (1 − g) · 1 = 0 + 1 − g = 1 − g score(d7, q7) = g · 1 + (1 − g) · 0 = g + 0 = g Compute total error j ǫ(g, Φj ) (1−1)2 +(0−1+g)2 +(1−1+g)2 +(0−0)2 +(1−1)2 +(1−1+ g)2+(0−g)2 = 0+(−1+g)2+g2+0+0+g2+g2 = 1−2g+4g2 Pick the value of g that minimizes the total error Setting derivative to 0, gives you a minimum of g = 1 4. Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Learning to rank 18 / 46 Zone scoring Machine-learned scoring Ranking SVMs Weight g that minimizes error in the general case g = n10r + n01n n10r + n10n + n01r + n01n n... are the counts of rows of the training set table with the corresponding properties: n10r sT = 1 sB = 0 document relevant n10n sT = 1 sB = 0 document nonrelevant n01r sT = 0 sB = 1 document relevant n01n sT = 0 sB = 1 document nonrelevant Derivation: see book Note that we ignore documents that have 0 match scores for both zones or 1 match scores for both zones – the value of g does not change their final score. Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Learning to rank 19 / 46 Zone scoring Machine-learned scoring Ranking SVMs Exercise: Compute g that minimizes the error DocID Query sT sB Judgment Φ1 37 linux 0 0 Relevant Φ2 37 penguin 1 1 Nonrelevant Φ3 238 system 1 0 Relevant Φ4 238 penguin 1 1 Nonrelevant Φ5 238 redmond 0 1 Nonrelevant Φ6 1741 kernel 0 0 Relevant Φ7 2094 driver 1 0 Relevant Φ8 3194 driver 0 1 Nonrelevant Φ9 3194 redmond 0 0 Nonrelevant Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Learning to rank 20 / 46 Zone scoring Machine-learned scoring Ranking SVMs More general setup of machine learned scoring So far, we have considered a case where we combined match scores (Boolean indicators of relevance). Now consider more general factors that go beyond Boolean functions of query term presence in document zones. Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Learning to rank 22 / 46 Zone scoring Machine-learned scoring Ranking SVMs Two examples of typical features The vector space cosine similarity between query and document (denoted α) The minimum window width within which the query terms lie (denoted ω) Query term proximity is often indicative of topical relevance. Thus, we have one feature that captures overall query-document similarity and one features that captures proximity of query terms in the document. Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Learning to rank 23 / 46 Zone scoring Machine-learned scoring Ranking SVMs Learning to rank setup for these two features Example Example DocID Query α ω Judgment Φ1 37 linux 0.032 3 relevant Φ2 37 penguin 0.02 4 nonrelevant Φ3 238 operating system 0.043 2 relevant Φ4 238 runtime 0.004 2 nonrelevant Φ5 1741 kernel layer 0.022 3 relevant Φ6 2094 device driver 0.03 2 relevant Φ7 3191 device driver 0.027 5 nonrelevant α is the cosine score. ω is the window width. This is exactly the same setup as for zone scoring except we now have more complex features that capture whether a document is relevant to a query. Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Learning to rank 24 / 46 Zone scoring Machine-learned scoring Ranking SVMs Graphic representation of the training set This should look familiar. Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Learning to rank 25 / 46 Zone scoring Machine-learned scoring Ranking SVMs In this case: LTR approach learns a linear classifier in 2D A linear classifier in 2D is a line described by the equation w1d1 + w2d2 = θ Example for a 2D linear classifier Points (d1 d2) with w1d1 + w2d2 ≥ θ are in the class c. Points (d1 d2) with w1d1 + w2d2 < θ are in the complement class c. Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Learning to rank 26 / 46 Zone scoring Machine-learned scoring Ranking SVMs Learning to rank setup for two features Again, two classes: relevant = 1 and nonrelevant = 0 We now seek a scoring function that combines the values of the features to generate a value that is (close to) 0 or 1. We wish this function to be in agreement with our set of training examples as much as possible. A linear classifier is defined by an equation of the form: Score(d, q) = Score(α, ω) = aα + bω + c, where we learn the coefficients a, b, c from training data. Regression vs. classification We have only covered binary classification so far. We can also cast the problem as a regression problem. This is what we did for zone scoring just now. Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Learning to rank 27 / 46 Zone scoring Machine-learned scoring Ranking SVMs Different geometric interpretation of what’s happening The function Score(α, ω) represents a plane “hanging above” the figure. Ideally this plane assumes values close to 1 above the points marked R, and values close to 0 above the points marked N. 0 2 3 4 5 0.05 0.025 cosinescore! Term proximity " R! R! R! R! R! R! R! R!R! R! R! N! N! N! N! N! N! N! N! N! N! Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Learning to rank 28 / 46 Zone scoring Machine-learned scoring Ranking SVMs Linear classification in this case We pick a threshold θ. If Score(α, ω) > θ, we declare the document relevant, otherwise we declare it nonrelevant. As before, all points that satisfy Score(α, ω) = θ form a line (dashed here) → linear classifier that separates relevant from nonrelevant instances. 0 2 3 4 5 0.05 0.025 cosinescore! Term proximity " R! R! R! R! R! R! R! R!R! R! R! N! N! N! N! N! N! N! N! N! N! Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Learning to rank 29 / 46 Zone scoring Machine-learned scoring Ranking SVMs Summary The problem of making a binary relevant/nonrelevant judgment is cast as a classification or regression problem, based on a training set of query-document pairs and associated relevance judgments. In the example: The classifier corresponds to a line Score(α, ω) = θ in the α-ω plane. In principle, any method learning a linear classifier (including least squares regression) can be used to find this line. Big advantage of learning to rank: we can avoid hand-tuning scoring functions and simply learn them from training data. Bottleneck of learning to rank: maintaining a representative set of training examples whose relevance assessments must be made by humans. Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Learning to rank 30 / 46 Zone scoring Machine-learned scoring Ranking SVMs Learning to rank for more than two features The approach can be readily generalized to a large number of features. In addition to cosine similarity and query term window, there are lots of other indicators of relevance: PageRank-style measures, document age, zone contributions, document length, etc. If these measures can be calculated for a training document collection with relevance judgments, any number of such measures can be used to machine-learn a classifier. Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Learning to rank 31 / 46 Zone scoring Machine-learned scoring Ranking SVMs LTR features used by Microsoft Research (1) Zones: body, anchor, title, url, whole document Features derived from standard IR models: query term number, query term ratio, length, idf, sum of term frequency, min of term frequency, max of term frequency, mean of term frequency, variance of term frequency, sum of length normalized term frequency, min of length normalized term frequency, max of length normalized term frequency, mean of length normalized term frequency, variance of length normalized term frequency, sum of tf-idf, min of tf-idf, max of tf-idf, mean of tf-idf, variance of tf-idf, boolean model, BM25 Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Learning to rank 32 / 46 Zone scoring Machine-learned scoring Ranking SVMs LTR features used by Microsoft Research (2) Language model features: LMIR.ABS, LMIR.DIR, LMIR.JM Web-specific features: number of slashes in url, length of url, inlink number, outlink number, PageRank, SiteRank Spam features: QualityScore Usage-based features: query-url click count, url click count, url dwell time See link in resources for more information Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Learning to rank 33 / 46 Zone scoring Machine-learned scoring Ranking SVMs Shortcoming of our LTR approach so far Approaching IR ranking like we have done so far is not necessarily the right way to think about the problem. Statisticians normally first divide problems into classification problems (where a categorical variable is predicted) versus regression problems (where a real number is predicted). In between is the specialized field of ordinal regression where a ranking is predicted. Machine learning for ad hoc retrieval is most properly thought of as an ordinal regression problem, where the goal is to rank a set of documents for a query, given training data of the same sort. Next up: ranking SVMs, a machine learning method that learns an ordering directly. Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Learning to rank 34 / 46 Zone scoring Machine-learned scoring Ranking SVMs Exercise Example Example DocID Query Cosine ω Judgment Φ1 37 linux 0.03 3 relevant Φ2 37 penguin 0.04 5 nonrelevant Φ3 238 operating system 0.04 2 relevant Φ4 238 runtime 0.02 3 nonrelevant Give parameters a, b, c of a line aα + bω + c that separates relevant from nonrelevant. Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Learning to rank 35 / 46 Zone scoring Machine-learned scoring Ranking SVMs Basic setup for ranking SVMs As before we begin with a set of judged query-document pairs. But we do not represent them as query-document-judgment triples. Instead, we ask judges, for each training query q, to order the documents that were returned by the search engine with respect to relevance to the query. We again construct a vector of features ψj = ψ(dj , q) for each document-query pair – exactly as we did before. For two documents di and dj , we then form the vector of feature differences: Φ(di , dj , q) = ψ(di , q) − ψ(dj , q) Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Learning to rank 37 / 46 Zone scoring Machine-learned scoring Ranking SVMs Training a ranking SVM Vector of feature differences: Φ(di , dj, q) = ψ(di , q) − ψ(dj , q) By hypothesis, one of di and dj has been judged more relevant. Notation: We write di ≺ dj for “di precedes dj in the results ordering”. If di is judged more relevant than dj, then we will assign the vector Φ(di , dj , q) the class yijq = +1; otherwise −1. This gives us a training set of pairs of vectors and “precedence indicators”. Each of the vectors is computed as the difference of two document-query vectors. We can then train an SVM on this training set with the goal of obtaining a classifier that returns wTΦ(di , dj , q) > 0 iff di ≺ dj Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Learning to rank 38 / 46 Zone scoring Machine-learned scoring Ranking SVMs Advantages of Ranking SVMs vs. Classification/regression Documents can be evaluated relative to other candidate documents for the same query, rather than having to be mapped to a global scale of goodness. This often is an easier problem to solve since just a ranking is required rather than an absolute measure of relevance. Especially germane in web search, where the ranking at the very top of the results list is exceedingly important. Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Learning to rank 39 / 46 Zone scoring Machine-learned scoring Ranking SVMs Why simple ranking SVMs don’t work that well Ranking SVMs treat all ranking violations alike. But some violations are minor problems, e.g., getting the order of two relevant documents wrong. Other violations are big problems, e.g., ranking a nonrelevant document ahead of a relevant document. Some queries have many relevant documents, others few. Depending on the training regime, too much emphasis may be put on queries with many relevant documents. In most IR settings, getting the order of the top documents right is key. In the simple setting we have described, top and bottom ranks will not be treated differently. → Learning-to-rank frameworks actually used in IR are more complicated than what we have presented here. Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Learning to rank 40 / 46 Zone scoring Machine-learned scoring Ranking SVMs Example for superior performance of LTR SVM algorithm that directly optimizes MAP (as opposed to ranking). Proposed by: Yue, Finley, Radlinski, Joachims, ACM SIGIR 2002. Performance compared to state-of-the-art models: cosine, tf-idf, BM25, language models (Dirichlet and Jelinek-Mercer) Learning-to-rank clearly better than non-machine-learning approaches Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Learning to rank 41 / 46 Zone scoring Machine-learned scoring Ranking SVMs Optimizing scaling/representation of features Both of the methods that we’ve seen treat the features as given and do not attempt to modify the basic representation of the document-query pairs. Much of traditional IR weighting involves nonlinear scaling of basic measurements (such as log-weighting of term frequency, or idf). At the present time, machine learning is very good at producing optimal weights for features in a linear combination, but it is not good at coming up with good nonlinear scalings of basic measurements. This area remains the domain of human feature engineering. Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Learning to rank 42 / 46 Zone scoring Machine-learned scoring Ranking SVMs Assessment of learning to rank The idea of learning to rank is old. Early work by Norbert Fuhr and William S. Cooper But it is only very recently that sufficient machine learning knowledge, training document collections, and computational power have come together to make this method practical and exciting. While skilled humans can do a very good job at defining ranking functions by hand, hand tuning is difficult, and it has to be done again for each new document collection and class of users. The more features are used in ranking, the more difficult it is to manually integrate them into one ranking function. Web search engines use a large number of features → web search engines need some form of learning to rank. Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Learning to rank 43 / 46 Zone scoring Machine-learned scoring Ranking SVMs Exercise Write down the training set from the last exercise as a training set for a ranking SVM. Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Learning to rank 44 / 46 Zone scoring Machine-learned scoring Ranking SVMs Take-away today Basic idea of learning to rank (LTR): We use machine learning to learn the relevance score (retrieval status value) of a document with respect to a query. Zone scoring: a particularly simple instance of LTR Machine-learned scoring as a general approach to ranking Ranking SVMs Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Learning to rank 45 / 46 Zone scoring Machine-learned scoring Ranking SVMs Resources Chapter 15-2 of IIR Resources at and, materials in MU IS and FI MU library References to ranking SVM results Microsoft learning to rank datasets Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Learning to rank 46 / 46