Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web PV211: Introduction to Information Retrieval IIR 19: Web search Handout version Petr Sojka, Hinrich Schütze et al. Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno Center for Information and Language Processing, University of Munich 2024-05-08 (compiled on 2024-06-19 22:01:56) Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 1 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Overview 1 Big picture 2 Ads 3 Duplicate detection 4 Spam 5 Web IR Queries Links Context Users Documents Size 6 Size of the web Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 2 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Web search overview Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 4 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Search is a top activity on the web 2008: 2024: Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 5 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Without search engines, the web wouldn’t work Without search, content is hard to find. → Without search, there is no incentive to create content. Why publish something if nobody will read it? Why publish something if I don’t get ad revenue from it? Somebody needs to pay for the web. Servers, web infrastructure, content creation A large part today is paid by search ads. Search pays for the web. Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 6 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Interest aggregation Unique feature of the web: A small number of geographically dispersed people with similar interests can find each other. Elementary school kids with hemophilia People interested in translating R5 Scheme into relatively portable C (open source project) Search engines are a key enabler for interest aggregation. Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 7 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web IR on the web vs. IR in general On the web, search is not just a nice feature. Search is a key enabler of the web: . . . . . . financing, content creation, interest aggregation, etc. → look at search ads The web is a chaotic and uncoordinated collection. → lots of duplicates – need to detect duplicates No control / restrictions on who can author content → lots of spam – need to detect spam The web is very large. → need to know how big it is Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 8 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Take-away today Big picture Ads – they pay for the web Duplicate detection – addresses one aspect of chaotic content creation Spam detection – addresses one aspect of lack of central access control Probably won’t get to today Web information retrieval Size of the web Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 9 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web First generation of search ads: Goto (1996) Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 11 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web First generation of search ads: Goto (1996) Buddy Blake bid the maximum ($0.38) for this search. He paid $0.38 to Goto every time somebody clicked on the link. Pages were simply ranked according to bid – revenue maximization for Goto. No separation of ads/docs. Only one result list! Upfront and honest. No relevance ranking, . . . . . . but Goto did not pretend there was any. Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 12 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Second generation of search ads: Google (2000/2001) Strict separation of search results and search ads Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 13 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Two ranked lists: web pages (left) and ads (right) (2001) SogoTrade appears in search results. SogoTrade appears in ads. Do search engines rank advertisers higher than non- advertisers? All major search engines claim no. Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 14 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Do ads influence editorial content? Similar problem at newspapers / TV channels A newspaper is reluctant to publish harsh criticism of its major advertisers. The line often gets blurred at newspapers / on TV. No known case of this happening with search engines yet? Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 15 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web How are the ads on the right ranked? Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 16 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web How are ads ranked? Advertisers bid for keywords – sale by auction. Open system: Anybody can participate and bid on keywords. Advertisers are only charged when somebody clicks on your ad. How does the auction determine an ad’s rank and the price paid for the ad? Basis is a second price auction, but with twists For the bottom line, this is perhaps the most important research area for search engines – computational advertising. Squeezing an additional fraction of a cent from each ad means billions of additional revenue for the search engine. Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 17 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Ranking ads Selecting the ads to show for a query and ranking them is a ranking problem . . . . . . similar to the document ranking problem. Key difference: The bid price of each ad is a factor in ranking that we didn’t have in document ranking. First cut: rank advertisers according to bid price Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 18 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web How are ads ranked? First cut: according to bid price à la Goto Bad idea: open to abuse Example: query [treatment for cancer?] → how to write your last will We don’t want to show nonrelevant or offensive ads. Instead: rank based on bid price and relevance Key measure of ad relevance: clickthrough rate clickthrough rate = CTR = clicks per impressions Result: A nonrelevant ad will be ranked low. Even if this decreases search engine revenue short-term Hope: Overall acceptance of the system and overall revenue is maximized if users get useful information. Other ranking factors: location, time of day, quality and loading speed of landing page The main ranking factor: the query Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 19 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Google’s second price auction advertiser bid CTR ad rank rank paid A $4.00 0.01 0.04 4 (minimum) B $3.00 0.03 0.09 2 $2.68 C $2.00 0.06 0.12 1 $1.51 D $1.00 0.08 0.08 3 $0.51 bid: maximum bid for a click by advertiser CTR: click-through rate: when an ad is displayed, what percentage of time do users click on it? CTR is a measure of relevance. ad rank: bid × CTR: this trades off (i) how much money the advertiser is willing to pay against (ii) how relevant the ad is rank: rank in auction paid: second price auction price paid by advertiser Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 20 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Google’s second price auction (cont.) advertiser bid CTR ad rank rank paid A $4.00 0.01 0.04 4 (minimum) B $3.00 0.03 0.09 2 $2.68 C $2.00 0.06 0.12 1 $1.51 D $1.00 0.08 0.08 3 $0.51 Second price auction: The advertiser pays the minimum amount necessary to maintain their position in the auction (plus 1 cent). price1 × CTR1 = bid2 × CTR2 (this will result in rank1=rank2) price1 = bid2 × CTR2 / CTR1 p1 = bid2 × CTR2/CTR1 = 3.00 × 0.03/0.06 = 1.50 p2 = bid3 × CTR3/CTR2 = 1.00 × 0.08/0.03 = 2.67 p3 = bid4 × CTR4/CTR3 = 4.00 × 0.01/0.08 = 0.50 Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 21 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Keywords with high bids In 2008, on highest paying search terms were $69.1 mesothelioma treatment options $65.9 personal injury lawyer michigan $62.6 student loans consolidation $61.4 car accident attorney los angeles $59.4 online car insurance quotes $59.4 arizona dui lawyer $46.4 asbestos cancer $40.1 home equity line of credit $39.8 life insurance quotes $39.2 refinancing $38.7 equity line of credit $38.0 lasik eye surgery new york city $37.0 2nd mortgage $35.9 free car insurance quote Compare today’s ones on Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 22 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Search ads: A win-win-win? The search engine company gets revenue every time somebody clicks on an ad. The user only clicks on an ad if they are interested in the ad. Search engines punish misleading and nonrelevant ads. As a result, users are often satisfied with what they find after clicking on an ad. The advertiser finds new customers in a cost-effective way. Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 23 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Exercise Why is web search potentially more attractive for advertisers than TV spots, newspaper ads or radio spots? The advertiser pays for all this. How can the advertiser be cheated? Any way this could be bad for the user? Any way this could be bad for the search engine? Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 24 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Not a win-win-win: Keyword arbitrage Buy a keyword on Google Then redirect traffic to a third party that is paying much more than you are paying Google. E.g., redirect to a page full of ads This rarely makes sense for the user. Ad spammers keep inventing new tricks. The search engines need time to catch up with them. Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 25 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Not a win-win-win: Violation of trademarks Example: geico During part of 2005: The search term “geico” on Google was bought by competitors. Geico lost this case in the United States. Louis Vuitton lost similar case in Europe in 2005: see archival webpage It’s potentially misleading to users to trigger an ad off of a trademark if the user can’t buy the product on the site. Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 26 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Duplicate detection The web is full of duplicated content. More so than many other collections Exact duplicates Easy to eliminate E.g., use hash/fingerprint Near-duplicates Abundant on the web Difficult to eliminate For the user, it’s annoying to get a search result with near-identical documents. Marginal relevance is zero: even a highly relevant document becomes non-relevant if it appears below a (near-)duplicate. We need to eliminate near-duplicates. Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 28 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Near-duplicates: Example Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 29 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Exercise How would you eliminate near-duplicates on the web? Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 30 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Detecting near-duplicates Compute similarity with an edit-distance measure We want “syntactic” (as opposed to semantic) similarity. True semantic similarity (similarity in content) is too difficult to compute. We do not consider documents near-duplicates if they have the same content, but express it with different words. Use similarity threshold θ to make the call “is/isn’t a near-duplicate”. E.g., two documents are near-duplicates if similarity > θ = 80%. Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 31 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Represent each document as set of shingles A shingle is simply a word n-gram. Shingles are used as features to measure syntactic similarity of documents. For example, for n = 3, “a rose is a rose is a rose” would be represented as this set of shingles: { a-rose-is, rose-is-a, is-a-rose } We can map shingles to 1..2m (e.g., m = 64) by fingerprinting. From now on: sk refers to the shingle’s fingerprint in 1..2m. We define the similarity of two documents as the Jaccard coefficient of their shingle sets. Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 32 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Recall: Jaccard coefficient A commonly used measure of overlap of two sets Let A and B be two sets Jaccard coefficient: jaccard(A, B) = |A ∩ B| |A ∪ B| (A = ∅ or B = ∅) jaccard(A, A) = 1 jaccard(A, B) = 0 if A ∩ B = 0 A and B don’t have to be the same size. Always assigns a number between 0 and 1. Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 33 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Jaccard coefficient: Example Three documents: d1: “Jack London traveled to Oakland” d2: “Jack London traveled to the city of Oakland” d3: “Jack traveled from Oakland to London” Based on shingles of size 2 (2-grams or bigrams), what are the Jaccard coefficients J(d1, d2) and J(d1, d3)? J(d1, d2) = 3/8 = 0.375 J(d1, d3) = 0 Note: very sensitive to dissimilarity Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 34 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Represent each document as a sketch The number of shingles per document is large. To increase efficiency, we will use a sketch, a cleverly chosen subset of the shingles of a document. The size of a sketch is, say, n = 200 . . . . . . and is defined by a set of permutations π1 . . . π200. Each πi is a random permutation on 1..2m The sketch of d is defined as: < mins∈d π1(s), mins∈d π2(s), . . . , mins∈d π200(s) > (a vector of 200 numbers). Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 35 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Permutation and minimum: Example document 1: {sk } document 2: {sk} ✲ ✲ ✲ ✲ ✲ ✲ ✲ ✲ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2m 2m 2m 2m 2m 2m 2m 2ms s1 s s1 s s2 s s5 s s3 s s3 s s4 s s4 xk = π(sk ) xk = π(sk) s ss ss ss s x3 ❝ x3 ❝ x1 ❝ x1 ❝ x4 ❝ x4 ❝ x2 ❝ x5 ❝ x3 ❝ x3 ❝ x1 ❝ x1 ❝ x4 ❝ x5 ❝ x2 ❝ x2 ❝ xk xk x3 ❝ x3 ❝ minsk π(sk) minsk π(sk) We use mins∈d1 π(s) = mins∈d2 π(s) as a test for: are d1 and d2 near-duplicates? In this case: permutation π says: d1 ≈ d2 Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 36 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Computing Jaccard for sketches Sketches: Each document is now a vector of n = 200 numbers. Much easier to deal with than the very high-dimensional space of shingles But how do we compute Jaccard? Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 37 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Computing Jaccard for sketches (2) How do we compute Jaccard? Let U be the union of the set of shingles of d1 and d2 and I the intersection. There are |U|! permutations on U. For s′ ∈ I, for how many permutations π do we have arg mins∈d1 π(s) = s′ = arg mins∈d2 π(s)? Answer: (|U| − 1)! There is a set of (|U| − 1)! different permutations for each s in I. ⇒ |I|(|U| − 1)! permutations make arg mins∈d1 π(s) = arg mins∈d2 π(s) true Thus, the proportion of permutations that make mins∈d1 π(s) = mins∈d2 π(s) true is: |I|(|U| − 1)! |U|! = |I| |U| = J(d1, d2) Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 38 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Estimating Jaccard Thus, the proportion of successful permutations is the Jaccard coefficient. Permutation π is successful iff mins∈d1 π(s) = mins∈d2 π(s) Picking a permutation at random and outputting 1 (successful) or 0 (unsuccessful) is a Bernoulli trial. Estimator of probability of success: proportion of successes in n Bernoulli trials. (n = 200) Our sketch is based on a random selection of permutations. Thus, to compute Jaccard, count the number k of successful permutations for < d1, d2 > and divide by n = 200. k/n = k/200 estimates J(d1, d2). Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 39 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Implementation We use hash functions as an efficient type of permutation: hi : {1..2m} → {1..2m} Scan all shingles sk in union of two sets in arbitrary order For each hash function hi and documents d1, d2, . . .: keep slot for minimum value found so far If hi (sk ) is lower than minimum found so far: update slot Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 40 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Example d1 d2 s1 1 0 s2 0 1 s3 1 1 s4 1 0 s5 0 1 h(x) = x mod 5 g(x) = (2x + 1) mod 5 min(h(d1)) = 1 = 0 = min(h(d2)) min(g(d1)) = 2 = 0 = min(g(d2)) ˆJ(d1, d2) = 0+0 2 = 0 d1 slot d2 slot h ∞ ∞ g ∞ ∞ h(1) = 1 1 1 – ∞ g(1) = 3 3 3 – ∞ h(2) = 2 – 1 2 2 g(2) = 0 – 3 0 0 h(3) = 3 3 1 3 2 g(3) = 2 2 2 2 0 h(4) = 4 4 1 – 2 g(4) = 4 4 2 – 0 h(5) = 0 – 1 0 0 g(5) = 1 – 2 1 0 final sketches Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 41 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Exercise d1 d2 d3 s1 0 1 1 s2 1 0 1 s3 0 1 0 s4 1 0 0 h(x) = 5x + 5 mod 4 g(x) = (3x + 1) mod 4 Estimate ˆJ(d1, d2), ˆJ(d1, d3), ˆJ(d2, d3) Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 42 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Solution (1) d1 d2 d3 s1 0 1 1 s2 1 0 1 s3 0 1 0 s4 1 0 0 h(x) = 5x + 5 mod 4 g(x) = (3x + 1) mod 4 d1 slot d2 slot d3 slot ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ h(1) = 2 – ∞ 2 2 2 2 g(1) = 0 – ∞ 0 0 0 0 h(2) = 3 3 3 – 2 3 2 g(2) = 3 3 3 – 0 3 0 h(3) = 0 – 3 0 0 – 2 g(3) = 2 – 3 2 0 – 0 h(4) = 1 1 1 – 0 – 2 g(4) = 1 1 1 – 0 – 0 final sketches Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 43 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Solution (2) ˆJ(d1, d2) = 0 + 0 2 = 0 ˆJ(d1, d3) = 0 + 0 2 = 0 ˆJ(d2, d3) = 0 + 1 2 = 1/2 Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 44 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Shingling: Summary Input: N documents Choose n-gram size for shingling, e.g., n = 5 Pick 200 random permutations, represented as hash functions Compute N sketches: 200 × N matrix shown on previous slide, one row per permutation, one column per document Compute N·(N−1) 2 pairwise similarities Transitive closure of documents with similarity > θ Index only one document from each equivalence class Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 45 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Efficient near-duplicate detection Now we have an extremely efficient method for estimating a Jaccard coefficient for a single pair of two documents. But we still have to estimate O(N2) coefficients where N is the number of web pages. Still intractable One solution: locality sensitive hashing (LSH) Another solution: sorting (Henzinger 2006) Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 46 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web The goal of spamming on the web You have a page that will generate lots of revenue for you if people visit it. Therefore, you would like to direct visitors to this page. One way of doing this: get your page ranked highly in search results. Exercise: How can I get my page ranked highly? Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 48 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Spam technique: Keyword stuffing / Hidden text Misleading meta-tags, excessive repetition Hidden text with colors, style sheet tricks, etc. Used to be very effective, most search engines now catch these Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 49 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Keyword stuffing Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 50 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Spam technique: Doorway and lander pages Doorway page: optimized for a single keyword, redirects to the real target page Lander page: optimized for a single keyword or a misspelled domain name, designed to attract surfers who will then click on ads Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 51 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Lander page Number one hit on Google for the search “composita” The only purpose of this page: get people to click on the ads and make money for the page owner Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 52 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Spam technique: Duplication Get good content from somewhere (steal it or produce it yourself) Publish a large number of slight variations of it For example, publish the answer to a tax question with the spelling variations of “tax deferred” on the previous slide Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 53 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Spam technique: Cloaking Serve fake content to search engine spider So do we just penalize this always? No: legitimate uses (e.g., different content to US vs. European users) Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 54 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Spam technique: Link spam Create lots of links pointing to the page you want to promote Put these links on pages with high (or at least non-zero) PageRank Newly registered domains (domain flooding) A set of pages that all point to each other to boost each other’s PageRank (mutual admiration society) Pay somebody to put your link on their highly ranked page (“schuetze horoskop” example) Leave comments that include the link on blogs Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 55 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web SEO: Search engine optimization Promoting a page in the search rankings is not necessarily spam. It can also be a legitimate business – which is called SEO. You can hire an SEO firm to get your page highly ranked. There are many legitimate reasons for doing this. For example, Google bombs like Who is a failure? And there are many legitimate ways of achieving this: Restructure your content in a way that makes it easy to index Talk with influential bloggers and have them link to your site Add more interesting and original content Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 56 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web The war against spam Quality indicators Links, statistically analyzed (PageRank, etc.) Usage (users visiting a page) No adult content (e.g., no pictures with flesh-tone) Distribution and structure of text (e.g., no keyword stuffing) Combine all of these indicators and use machine learning Editorial intervention Blacklists Top queries audited Complaints addressed Suspect patterns detected Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 57 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Webmaster guidelines Major search engines have guidelines for webmasters. These guidelines tell you what is legitimate SEO and what is spamming. Ignore these guidelines at your own risk Once a search engine identifies you as a spammer, all pages on your site may get low ranks (or disappear from the index entirely). There is often a fine line between spam and legitimate SEO. Scientific study of fighting spam on the web: adversarial information retrieval Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 58 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Web IR: Differences from traditional IR Links: The web is a hyperlinked document collection. Queries: Web queries are different, more varied and there are a lot of them. How many? ≈ 109 Users: Users are different, more varied and there are a lot of them. How many? ≈ 109 Documents: Documents are different, more varied and there are a lot of them. How many? ≈ 1011 Context: Context is more important on the web than in many other IR applications. Ads and spam Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 60 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Query distribution (1) Most frequent queries on a large search engine on 2002.10.26. 1 sex 16 crack 31 juegos 46 Caramail 2 (artifact) 17 games 32 nude 47 msn 3 (artifact) 18 pussy 33 music 48 jennifer lopez 4 porno 19 cracks 34 musica 49 tits 5 mp3 20 lolita 35 anal 50 free porn 6 Halloween 21 britney spears 36 free6 51 cheats 7 sexo 22 ebay 37 avril lavigne 52 8 chat 23 sexe 38 53 eminem 9 porn 24 Pamela Anderson 39 winzip 54 Christina Aguilera 10 yahoo 25 warez 40 fuck 55 incest 11 KaZaA 26 divx 41 wallpaper 56 letras de canciones 12 xxx 27 gay 42 57 hardcore 13 Hentai 28 harry potter 43 postales 58 weather 14 lyrics 29 playboy 44 shakira 59 wallpapers 15 hotmail 30 lolitas 45 traductor 60 lingerie More than 1/3 of these are queries for adult content. Exercise: Does this mean that most people are looking for adult content? Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 62 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Query distribution (2) Queries have a power law distribution. Recall Zipf’s law: a few very frequent words, a large number of very rare words Same here: a few very frequent queries, a large number of very rare queries Examples of rare queries: search for names, towns, books, etc. The proportion of adult queries is much lower than 1/3 Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 63 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Types of queries / user needs in web search Informational user needs: I need information on something. “low hemoglobin” We called this “information need” earlier in the class. On the web, information needs proper are only a subclass of user needs. Other user needs: Navigational and transactional Navigational user needs: I want to go to this web site. “hotmail”, “myspace”, “United Airlines” Transactional user needs: I want to make a transaction. Buy something: “MacBook Air” Download something: “Acrobat Reader” Chat with someone: “live soccer chat” Difficult problem: How can the search engine tell what the user need or intent for a particular query is? Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 64 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Search in a hyperlinked collection Web search in most cases is interleaved with navigation . . . . . . i.e., with following links. Different from most other IR collections Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 66 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Bowtie structure of the web Strongly connected component (SCC) in the center Lots of pages that get linked to, but don’t link (OUT) Lots of pages that link to other pages, but don’t get linked to (IN) Tendrils, tubes, islands Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 68 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web User intent: Answering the need behind the query What can we do to guess user intent? Guess user intent independent of context: Spell correction Precomputed “typing” of queries (next slide) Better: Guess user intent based on context: Geographic context (slide after next) Context of user in this session (e.g., previous query) Context provided by personal profile (Yahoo/MSN do this, Google claims it does not) Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 70 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Guessing of user intent by “typing” queries Calculation: 5+4 Unit conversion: 1 kg in pounds Currency conversion: 1 euro in kronor Tracking number: 8167 2278 6764 Flight info: LH 454 Area code: 650 Map: columbus oh Stock price: msft Albums/movies, etc.: coldplay Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 71 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web The spatial context: Geo-search Three relevant locations Server ( → New York) Web page ( article about Albania) User (located in Palo Alto) Locating the user IP address Information provided by user (e.g., in user profile) Mobile phone Geo-tagging: Parse text and identify the coordinates of the geographic entities Example: East Palo Alto CA → Latitude: 37.47 N, Longitude: 122.14 W Important NLP problem Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 72 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web How do we use context to modify query results? Result restriction: Don’t consider inappropriate results For user on . . . . . . only show .fr results Ranking modulation: use a rough generic ranking, rerank based on personal context Contextualization / personalization is an area of search with a lot of potential for improvement. Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 73 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Users of web search Use short queries (average < 3) Rarely use operators Do not want to spend a lot of time on composing a query Only look at the first couple of results Want a simple UI, not a search engine start page overloaded with graphics Extreme variability in terms of user needs, user expectations, experience, knowledge, . . . Industrial/developing world, English/Estonian, old/young, rich/poor, differences in culture and class One interface for hugely divergent needs Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 75 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web How do users evaluate search engines? Classic IR relevance (as measured by F) can also be used for web IR. Equally important: Trust, duplicate elimination, readability, loads fast, no pop-ups On the web, precision is more important than recall. Precision at 1, precision at 10, precision on the first 2–3 pages But there is a subset of queries where recall matters. Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 76 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Web information needs that require high recall Has this idea been patented? Searching for info on a prospective financial advisor Searching for info on a prospective employee Searching for info on a date Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 77 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Web documents: different from other IR collections Distributed content creation: no design, no coordination “Democratization of publishing” Result: extreme heterogeneity of documents on the web Unstructured (text, html), semistructured (html, xml), structured/relational (databases) Dynamically generated content Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 79 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Dynamic content Dynamic pages are generated from scratch when the user requests them – usually from underlying data in a database. Example: current status of flight LH 454 Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 80 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Dynamic content (2) Most (truly) dynamic content is ignored by web spiders. It’s too much to index it all. Actually, a lot of “static” content is also assembled on the fly (asp, php, etc.: headers, date, ads, etc.) Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 81 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Web pages change frequently (Fetterly 1997) Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 82 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Multilinguality Documents in a large number of languages Queries in a large number of languages First cut: Don’t return English results for a Japanese query However: Frequent mismatches query/document languages Many people can understand, but not query in a language. Translation is important. Google example: “Beaujolais Nouveau -wine” Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 83 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Duplicate documents Significant duplication – 30%–40% duplicates in some studies. Duplicates in the search results were common in the early days of the web. Today’s search engines eliminate duplicates very effectively. Key for high user satisfaction. Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 84 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Trust For many collections, it is easy to assess the trustworthiness of a document. A collection of Reuters newswire articles A collection of TASS (Telegraph Agency of the Soviet Union) newswire articles from the 1980s Your Outlook email from the last three years Web documents are different: In many cases, we don’t know how to evaluate the information. Hoaxes abound. Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 85 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Growth of the web The web keeps growing. But growth is no longer exponential? Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 87 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Size of the web: Issues What is size? Number of web servers? Number of pages? Terabytes of data available? Some servers are seldom connected. Example: Your laptop running a web server Is it part of the web? The “dynamic” web is infinite. Any sum of two numbers is its own dynamic page on Google. (Example: “2+4”) Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 88 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web “Search engine index contains N pages”: Issues Can I claim a page is in the index if I only index the first 4,000 bytes? Can I claim a page is in the index if I only index anchor text pointing to the page? There used to be (and still are?) billions of pages that are only indexed by anchor text. Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 89 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Simple method for determining a lower bound OR-query of frequent words in a number of languages According to this query: Size of web ≥ 21,450,000,000 on 2007.07.07 and ≥ 25,350,000,000 on 2008.07.03 But page counts of Google search results are only rough estimates. Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 90 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Size of the web: Who cares? Media Users They may switch to the search engine that has the best coverage of the web. Users (sometimes) care about recall. If we underestimate the size of the web, search engine results may have low recall. Search engine designers (how many pages do I need to be able to handle?) Crawler designers (which policy will crawl close to N pages?) Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 92 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web What is the size of the web? Any guesses? Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 93 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Simple method for determining a lower bound OR-query of frequent words in a number of languages According to this query: Size of web ≥ 21,450,000,000 on 2007.07.07 Big if: Page counts of Google search results are correct. (Generally, they are just rough estimates.) But this is just a lower bound, based on one search engine. How can we do better? Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 94 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Size of the web: Issues The “dynamic” web is infinite. Any sum of two numbers is its own dynamic page on Google. (Example: “2+4”) Many other dynamic sites generating infinite number of pages The static web contains duplicates – each “equivalence class” should only be counted once. Some servers are seldom connected. Example: Your laptop Is it part of the web? Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 95 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web “Search engine index contains N pages”: Issues Can I claim a page is in the index if I only index the first 4,000 bytes? Can I claim a page is in the index if I only index anchor text pointing to the page? There used to be (and still are?) billions of pages that are only indexed by anchor text. Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 96 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web How can we estimate the size of the web? Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 97 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Sampling methods Random queries Random searches Random IP addresses Random walks Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 98 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Variant: Estimate relative sizes of indexes There are significant differences between indexes of different search engines. Different engines have different preferences. max URL depth, max count/host, anti-spam rules, priority rules etc. Different engines index different things under the same URL. anchor text, frames, meta-keywords, size of prefix etc. Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 99 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Sampling URLs Ideal strategy: Generate a random URL Problem: Random URLs are hard to find (and sampling distribution should reflect “user interest”) Approach 1: Random walks / IP addresses In theory: might give us a true estimate of the size of the web (as opposed to just relative sizes of indexes) Approach 2: Generate a random URL contained in a given engine Suffices for accurate estimation of relative size Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 101 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Random URLs from random queries Idea: Use vocabulary of the web for query generation Vocabulary can be generated from web crawl Use conjunctive queries w1 AND w2 Example: vocalists AND rsi Get result set of one hundred URLs from the source engine Choose a random URL from the result set This sampling method induces a weight W (p) for each page p. Method was used by Bharat and Broder (1998). Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 102 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Checking if a page is in the index Either: Search for URL if the engine supports this Or: Create a query that will find doc d with high probability Download doc, extract words Use 8 low frequency word as AND query Call this a strong query for d Run query Check if d is in result set Problems Near duplicates Redirects Engine time-outs Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 103 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Random searches Choose random searches extracted from a search engine log (Lawrence & Giles 97) Use only queries with small result sets For each random query: compute ratio size(r1)/size(r2) of the two result sets Average over random searches Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 106 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Advantages & disadvantages Advantage Might be a better reflection of the human perception of coverage Issues Samples are correlated with source of log (unfair advantage for originating search engine) Duplicates Technical statistical problems (must have non-zero results, ratio average not statistically sound) Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 107 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Random IP addresses [ONei97,Lawr99] [Lawr99] exhaustively crawled 2,500 servers and extrapolated Estimated size of the web to be 800 million Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 111 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Advantages and disadvantages Advantages Can, in theory, estimate the size of the accessible web (as opposed to the (relative) size of an index) Clean statistics Independent of crawling strategies Disadvantages Many hosts share one IP (→ oversampling) Hosts with large web sites don’t get more weight than hosts with small web sites (→ possible undersampling) Sensitive to spam (multiple IPs for same spam server) Again, duplicates Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 112 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Conclusion Many different approaches to web size estimation. None is perfect. The problem has gotten much harder. There has not been a good study for a couple of years. Great topic for a thesis! Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 116 / 117 Big picture Ads Duplicate detection Spam Web IR Size of the web Resources Chapter 19 of IIR Resources at and, materials in MU IS and FI MU library Hal Varian explains Google second price auction: Size of the web queries Trademark issues (Geico and Vuitton cases) How ads are priced Henzinger, Finding near-duplicate web pages: A large-scale evaluation of algorithms, ACM SIGIR 2006. Sojka, IIR Group: PV211: Web search 117 / 117