Introduction to Information Retrieval Introduction to Information Retrieval CS276: Information Retrieval and Web Search Christopher Manning and Pandu Nayak Lecture 14: Distributed Word Representations for Information Retrieval Introduction to Information Retrieval How can we more robustly match a user’s search intent? We want to understand a query, not just do String equals() § If user searches for [Dell notebook battery size], we would like to match documents discussing “Dell laptop battery capacity” § If user searches for [Seattle motel], we would like to match documents containing “Seattle hotel” A pure keyword-matching IR system does nothing to help…. Simple facilities that we have already discussed do a bit to help § Spelling correction § Stemming / case folding But we’d like to better understand when query/document match Sec. 9.2.2 Introduction to Information Retrieval How can we more robustly match a user’s search intent? Query expansion: § Relevance feedback could allow us to capture this if we get near enough to matching documents with these words § We can also use information on word similarities: § A manual thesaurus of synonyms for query expansion § A measure of word similarity § Calculated from a big document collection § Calculated by query log mining (common on the web) Document expansion: § Use of anchor text may solve this by providing human authored synonyms, but not for new or less popular web pages, or non-hyperlinked collections Sec. 9.2.2 Introduction to Information Retrieval Example of manual thesaurus Sec. 9.2.2 Introduction to Information Retrieval Search log query expansion § Context-free query expansion ends up problematic § [wet ground] ≈ [wet earth] § So expand [ground] ⇒ [ground earth] § But [ground coffee] ≠ [earth coffee] § You can learn query context-specific rewritings from search logs by attempting to identify the same user making a second attempt at the same user need § [Hinton word vector] § [Hinton word embedding] § In this context, [vector] ≈ [embedding] § But not when talking about a disease vector or C++! Introduction to Information Retrieval Automatic Thesaurus Generation § Attempt to generate a thesaurus automatically by analyzing a collection of documents § Fundamental notion: similarity between two words § Definition 1: Two words are similar if they co-occur with similar words. § Definition 2: Two words are similar if they occur in a given grammatical relation with the same words. § You can harvest, peel, eat, prepare, etc. apples and pears, so apples and pears must be similar. § Co-occurrence based is more robust, grammatical relations are more accurate. Why? Sec. 9.2.3 Introduction to Information Retrieval Simple Co-occurrence Thesaurus § Simplest way to compute one is based on term-term similarities in C = AAT where A is term-document matrix. § wi,j = (normalized) weight for (ti ,dj) § For each ti, pick terms with high values in C ti dj N M What does C contain if A is a term-doc incidence (0/1) matrix? Sec. 9.2.3 A Introduction to Information Retrieval Automatic thesaurus generation example … sort of works Word Nearest neighbors absolutely absurd, whatsoever, totally, exactly, nothing bottomed dip, copper, drops, topped, slide, trimmed captivating shimmer, stunningly, superbly, plucky, witty doghouse dog, porch, crawling, beside, downstairs makeup repellent, lotion, glossy, sunscreen, skin, gel mediating reconciliation, negotiate, cease, conciliation keeping hoping, bring, wiping, could, some, would lithographs drawings, Picasso, Dali, sculptures, Gauguin pathogens toxins, bacteria, organisms, bacterial, parasites senses grasp, psyche, truly, clumsy, naïve, innate Too little data (10s of millions of words) treated by too sparse method. 100,000 words = 1010 entries in C. Introduction to Information Retrieval How can we represent term relations? § With the standard symbolic encoding of terms, each term is a dimension § Different terms have no inherent similarity § motel [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0]T hotel [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] = 0 § If query on hotel and document has motel, then our query and document vectors are orthogonal Sec. 9.2.2 Introduction to Information Retrieval Can you directly learn term relations? § Basic IR is scoring on qTd § No treatment of synonyms; no machine learning § Can we learn parameters W to rank via qTWd ? § Cf. Query translation models: Berger and Lafferty (1999) § Problem is again sparsity – W is huge > 1010 Introduction to Information Retrieval Is there a better way? § Idea: § Can we learn a dense low-dimensional representation of a word in ℝd such that dot products uTv express word similarity? § We could still if we want to include a “translation” matrix between vocabularies (e.g., cross-language): uTWv § But now W is small! § Supervised Semantic Indexing (Bai et al. Journal of Information Retrieval 2009) shows successful use of learning W for information retrieval § But we’ll develop direct similarity in this class Introduction to Information Retrieval § You can get a lot of value by representing a word by means of its neighbors § “You shall know a word by the company it keeps” § (J. R. Firth 1957: 11) § One of the most successful ideas of modern statistical NLP ë These words will represent banking ì Distributional similarity based representations 12 …government debt problems turning into banking crises as happened in 2009… …saying that Europe needs unified banking regulation to replace the hodgepodge… …India has just given its banking system a shot in the arm… Introduction to Information Retrieval Solution: Low dimensional vectors § The number of topics that people talk about is small (in some sense) § Clothes, movies, politics, … • Idea: store “most” of the important information in a fixed, small number of dimensions: a dense vector • Usually 25 – 1000 dimensions • How to reduce the dimensionality? • Go from big, sparse co-occurrence count vector to low dimensional “word embedding” 13 Introduction to Information Retrieval Traditional Way: Latent Semantic Indexing/Analysis § Use Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) – kind of like Principal Components Analysis (PCA) for an arbitrary rectangular matrix – or just random projection to find a lowdimensional basis or orthogonal vectors § Theory is that similarity is preserved as much as possible § You can actually gain in IR (slightly) by doing LSA, as “noise” of term variation gets replaced by semantic “concepts” § Somewhat popular in the 1990s [Deerwester et al. 1990, etc.] § But results were always somewhat iffy (… it worked sometimes) § Hard to implement efficiently in an IR system (dense vectors!) § Discussed in IIR chapter 18, but not discussed further here § Not on the exam (!!!) Sec. 18.2 Introduction to Information Retrieval “NEURAL EMBEDDINGS” Introduction to Information Retrieval Word meaning is defined in terms of vectors § We will build a dense vector for each word type, chosen so that it is good at predicting other words appearing in its context … those other words also being represented by vectors … it all gets a bit recursive 0.286 0.792 −0.177 −0.107 0.109 −0.542 0.349 0.271 banking = Introduction to Information Retrieval Neural word embeddings - visualization 17 Introduction to Information Retrieval Basic idea of learning neural network word embeddings § We define a model that aims to predict between a center word wt and context words in terms of word vectors § p(context|wt) = … § which has a loss function, e.g., § J = 1 − p(w−t |wt) § We look at many positions t in a big language corpus § We keep adjusting the vector representations of words to minimize this loss Introduction to Information Retrieval Idea: Directly learn low-dimensional word vectors based on ability to predict • Old idea: Learning representations by back-propagating errors. (Rumelhart et al., 1986) • A neural probabilistic language model (Bengio et al., 2003) • NLP (almost) from Scratch (Collobert & Weston, 2008) • A recent, even simpler and faster model: word2vec (Mikolov et al. 2013) à intro now • The GloVe model from Stanford (Pennington, Socher, and Manning 2014) connects back to matrix factorization • Per-token representations: Deep contextual word representations: ELMo, ULMfit, BERT 19 Non-linear and slow Fast bilinear models Current state of the art Introduction to Information Retrieval Word2vec is a family of algorithms [Mikolov et al. 2013] Predict between every word and its context words! Two algorithms 1. Skip-grams (SG) Predict context words given target (position independent) 2. Continuous Bag of Words (CBOW) Predict target word from bag-of-words context Two (moderately efficient) training methods 1. Hierarchical softmax 2. Negative sampling 3. Naïve softmax Introduction to Information Retrieval Word2Vec Skip-gram Overview § Example windows and process for computing 𝑃 𝑤𝑡+𝑗 | 𝑤𝑡 21 …crisesbankingintoturningproblems… as center word at position t outside context words in window of size 2 outside context words in window of size 2 𝑃 𝑤*+, | 𝑤* 𝑃 𝑤*+- | 𝑤* 𝑃 𝑤*., | 𝑤* 𝑃 𝑤*.- | 𝑤* Introduction to Information Retrieval Word2vec: objective function For each position 𝑡 = 1, … , 𝑇, predict context words within a window of fixed size m, given center word 𝑤4. 𝐿 𝜃 = 7 *8, 9 7 .:;4;: 4<= 𝑃 𝑤*+4 | 𝑤*; 𝜃 The objective function 𝐽 𝜃 is the (average) negative log likelihood: 𝐽 𝜃 = − 1 𝑇 log 𝐿(𝜃) = − 1 𝑇 F *8, 9 F .:;4;: 4<= log 𝑃 𝑤*+4 | 𝑤*; 𝜃 Minimizing objective function ⟺ Maximizing predictive accuracy Likelihood = 𝜃 is all variables to be optimized sometimes called cost or loss function 22 Introduction to Information Retrieval Word2vec: objective function • We want to minimize the objective function: 𝐽 𝜃 = − 1 𝑇 F *8, 9 F .:;4;: 4<= log 𝑃 𝑤*+4 | 𝑤*; 𝜃 • Question: How to calculate 𝑃 𝑤*+4 | 𝑤*; 𝜃 ? • Answer: We will use two vectors per word w: • 𝑣I when w is a center word • 𝑢I when w is a context word • Then for a center word c and a context word o: 𝑃 𝑜 𝑐 = exp(𝑢P 9 𝑣Q) ∑I∈T exp(𝑢I 9 𝑣Q) 23 Introduction to Information Retrieval Word2vec: prediction function 𝑃 𝑜 𝑐 = exp(𝑢P 9 𝑣Q) ∑I∈T exp(𝑢I 9 𝑣Q) § This is an example of the softmax function ℝU → (0,1)U softmax 𝑥^ = exp(𝑥^) ∑48, U exp(𝑥4) = 𝑝^ § The softmax function maps arbitrary values 𝑥^ to a probability distribution 𝑝^ § “max” because amplifies probability of largest 𝑥^ § “soft” because still assigns some probability to smaller 𝑥^ § Frequently used in neural networks/Deep Learning Dot product compares similarity of o and c. 𝑢9 𝑣 = 𝑢. 𝑣 = ∑^8, U 𝑢^ 𝑣^ Larger dot product = larger probability Normalize over entire vocabulary to give probability distribution 24 Exponentiation makes anything positive Open region Introduction to Information Retrieval Word2vec: 2 matrices of parameters Center word embeddings as rows Context word embeddings as columns (Transposed!) Introduction to Information Retrieval To learn good word vectors: Compute all vector gradients! § We often define the set of all parameters in a model in terms of one long vector § In our case with d-dimensional vectors and V many words: § We then optimize these parameters Note: Every word has two vectors! Makes it simpler! Introduction to Information Retrieval Intuition of how to minimize loss for a simple function over two parameters We start at a random point and walk in the steepest direction, which is given by the derivative of the function Contour lines show points of equal value of objective function Introduction to Information Retrieval Descending by using derivatives We will minimize a cost function by gradient descent Trivial example: (from Wikipedia) Find a local minimum of the function f(x) = x4−3x3+2, with derivative f'(x) = 4x3−9x2 Subtracting a fraction of the gradient moves you towards the minimum! Introduction to Information Retrieval Vanilla Gradient Descent Code Introduction to Information Retrieval Stochastic Gradient Descent § But Corpus may have 40B tokens and windows § You would wait a very long time before making a single update! § Very bad idea for pretty much all neural nets! § Instead: We update parameters after each window t à Stochastic gradient descent (SGD) Introduction to Information Retrieval Working out how to optimize a neural network is really all the chain rule! Chain rule! If y = f(u) and u = g(x), i.e. y = f(g(x)), then: Simple example: 𝑑𝑦 𝑑𝑥 = 20(𝑥d + 7)d . 3𝑥- Introduction to Information Retrieval Introduction to Information Retrieval Introduction to Information Retrieval Introduction to Information Retrieval Introduction to Information Retrieval 36 Introduction to Information Retrieval Linear Relationships in word2vec These representations are very good at encoding similarity and dimensions of similarity! § Analogies testing dimensions of similarity can be solved quite well just by doing vector subtraction in the embedding space Syntactically § xapple − xapples ≈ xcar − xcars ≈ xfamily − xfamilies § Similarly for verb and adjective morphological forms Semantically (Semeval 2012 task 2) § xshirt − xclothing ≈ xchair − xfurniture § xking − xman ≈ xqueen − xwoman 37 Introduction to Information Retrieval king man woman Test for linear relationships, examined by Mikolov et al. a:b :: c:? man woman [ 0.20 0.20 ] [ 0.60 0.30 ] king [ 0.30 0.70 ] [ 0.70 0.80 ] − + + queen queen man:woman :: king:? a:b :: c:? Word Analogies Introduction to Information Retrieval GloVe Visualizations 39 Introduction to Information Retrieval Glove Visualizations: Company - CEO 40 Introduction to Information Retrieval Glove Visualizations: Superlatives 5/14/19 41 Introduction to Information Retrieval Application to Information Retrieval Application is just beginning – we’re “at the end of the early years” § Google’s RankBrain – little is publicly known § Bloomberg article by Jack Clark (Oct 26, 2015): lucrative-web-search-over-to-ai-machines § A result reranking system. “3rd most valuable ranking signal” § But note: more of the potential value is in the tail? § New SIGIR Neu-IR workshop series (2016 on) Introduction to Information Retrieval An application to information retrieval Nalisnick, Mitra, Craswell & Caruana. 2016. Improving Document Ranking with Dual Word Embeddings. WWW 2016 Companion. Mitra, Nalisnick, Craswell & Caruana. 2016. A Dual Embedding Space Model for Document Ranking. arXiv:1602.01137 [cs.IR] Builds on BM25 model idea of “aboutness” § Not just term repetition indicating aboutness § Relationship between query terms and all terms in the document indicates aboutness (BM25 uses only query terms) Makes clever argument for different use of word and context vectors in word2vec’s CBOW/SGNS or GloVe Introduction to Information Retrieval Modeling document aboutness: Results from a search for Albuquerque d1 d2 Introduction to Information Retrieval Using 2 word embeddings word2vec model with 1 word of context Focus word Context word WIN Embeddings for focus words WOUT Embeddings for context words We can gain by using these two embeddings differently Introduction to Information Retrieval Using 2 word embeddings Introduction to Information Retrieval Dual Embedding Space Model (DESM) § Simple model § A document is represented by the centroid of its word vectors § Query-document similarity is average over query words of cosine similarity Introduction to Information Retrieval Dual Embedding Space Model (DESM) § What works best is to use the OUT vectors for the document and the IN vectors for the query § This way similarity measures aboutness – words that appear with this word – which is more useful in this context than (distributional) semantic similarity Introduction to Information Retrieval Experiments § Train word2vec from either § 600 million Bing queries § 342 million web document sentences § Test on 7,741 randomly sampled Bing queries § 5 level eval (Perfect, Excellent, Good, Fair, Bad) § Two approaches 1. Use DESM model to rerank top results from BM25 2. Use DESM alone or a mixture model of it and BM25 Introduction to Information Retrieval Results – reranking k-best list Pretty decent gains – e.g., 2% for NDCG@3 Gains are bigger for model trained on queries than docs Introduction to Information Retrieval Results – whole ranking system Introduction to Information Retrieval A possible explanation IN-OUT has some ability to prefer Relevant to close-by (judged) non-relevant, but it’s scores induce too much noise vs. BM25 to be usable alone Introduction to Information Retrieval DESM conclusions § DESM is a weak ranker but effective at finding subtler similarities/aboutness § It is effective at, but only at, reranking at least somewhat relevant documents § For example, DESM can confuse Oxford and Cambridge § Bing rarely makes an Oxford/Cambridge mistake! Introduction to Information Retrieval What else can neural nets do in IR? § Use a neural network as a supervised reranker § Assume a query and document embedding network (as we have discussed) § Assume you have (q,d,rel) relevance data § Learn a neural network (with supervised learning) to predict relevance of (q,d) pair § An example of “machine-learned relevance”, which we’ll talk about more next lecture Introduction to Information Retrieval What else can neural nets do in IR? § BERT: Devlin, Chang, Lee, Toutanova (2018) § A deep transformer-based neural network § Builds per-token (in context) representations § Produces a query/document representation as well § Or jointly embed query and document and ask for a retrieval score § Incredibly effective! § Introduction to Information Retrieval Summary: Embed all the things! Word embeddings are the hot new technology (again!) Lots of applications wherever knowing word context or similarity helps prediction: § Synonym handling in search § Document aboutness § Ad serving § Language models: from spelling correction to email response § Machine translation § Sentiment analysis § …