Relevance feedback + Text classification (Chapter 9+13) -vo,*..i Definition 1 (Rocchio relevance feedback) Rocchio relevance fi-idhach. has the form ID, £ i- '\D„\ Text classification and Naive Bayes (Chapter 13) Definition 2 (Naive Bayes Classifier) Naive Bayes IND] Class-lf'tur iisxwutfv that Ihr. ttffccA of tin; cubic of a urztlkior x on a given "la>t f iv cb.i.^ ro!.;iii.;.;iiial iinlrpcinl.clia./c liicvmn ptocidc.i a way of calcr.ialrna lb' posterior probability P(c\x) from cfast prkr probability Pic), predictor prior probability P{x) and probability of ihr. predictor given the class P(x\c) where qo is the original query vector, Dr is Hit set of relevant documents, Dn, is the sel of non-relevant documents and the ridiir.i ,t, H, ; dcj.rnd or. the ni/atem setting. Exercise 9/1 What is the main purpose of Rocchio relevance feedback? Exercise 9/2 A \iters primary query is cheap CD* • heap DVDs • zire.:iifjy thtap CDs. The user ha* n on two rlncimwrls^-fii-.-M a dm-i •tir.rkTi■■.>!* Hnp.Wr--. rfoap CDt as relevant and doc2 cheap thrill? DVDs as non-relevant Assume that we use a simple It scheme v.itiioul vector length norma li-iitua]. Wluit wmilil In lln- iratriK 1 uii-c sjimrv !T