PV266 – Game Development II Task 1 – Teams Spring 2024 Submission deadline: February 27th , 2024 (including) Summary: 1. Form a team 2. Submit a text file describing team members to IS. Details: 1. See and update this Google Spreadsheet - the table should help you to find out who has no team yet and support mutual communication. a. If you already have a whole team, just move your names to the right-most part of the spreadsheet and add the name of the team and the name of the game. Feel free to change the name from the PV255 period if you have a better one now. b. Otherwise, form the team – somehow. The team should have three members. c. Decide on the game. It is recommended to continue with one of the PV255 game prototypes from one of the team members. In the worst-case scenario, propose a new game in the form of a so-called “one-pager” (see study materials). 2. Once the team is settled down, submit a simple text file into HW Vault in IS containing: ● The name of the team ● The name of the game ● Full names + UČOs of the team members 3. If you are not continuing with the game from PV255, submit a one-pager in a PDF format. This is a team-based task, so one submission per team is sufficient ;-) Deliverables: text file. Just a reminder, we have our “Garrigue Games” discord server focused on Game Development Education in Brno region. You can use it for “matchmaking” ;) (looking for a team) - there is a dedicated channel for that. Feel free to join (not mandatory ;-) here: https://discord.gg/62mdgEajvy After joining, please adjust your server nickname to something at least a bit similar to your real-world name – so we can recognize who is Who. Thanks.