IoT Security Android and IoT Bluetooth devices PV285 Václav Oujezský, Karel Slavíček,Tomáš Pitner Bluetooth ̶ Classic Bluetooth - streaming and communication ̶ Bluetooth LE - low power requirements devices The Bluetooth 4.0 specification includes both classic Bluetooth and Bluetooth LE. The term ‘classic Bluetooth’ isn’t completely accurate. In the Bluetooth 4.0 specification, the SIG (Special Interest Group) defined four Bluetooth controller technologies, that means there is only one Bluetooth, which is the SIG's Bluetooth. The Bluetooth technology itself includes four types (modes): BR (Basic Rate), EDR (Enhanced Data Rate), AMP (Alternate MAC and PHY Extension), and LE (Low Energy). Since LE was proposed in 2010, people call the former BR/EDR/AMP technology ‘classic Bluetooth’ technology for convenience. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that Bluetooth only has the LE mode after Bluetooth 4.0! Typical IoT applications Smartphones can work with both specifications Bluetooth Stack Profiles: ● SPP - Serial Port Profile ● GAP - Generic Access Profile ● GATT - Generic Attribute Profile ● ATT - Attribute Profile ● … Bluetooth overview Bluetooth Profile - to regulate the communication between heterogeneous Bluetooth devices. There are more than 30 profiles standardized by Bluetooth SIG aka Headset Profile (HSP), which specifies how a Bluetooth headset can be used with mobile phones. Bluetooth Connection - one device in discoverable mode responding to an inquiry. If the initiator knows the MAC address (48 bit), the inquiry has to be answered. Pairing procedure follows after the information exchange. Pairing involves certain user interaction to confirm the identity of the remote device. If the pairing is successful, a shared secret named link key is created to encrypt their communication and the two devices are set to be bounded. Bluetooth characteristic ̶ No supporting infrastructure is required, ̶ Spontaneous (ad hoc) star network formation pico-net ̶ Pico-network is not large, many establishments would cause chaos ̶ A pico-network can consist of up to 8 devices ̶ Devices find each other and form a pico-net ̶ Once two BT devices have contacted each other, they can invite their user to start a communication session ̶ the user can accept or reject the request to start a session ̶ only Bt devices approved by the user participate in the session ̶ are (slave) secondary devices that approve the connection implicitly Bluetooth characteristic The pico-network is controlled by one master (primary) station which is providing ̶ allocation of communication channels ̶ control of communication processes ̶ definition of radio space sharing (FHSS, TDD) ̶ synchronisation of the running time throughout the pico-network The pico-network also consists of up to seven (active) slave stations ̶ Slave stations synchronize with the master station ̶ Slave stations cannot communicate directly with each other (except during the existence detection phase) Topics covered in course PA151 Android Bluetooth The first Android versions used Linux’s BlueZ stack. ̶ Since Android 4.2 - Bluedroid or Fluoride stack by Google ̶ To interact with the stack - Android Bluetooth API. ̶ Classic Bluetooth API ̶ Bluetooth LE API Android Bluetooth permissions Access to the Bluetooth functionalities on Android is mediated by a set of permissions. ̶ BLUETOOTH_ADMIN - A third-party app can initiate the discovery of nearby Bluetooth devices or change the Bluetooth settings ̶ BLUETOOTH - app can perform Bluetooth communication with another device ̶ ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION - Bluetooth discovery may reveal the location of the user, from Android 6.0, if an app requests to scan nearby devices, it has to declare either the dangerous-level ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION or ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission. By default, the pairing process needs the user’s interaction. Permissions are defined in AndroidManifest.xml file. Android Bluetooth permissions Weaknesses - examples ̶ Inconsistent Authentication Process on Profiles - (pairing principles) If the device makes changes on the profiles, it still gets trusted since pairing has already done. ̶ Overly Openness to Profile Connection - once the bond is created, the host will try its best to connect to all the profiles claimed by the remote device, without explaining the risk. ̶ No Permission Management for Profile - when a third-party app is granted BLUETOOTH_ADMIN permission, for example Bluetooth keyboard, the keyboard becomes accessible automatically. Therefore, the app can further utilize the keyboard to inject inputs and take control of the connected device. Attacks - examples BLUETOOTH and BLUETOOTH_ADMIN are the standard and common permissions for typical Bluetooth apps. Google Play may grant them to a malicious app without user confirmation. ̶ Changeable Profile - instruct device to add an profile after pairing ̶ Silent Pairing - configuring remote to work without pairing and calling API createBond() ̶ Connecting Sensitive Profile - by using different framework instead of Android SDK HC-05 Most useful AT commands are ̶ AT : Check the connection ̶ AT+NAME : See default name ̶ AT+ADDR : See default address ̶ AT+VERSION : See version ̶ AT+UART : See the baudrate ̶ AT+ROLE: See role of bt module(1=master/0=slave) ̶ AT+RESET : Reset and exit AT mode ̶ AT+ORGL : Restore factory settings ̶ AT+PSWD: See default password HC-05 specification Specifications: Chips: 29LV800, BC417 Bluetooth version: V2.0+EDR Basic baud rate: 9600,8,1,n. Integrated Antenna. Range max.10m IO voltage: 3.3V Input voltage: 3.3~6V Including LED indication, uses 150mA and 3.3V Compatible with bluetooth master modules or master-slave modules. LAB scenario Android Studio, Arduino IDE HC-05 module assembled on board (red) STM 32 board Malicious APP Bluetooth NTB attacker Commands via console LAB resources Initial application Android code and Arduino IDE code: O4QNQ1a_qI?usp=sharing