Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Healthcare
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Healthcare
Nyní studovatW01 - An overview of the field, course info
Nyní studovatW02 - A showcase of selected approaches to AI/ML in healthcare
Nyní studovatW03 - Collaborative work in groups, weekly progress meetings
Nyní studovatW04 - Collaborative work in groups, weekly progress meetings
Nyní studovatW05 - Collaborative work in groups, weekly progress meetings
Nyní studovatW06 - Paper presentations, hackathon no. 1
Nyní studovatW07 - Invited lecture no.1 - Martin Balek from BioXcel therapeutics, speaking on AI/ML applications to drug repurposing
Nyní studovatW08 - Collaborative work in groups, weekly progress meetings
Nyní studovatW09 - Collaborative work in groups, weekly progress meetings
Nyní studovatW10 - Collaborative work in groups, weekly progress meetings
Nyní studovatW11 - Collaborative work in groups, weekly progress meetings
Nyní studovatW12 - Invited lecture no. 2 (Tomas Kazda, radio-oncologist and the Deputy Director for Research and Education of Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute)
Nyní studovatW13 - Project presentations, hackathon no. 2, colloquium
W05 - Collaborative work in groups, weekly progress meetings
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Healthcare
Nyní studovatW01 - An overview of the field, course info
Nyní studovatW02 - A showcase of selected approaches to AI/ML in healthcare
Nyní studovatW03 - Collaborative work in groups, weekly progress meetings
Nyní studovatW04 - Collaborative work in groups, weekly progress meetings
Nyní studovatW05 - Collaborative work in groups, weekly progress meetings
Nyní studovatW06 - Paper presentations, hackathon no. 1
Nyní studovatW07 - Invited lecture no.1 - Martin Balek from BioXcel therapeutics, speaking on AI/ML applications to drug repurposing
Nyní studovatW08 - Collaborative work in groups, weekly progress meetings
Nyní studovatW09 - Collaborative work in groups, weekly progress meetings
Nyní studovatW10 - Collaborative work in groups, weekly progress meetings
Nyní studovatW11 - Collaborative work in groups, weekly progress meetings
Nyní studovatW12 - Invited lecture no. 2 (Tomas Kazda, radio-oncologist and the Deputy Director for Research and Education of Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute)
Nyní studovatW13 - Project presentations, hackathon no. 2, colloquium